Terra Nova 8th Grade Practice Questions

The TerraNova Test serves as an achievement test that is administered to students in grades K-12. The exam strives to assess higher-order thinking as well as other academic skills that the child has been taught in school. The test measures specific skill criteria such as achievement in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, vocabulary and spelling. The test is formatted as a multiple choice test, however 1st graders and above may be given free-response questions.

Below are several TerraNova sample questions that are intended for the eighth grade level. Each practice question will reflect a specific subtest that your child will come across. Here is a practice test with five sample questions.

1.) Mathematics

Parent say to your child: “This test will measure how well you understand math. Use scratch paper if you need to. Choose the answer you think is best.”

TerraNova 8th Grade Practice Questions - MathematicsTerraNova 8th Grade Practice Questions - Mathematics

2.) Language: Spelling

For this section, each question will have a list of words. If one of the words is spelled wrong, fill in the circle next to that word. If none of the words are spelled wrong, fill the last circle that says, “no error”.

  • accustomed
  • fluorescent
  • impropreity
  • citadel
  • no errors

3.) Vocabulary

This section covers words and what they mean. Look at the phrase and underlined word. Then mark the word in the list below that has practically the same meaning as the underlined word.

a flippant response

  • frivolous
  • thoughtful
  • lengthy
  • careful

4.) Reading Comprehension

By Alexander Pope
*Note: Argus is another spelling of Argos.

When wise Ulysses, from his native coast
Long kept by wars, and long by tempests toss’d,
Arriv’d at last, poor, old, disguis’d, alone,
To all his friends, and even his Queen unknown:
Chang’d as he was, with age, and toils, and cares,
Furrow’d his reverend face, and white his hairs,
In his own palace forc’d to ask his bread,
Scorn’d by those slaves his former bounty fed,
Forgot of all his own domestic crew;
The faithful Dog alone his rightful master knew!

Unfed, unhous’d, neglected, on the clay,
Like an old servant, now cashier’d, he lay;
Touch’d with resentment of ungrateful man,
And longing to behold his ancient lord again.
Him when he saw he rose, and crawl’d to meet,
(‘Twas all he could) and fawn’d and kiss’d his feet,
Seiz’d with dumb joy: then falling by his side,
Own’d his returning lord, look’d up, and died!

Which line from the poem best describes Ulysses upon his return home?

  • Long kept by wars, and long by tempests toss’d,
  • Furrow’d his reverend face, and white his hairs,
  • Scorn’d by those slaves his former bounty fed,
  • Unfed, unhous’d, neglected, on the clay,

5.) Mathematics

Answer Key

  1. B. (The student correctly interprets division of a unit fraction by a non-zero whole number, and computes each quotient.)
  2. Option 3 (Impropriety)
  3. A.
  4. B. (Students who choose “B” show an understanding that the text states that Argus felt resentment (Touch’d with resentment of ungrateful man). Furthermore, they understand the meaning of the word resentment and connect this to the description in the answer statement.) (
  5. A. (The point (-3,6) will be located at (3,6) after a reflection over the Y-axis.)