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Terra Nova Practice Test | Free Sample Questions

Wondering what kinds of questions your child will be asked on the TerraNova Tests?

Here is a practice test with five sample questions.

IMPORTANT: While the TerraNova practice questions shown on this page are representative of what your child will see on the exam, they aren’t taken directly from the actual test that’s being administered this year.For more TerraNova Practice, check out our 100 Free Questions.

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Types of questions on the TerraNova Test

The TerraNova is administered in grades K-12 and assesses foundational skills and knowledge in core areas such as Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

  • Reading

    • This section is designed to measure students’ understanding and comprehension of written material. It consists of various forms of texts, including prose, poetry, articles, and excerpts from books. Students are required to read these texts and answer questions about them. The questions test skills such as identifying main ideas and supporting details, understanding sequence of events, making inferences, understanding vocabulary in context, and analyzing author’s purpose and viewpoint. This test section is not merely about decoding words but also about critical thinking and interpretation.
  • Language

    • The Language section of the TerraNova Test assesses students’ grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and usage skills. It also examines their ability to compose and structure written content effectively. Students are asked to correct sentences, identify errors, and even complete written tasks that measure their ability to express themselves clearly and accurately in written form. Mastery of language conventions and knowledge of the mechanics of English language are key to performing well in this section.
  • Mathematics

    • This portion of the TerraNova exam is designed to test a student’s understanding of mathematical concepts, procedures, and problem-solving skills. It covers a range of mathematical areas such as number sense, operations, measurement, geometry, data analysis, probability, algebra, and functions. The questions often take the form of practical word problems to assess students’ ability to apply mathematics to real-world situations. The test is aligned with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, hence ensuring the relevance and applicability of the content.
  • Science

    • The Science section evaluates students’ understanding of key scientific concepts, principles, and theories. This involves topics from life science, physical science, and earth/space science. Students are also tested on their scientific inquiry skills, such as forming hypotheses, designing experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. It’s an assessment designed not just to test factual knowledge but also to measure how students think about, and interact with, scientific concepts.
  • Social Studies

    • This part of the TerraNova test examines students’ knowledge and comprehension of history, geography, civics, economics, and culture. It involves an understanding of various societal issues, structures, processes, and interactions. The test encourages students to connect the past with the present and analyze how societal changes influence individuals and communities. It also helps students develop a global perspective by studying about different cultures and societies.

The TerraNova test is beneficial as it not only measures students’ academic achievement but also provides valuable feedback to schools and educators about the effectiveness of their teaching strategies. It should be noted, however, that while standardized testing provides useful data, it only represents a snapshot of a student’s academic abilities and should be used in conjunction with other forms of assessment for a comprehensive view of a student’s skills and knowledge.

TerraNova Sample Question #1

Look at the cake Beverly baked for Sam in the first box. Choose the picture that shows what the cake looked like after Beverly cut out the first slice.

TerraNova Sample Question #2

Choose the picture with the most eggs.

TerraNova Sample Question #3

Look at the boxes with coins below. Choose the box that shows 40 cents.

TerraNova Sample Question #4

Look at the picture below. It is a snake. I’m going to read some words to you. Choose the word that rhymes with snake. What rhymes with snake? Is it shoe, cake, cup, or snail?

TerraNova Sample Question #5

Touch the picture that shows where a family in New York City is most likely to live.

Answers: 3rd from Left, 3rd Row Down, Bottom Right, 2nd from Left, 2nd from Left


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Tell us about your experiences

14 Responses

its a great exam for child


I would like to know if they have a place where my daughter can take a prep course in the Bronx

Renee Buckner

I like it however it would be nice to be able to make a mark on the correct answer and have the whole test at once to see how your child scored


Helpful , nead more questions


Good experiences


It’s an outtdated test. They still have pictures of TVs with antennas. Most kids now think that is a robot. If your kid has to take this test, go to a private testing center and take another test in it’s place. The trajectory of your child’s education is important. Don’t let an out dated test that you won’t be able to review affect your child’s education negatively.


The website promises 100 free questions; however, I was redirected to purchase a membership only after 10 questions. Can you kindly explain this to me?

Thank you for reaching out to us!

On our 100 free questions, after each set of 10 questions, there are two marketing pages that you must click through to get to the next round of questions.

All the best,



These are only sample questions with answers and not a breakdown of the type of questions and how they are valued and placed? For instance, all these questions are random from a variety of subject areas and do not indicate strength and/or weakness in a certain category?

Hi Paul –

These questions are a sample of the types of questions that are contained on the Terra Nova. We do have many more practice materials with a paid membership, where the questions are grouped according to grade and subect.

All the best,



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Тhanks for finally wrіting about > Terra Nova Pгactice Test | Free Sample Queѕtions – reginald

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