Class Details:
Decimals seem to scare a lot of people! In this class, we will cover the basics of working with these "scary" decimal numbers. This will include adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals.
Students need to be able to have basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts down for this class. This will be a two-day course for an hour each day. Students will find that these decimal numbers are actually quite delightful! Mr. Boge will do his standard "Game Day" on the final Thursday of class!
Important note: our system will send you the link to join the class 30 minutes prior to the start time of the class.
Instructor's Bio:
Hey there! My name is Cole Boge and I am excited to work with your child. If you ever have any questions or comments, please reach out to me! I've taught four years of middle school math, two years of elementary education and one year of special education.
Education: Bachelor of Science Degree from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa.
Hometown: Kaukauna, Wisconsin
Favorite things:
Jonathan says:
Lindsay says:
Elizabeth says:
Stephanie says:
Laura says:
Jody L. says: