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Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

What is the Raven’s Test?

The Raven’s Progressive Matrices is administered as a nonverbal group test. It is typically a 60-item test used in measuring abstract reasoning and regarded as a non-verbal estimate of fluid intelligence. Many patterns are presented in the form of a 6×6, 4×4, 3×3, or 2×2 matrix, giving the test its name. All of the questions on the Raven’s progressives consist of visual geometric design with a missing piece. The test taker is given six to eight choices to pick from before filling in the missing piece. The test is unique because it does not rely on specific language or cultural knowledge, making it a fair measure of fluid intelligence, regardless of background or language ability. The RPM is divided into three different forms: Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM), Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), and Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM). Below is an overview of each section.

Breakdown of Raven’s Matrices

Quick referent guide for parents:

Test FormHigh-Level Description
Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM)The CPM is designed for children aged 5-11 years, as well as the elderly, and those with moderate to severe learning difficulties. It is simpler and focuses on assessing an individual’s observational skills and ability to complete patterns.
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)The SPM is meant for individuals aged 6-16 years and also adults of average intelligence. This test is a bit more challenging than CPM and focuses on assessing the individual’s clear-thinking ability, using both spatial and logical skills.
Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM)The APM is used for those who are expected to be above average in intellectual ability. It is appropriate for adults and adolescents of above-average intelligence. It is the most complex of the three tests, evaluating high-level observation skills, logical thinking, and intellectual capacity.

More details on the three different forms for test-takers of different ability:

Colored Progressive Matrices

  • Designed for younger children (ages 5 – 11), older people, and people with learning issues, these are presented with a colored background to make them more visually stimulating for participants. A few of the hardest items are in black and white. This is the easiest of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices™. The CPM is designed for younger children (ages 5-11), elderly individuals, and people with moderate to severe learning difficulties. The test includes 36 questions, arranged into three sets (A, AB, B), each containing 12 items. The problems presented in this section are visual, involving colorful patterns and shapes. A child is shown a large square that contains a pattern with a piece missing and asked to complete the pattern by choosing the correct option from six available pieces. Since the CPM is aimed at children, the patterns are relatively simple and become progressively more complex and abstract as the child moves through the test. The main aim of this section is to assess a child’s ability to perceive and think about patterns and relationships.

Standard Progressive Matrices

  • These are appropriate for children and teens ages 6 – 16. There are 5 sets of 12 items each (60 in total), with each item becoming progressively more difficult. These are black and white. Administration takes 40 – 45 minutes. These are more difficult than the Colored Progressive Matrices. The SPM is intended for people of average intelligence aged 6 to 70. The test comprises five sets (A, B, C, D, E) of 12 items each, totaling 60 items. This section involves black and white patterns, and the problems become increasingly difficult as the test progresses. Much like the CPM, the SPM presents a series of geometric designs with one piece missing. The child must select the correct missing piece from 6 (sets A & B) or 8 (sets C, D & E) options. The SPM is designed to measure the ability to think clearly and solve problems logically without relying on language skills.

Advanced Progressive Matrices

  • This set contains 48 items – a set of 12 and another set of 36. They are black and white and become increasingly harder as progress is made through the sets. These questions are geared toward adults and teenagers of advanced intelligence. Administration takes 40 – 60 minutes. These are the most difficult of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices™. The APM is designed for adults and adolescents of above-average intelligence. It’s also used with older children who score above average on the SPM. Unlike the previous sections, the APM presents more complex, abstract patterns and involves 8 multiple-choice options for each item. The problems in this section are meant to challenge and measure higher-level logical and analytical skills. The APM is frequently used in settings that require high cognitive performance, such as selective schools or for identifying gifted children.

Raven’s™ Progressive Matrices (RPM) is an IQ test, which contains multiple choice questions pertaining to abstract reasoning. In each test question in the Raven’s Matrices test, the child is asked to identify the missing item that completes a pattern. Many patterns are presented in the form of a matrix, giving the Raven Progressive Matrices test its name. We offer samples of matrices in our 100 free practice questions.

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In 1936 in the United Kingdom, John C. Raven thought that the tests in use at that time were cumbersome to administer and the results were difficult to interpret. As a result, he developed simple measures of the two main components of Spearman’s g: the ability to think clearly and make sense of complexity, eductive ability, and the ability to store and reproduce information, reproductive ability.

