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What subjects are administered in each grade?

Grade 3 Reading and Math

Grade 4 Reading, Math, and Writing

Grade 5 Reading, Math, and Science

Grade 6 Reading and Math

Grade 7 Reading, Math, and Writing

Grade 8 Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies

Grade 7-8 (students enrolled in high school mathematics) Algebra I End-of-Course STAAR Test

Grades 9-12 Algebra I, English I and II, Biology and US History

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What is the purpose of the test?

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the testing program for students in Texas public schools. The assessments are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), the state-mandated curriculum. The curriculum contains the content and skills students need to learn in order to be successful in the current grade and to make academic progress from year to year. Each STAAR assessment measures what students are learning in a specific grade.

For younger students, it provides a marker of their progress over the years, In both 5th and 8th grade, math and reading must be passed for your child to pass that grade level (unless other allowances are made by the grade placement committee).  In high school, the STAAR tests are required to be passed for your child to graduate.

Under current guidelines of House Bill 3 (HB 3), of the 82nd Texas Leglislature, 9th grade students will take up to 5 EOC assessments based on their participation in courses. Your child must meet a Satisfactory Academic Performance  (Level II) on each EOC assessment they take in order to graduate–and will be given 3 opportunities total to pass.

What are the testing requirements for students in grades 3–8 who are receiving instruction in subjects above their enrolled grade?

These students will be required to take STAAR assessments for the subjects in which they are receiving instruction if an assessment exists. For example, a student in grade 7 who is receiving instruction in grade 8 science would take the STAAR grade 8 science assessment and the STAAR grade 7 mathematics, reading, and writing assessments.

Are there any released test questions available for STAAR?

Texas Education Agency (TEA) has released selected test questions as well as administered test forms for all grades/subjects and courses. These questions can be found here.

For more questions regarding STAAR, please refer to this document from the TEA: STAAR FAQs

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9 Responses

I am a member, how can I access STAAR practice questions for reading and math?

Thank You!

Hi Rashim –

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please contact the Parent Success Team at or by calling 877-609-6203 and we’ll be happy to help you navigate to our STAAR practice materials.

All the best,


Excuse me, is there no Texas STARR test content here?

I can’t find it in “TESTS”.Although it was searchable from “Search the test,” the page reminded me to become a member, but I was already a member. So it’s very confusing.

Hi Yu –

Thank you for reaching out to us. Please contact the Parent Success Team at or by calling 877-609-6203 and we’ll be happy to help you navigate to our STAAR practice materials.

All the best,


Hello. I am a new member.
How can I access STAAR practice questions for reading and math?

Thank you!

Hi Sunhee –

Thank you for reaching out to us. For a faster response in the future, please email us at

I want to make sure you are looking for the right test. The STAAR test is given in Texas only to children in grades 3 and above. It is a state assessment test. You can find that here:

There is also a test called the Renaissance Star that is given nationwide. You can find that test here: You can also create a profile for your child and add this test specifically.

All the best,


How long is STAAR

The length of the Texas STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) test varies depending on the grade level and subject. For example, for Grades 3-5, the majority of the tests are designed to be completed in about 4 hours. For Grades 6-8, most tests are scheduled for about 4 hours, but some like the Grade 8 Science and Social Studies tests have a 5-hour administration time.

High school End-of-Course assessments also have a 5-hour administration time. However, the English I and II assessments have a 5-hour administration time for each of the two sections (Reading and Writing), which are typically administered on separate days.

It’s important to note that these are the suggested administration times and do not mean that every student will take that entire time. Some students might finish much earlier, while others with special accommodations may have extended time.

For the most accurate information, it’s best to check with your child’s school or the official Texas Education Agency website.

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