WPPSI Test (Wechsler Preschool Primary Scale of Intelligence) Overview

What is the WPPSI?

The WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence) uses subtests to determine a child’s Verbal and Performance IQ scores as well as the processing speed for children ages 2.5 years old to 7.25 years old. The WPPSI uses composite scores to assess a student’s general intellectual ability and cognitive functioning based on their test performance and current age. The test typically takes less than an hour and is given one-on-one by a trained psychologist.

The WPPSI-IV is often required by private schools and some gifted and talented programs or schools as part of the application screening and admissions process; it is administered by the Education Records Bureau (ERB). The WPPSI-IV can also be used to identify cognitive delays, learning disabilities and be combined with other tests to assess each child’s level of intellectual giftedness. To get started with all of the WPPSI testing material offered by Testing Mom, check out our 100 Free Questions.

Is it true that you cannot prepare for these types of tests?

This is false. Many psychologist do not like when children practice because they think children will be exposed to testing materials and that this may skew the results. Our test prep does not expose your child to testing materials but instead helps them understand the types of questions they will be asked.

Subtests on the WPPSI

The WPPSI-IV includes 14 different subtests in three specific types (Core, Supplemental or Optional). Children aged 2 years, 6 months to 3 years, 11 months are administered these 5 subtests:

  • Receptive Vocabulary
  • Block Design
  • Information
  • Object Assembly
  • Picture Naming

Children aged 4 years to 7 years, 7 months are administered the 5 subtests shown above as well as these additional subtests:

  • Vocabulary
  • Picture Concepts
  • Symbol Search
  • Word Reasoning
  • Coding
  • Comprehension
  • Picture Completion
  • Similarities
  • Matrix Reasoning