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WPPSI Test (Wechsler Preschool Primary Scale of Intelligence) Overview

What is the WPPSI?

The WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence) uses subtests to determine a child’s Verbal and Performance IQ scores as well as the processing speed for children ages 2.5 years old to 7.25 years old. The WPPSI uses composite scores to assess a student’s general intellectual ability and cognitive functioning based on their test performance and current age. The test typically takes less than an hour and is given one-on-one by a trained psychologist.

The WPPSI-IV is often required by private schools and some gifted and talented programs or schools as part of the application screening and admissions process; it is administered by the Education Records Bureau (ERB). The WPPSI-IV can also be used to identify cognitive delays, learning disabilities and be combined with other tests to assess each child’s level of intellectual giftedness. To get started with all of the WPPSI testing material offered by Testing Mom, check out our 100 Free Questions.

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Is it true that you cannot prepare for these types of tests?

This is false. Many psychologist do not like when children practice because they think children will be exposed to testing materials and that this may skew the results. Our test prep does not expose your child to testing materials but instead helps them understand the types of questions they will be asked.

Subtests on the WPPSI

The WPPSI-IV includes 14 different subtests in three specific types (Core, Supplemental or Optional). Children aged 2 years, 6 months to 3 years, 11 months are administered these 5 subtests:

  • Receptive Vocabulary
  • Block Design
  • Information
  • Object Assembly
  • Picture Naming

Children aged 4 years to 7 years, 7 months are administered the 5 subtests shown above as well as these additional subtests:

  • Vocabulary
  • Picture Concepts
  • Symbol Search
  • Word Reasoning
  • Coding
  • Comprehension
  • Picture Completion
  • Similarities
  • Matrix Reasoning
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8 Responses


Could you tell me who I can contact to have my son to do the WPPSI™-IV in New York City?
I need him to do this test urgently as it is requested for a school application in France.

Hunter College Elementary School Gifted and Talented Program | NYC Gifted and Talented Program and Testing

[…] be given in English, the Stanford-Binet® – 5 test. This test is like the WISC® test and WPPSI™ test, is an IQ test and only administered by a trained […]


Could you tell me who I can contact to have my son to do the WPPSI™-IV in Japan or Hawaii?


Can we use the wppsi for deaf and hard of hearing children aged 2 years, 6 months to 3 years, 11 months in the performance side

Hi Rula,

The WPPSI is administered by a Psychologist and it would depend on the Psychologist’s skill set or training if they were qualified to test a child with special needs and what test would be used. We cannot verify or deny this test would be suitable in this scenario as it would be the responsibility of the Psychologist to confirm this based on their abilities.


Hi, could you advise where to the WPPSI test in Germany or if it’s possible to complete the test online? We live in Germany and we will move to New Jersey this summer after our son finishes his 1st Garde in German. Our first language is German and our son understand some English as he is in a German / English bilingual school.



Can you tell me how I can go about getting my child to do the WPPSI test (he is 6 years old).
We are based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Hi Jo, In Australia, the WPPSI test is administered by registered psychologists who are trained in this particular type of assessment.

To proceed with the testing, you should take the following steps:

Find a Registered Psychologist: The first step would be to find a qualified psychologist who is registered and experienced in administering the WPPSI test. You can search for such professionals through the Australian Psychological Society’s ‘Find a Psychologist’ service ( You can filter the search based on your location (Melbourne, Victoria) and the type of service required (child psychology).

Book an Appointment: Once you have identified a suitable psychologist, you will need to book an appointment for your child. Typically, the psychologist’s office will be able to guide you through this process. Make sure to clarify any questions or concerns you may have at this stage, such as the duration of the test, cost, and what your child should do to prepare.

Test Administration: On the day of the test, ensure your child is well-rested and has had a good meal. The test generally lasts 1-2 hours, depending on the version used, and it’s usually conducted in a comfortable and child-friendly environment.

Post-Test Discussion: After the test, the psychologist will interpret the results and discuss them with you, providing a comprehensive report. This discussion will help you understand your child’s intellectual strengths and weaknesses and will be useful for future educational planning.

Please note that it’s important to ensure your child feels comfortable and relaxed throughout this process. The purpose of the WPPSI is to understand your child’s cognitive abilities better, not to cause stress or anxiety.

If your child’s school has a guidance counselor or educational psychologist, it might also be a good idea to discuss the process with them. They may be able to provide additional advice or resources.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions email us at

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