Skill Assessment

Raven’s Matrices consists of 60 items arranged in five sets (A, B, C, D, & E) of 12 items each. Each item contains a figure with a missing piece. Below the figure are either six (sets A & B) or eight (sets C through E) alternative pieces to complete the figure, only one of which is correct. Each set involves a different principle or “theme” for obtaining the missing piece. Within a set the items are roughly arranged in increasing order of difficulty.

The Raven Progressive Matrices test is a widely used intelligence test in many research and applied settings. In each test item, one is asked to find the missing pattern in a series. Each set of test questions within the Raven Matrices test progressively harder for the child. As a result of the increasing difficulty, g greater cognitive capacity is needed to encode and analyze questions from the Raven Test.

Frequently Asked Questions by Parents

As your child prepares to take the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RPM) test, it’s natural to have questions about the process. Below, are FAQs to help guide parents who have a child taking the Raven’s test.

What is the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RPM) test? 

    • The RPM is a non-verbal intelligence test designed to measure your child’s problem-solving skills, pattern perception, and logical thinking. It uses geometric designs and visual puzzles to assess cognitive abilities, independent of language and cultural background.

Who should take the Raven’s test? 

      • For kids, the Standard Progressive Matrices is typically designed as an assessment to determine a child’s eligibility for a gifted program. It’s also used in professional settings for adults.

 What does the test consist of? 

    • The test composed of 60 items grouped into five sets (A, B, C, D, E). Each item presents a pattern with a piece missing, and your child must choose the correct missing piece from multiple choices.

How long does the test take?

    • The test isn’t time and usually takes between 40-60 minutes to complete. However, it’s crucial to encourage your child to take their time and not rush through the questions.

How should my child prepare for the Raven’s test?

    • The best preparation involves nurturing a positive attitude towards problem-solving and pattern recognition. Encourage your child to engage in activities that enhance these skills, like puzzles, logic games or coding activities.

What does my child’s score mean?

    • The Raven’s test score reflects your child’s ability to solve problems and recognize patterns. Higher scores indicate stronger abilities in these areas. However, remember that this test is only one measure of intelligence and many factors contribute to your child’s overall cognitive abilities.

How can I support my child during the test?

    • The best way to support your child is by ensuring they’re well-rested and relaxed on the day of the test. Reinforce the idea that the goal of the test is to help understand their unique strengths and not to label their intelligence.

Is the Raven’s an indicator of my child’s academic success?

    • This test measures important cognitive skills while academic success depends on various factors such as motivation, memory and perseverance.

How often can the Raven’s test be taken?

    • Depending on the school district, retesting with the Raven’s test s generally not recommended within a one-year period to avoid practice effects. If you believe a retest is necessary, discuss this with your child’s teacher or a school administration.

What happens if my child does not score well on the Raven’s Matrices?

    • A single score should never define a child’s abilities. If your child scores lower than expected, use this as an opportunity to identify areas where they may need additional support. Consult with educators and professionals to develop strategies that enhance your child’s cognitive skills.

Tell us about your experiences

9 Responses


Need practice test for 5th grade going 6th


may i have the answer of the raven’s test?

Hi Mervyn –

The answers to the sample questions are B, C, A, C, B.

All the best,



Where do you have Raven Matrices tested in a clinical setting? Are there psychologists that do this virtuallly?

The Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) is a nonverbal intelligence test developed by Dr. John C. Raven in 1938. The test is typically administered by psychologists, educators, or trained test administrators in various settings, such as schools, clinics, or research centers. However, the test can also be administered by other professionals who have been trained in its administration and scoring procedures. It is important to note that the test should always be administered by a qualified professional in order to ensure the accuracy and validity of the results. You will need to contact a psychologist in your area to determine if the test can be done virtually or not.


Can u please tell about the latest or revised edition of Raven’s test.

The RPM2 consists of three different test forms, designed to accommodate various age groups and ability levels:

Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM): Intended for younger children (ages 5-11) and individuals with limited cognitive abilities, this form uses colored illustrations and is comparatively easier than the other two forms.

Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM): Designed for individuals aged 6 and above, the SPM includes items of increasing difficulty and is suitable for assessing the general population’s cognitive abilities.

Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM): This form is intended for individuals aged 12 and above, particularly those with above-average cognitive abilities. The APM includes more challenging items and is often used to assess gifted or highly intelligent individuals.

mr e

How to convert scores to IQ? What would 57/60 be? What would 60/60 be?

The Raven’s test score reflects your child’s ability to solve problems and recognize patterns. Higher scores indicate stronger abilities in these areas. However, remember that this test is only one measure of intelligence and many factors contribute to your child’s overall cognitive abilities.

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