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Best Method for Ravens Matrices Test Prep

In preparing for the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices, we recommend you practice NNAT-2 questions with your child.  The concepts covered on both tests are the same.  However, many of the Raven’s Matrices have some black and white question items. Ultimately the underlying concepts on the Raven’s Matrices are the same as what is covered on the NNAT-2.  All figural practice questions will help a child prepare for Raven’s Progressive Matrices.

No matter what grade your child is in, begin your practice with lower grade level questions and work your way up (and past grade level if possible) as questions on this test build on easier concepts covered in lower grade questions.

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Different Versions of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test

On the RPM test, teach your child the skill of working with figure matrices. We encourage you to work with all the types of matrix or analogy questions.

Figure Matrices questions stretch your child’s logic muscles, forcing her to examine a complex series of figures and see how they progress and fit together. Having her learn to complete the third and fourth figures so that they are analogous to the first two is a skill that will be helpful in nearly every other subject she encounters in school. These include vocabulary, math, geometry, and everything in between!

The Raven’s Progressive Matrices™ test is a unique multiple-choice assessment that evaluates your child’s visual-spatial reasoning abilities. During the test, your child will encounter a series of “puzzles,” each requiring them to identify the missing element that completes a certain pattern.

These patterns often appear within a matrix (hence the name of the test), and your child’s task is to detect the missing part of the sequence in each item. The questions on the Raven’s Matrices™ become gradually more challenging, demanding a higher degree of cognitive ability to understand, encode, and analyze.

The Raven’s Progressive Matrices™ is presented in three versions to suit different ages and abilities:

  1. Colored Progressive Matrices: Tailored for younger children (ages 5 – 11), the elderly, and those with learning difficulties, this test uses colorful images to engage participants effectively. The test comprises 36 items, with a few of the more challenging ones in black and white. The Colored Progressive Matrices test typically takes between 15 to 30 minutes to administer and is the simplest form of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices™.
  2. Standard Progressive Matrices: This version is suitable for children and adolescents between the ages of 6 – 16. It features 60 items, divided into five sets of 12. Each item in this black-and-white test is progressively more challenging, demanding increased cognitive capacity. The Standard Progressive Matrices test usually takes about 40 – 45 minutes to complete and is more challenging than the Colored Progressive Matrices.
  3. Advanced Progressive Matrices: Comprising 48 items (a set of 12 and another of 36), this version is the most challenging of the three. It is designed for adults and teenagers with advanced cognitive abilities. Just like the previous versions, the questions in the Advanced Progressive Matrices become progressively more difficult. This test typically takes between 40 – 60 minutes to administer.

Understanding these different versions of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices™ test can help you guide your child effectively as they prepare to take this assessment. Remember, this test is an opportunity to better understand your child’s unique cognitive strengths.

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