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OLSAT 4th-5th Grade Practice Test

OLSAT Test 4th-5th Grade- Level E

Students that are in the fourth and fifth grades applying to gifted programs are often given the OLSAT test level E. Through multiple choice questions, the test evaluates a child’s verbal and nonverbal abilities.

Verbal questions consist of:

  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Following Directions Aural Reasoning

Nonverbal questions focus on:

  • Pattern Identification
  • Classification
  • Pictorial and Figural Analogies.

Note that the exam does not assess skills/content areas that are traditionally included in an academic curriculum. Instead, the test focuses on a student’s ability to use information to reason and problem solve.

The Level E test includes 72 questions, with a time limit of 60 minutes. The questions are designed to increase in difficulty in covering both fourth and fifth grade content. It is always best to begin preparing your child for the test as soon as possible. You may want to allow for a month of lead time.

This page offers practice questions that will help both you and your child to become familiar with the content and format of the exam questions. For additional sample questions, sign up for our 100 free practice questions.

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1.) What doesn’t belong?

2.) The opposite of thrifty is-

3.) If you rearranged these words into sentence order, the first word of the sentence would begin with the letter__?

4.) The pictures in the top row are related in a particular way. The pictures in the bottom row are related in a similar way. Look at the answers and find the one picture that belongs in the empty box.

5.) Choose the most logical explanation for each statement provided.


1.) 4 – Not pointing directly at each other
2.) 4 – wasteful
3.) 3 – The magazine showed the celebrity couple on the beach.
4.) 3 – Same shape rotated
5.) C

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25 Responses


Hi my son got a raw score of 47/72 on the fourth grade test. He was given 40 minutes to complete it. What would his percentile be? Thanks

Hi Tammy, your son’s percentile ranking would depend on how he placed along with the other students who took the test. The percentile ranking can’t be calculated from the raw score alone.



I think that number 4 was presented incorrectly as a visual problem. The second shape at the bottom should have been in the third position and the shape in answer number 2 should have come second. Am I missing something here?

Hi Elise –

Thank you for reaching out to us.

The best way to explain this question is to look at the designs on the bottom row as a pyramid. If you look at the main design as a pyramid, the square is always to the left of it (you would need to flip the first picture right side up). Therefore, the correct answer has to be #3.

All the best,


pranti mondal

this is helpful

learned something different


I am taking the OLSAT test for 5th grade tomorrow and I think it’s going to be awesome!!

Good one

Hi there, I’m in Australia. I’d the olsat level E for yr 4 & 5, the same as what you use in the US? If yes, how do I get practise tests pretty pls? My son is 10, and in year 4, 1st time testing at his school on the 15/11/21

Unfortunately there is no option for Australians to become a member, but if the olsat level E tests are the same in Australia, as in the US. How am I able to access practise tests for my son please ?

We’re so glad to hear that you’re interested in our service! We’ve helped tens of thousands of parents around the world prepare their child for a test and improve their school performance, and we’re so excited to help your child achieve their full potential! The OLSAT Level E is the same around the world.

Although we’re not yet equipped to take most international credit card payments, our international customers can pay us safely and easily via PayPal. Just log into your PayPal account (if you don’t have one yet, you can set one up within minutes) and send the membership fee for the package of your choice to

If you’re not sure which membership you want, just go to and you’ll see the prices for each level of service as well as a handy chart that breaks down what’s included in each package! 🙂

Once you send your payment, email a copy of your PayPal receipt to and we will get your account set up as soon as possible!

If you have questions about any of this, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help!

If you don’t mind, please take 2 seconds to let me know how I did answering your email by clicking on the appropriate icon at the bottom of this email.

Thanks for being a parent committed to ensuring that your child is a lifelong learner!

All the best,


Hi! My daughter is in 4th grade, and I got an email saying she will be having an OLSAT test between October 19th-November 14th. Is there any tips on how to get her prepared?


I want to register my daughter for the preparation classes.
Please let me know how to proceed.


Go to – we have all of our small group classes listed there!

How can get the 100 Free Questions when I’m already logged in?

Sign up and you’ll get access! If you have questions let us know at


My incoming grade 3 got 4 correct answers while my incoming grade 6 got it all correct. I’m checking where I can have my kids take the test here in the Philippines.


Please email us at so we can help you figure out the OLSAT testing in your area!

I want the 100 free questions, where can I access?


Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at or by calling (877) 609-6203. They will be more than happy to assist you!


This is definitely a brain teaser

Hi, I did 8 practice tests for grades 4-5 but most of the questions I got wrong didn’t show me how the correct answer is correct. Please change this.

We understand that it can be frustrating when you don’t get explanations for the questions you got wrong. We’d be happy to help you with any questions you’re struggling with. It would be great if you could contact for assistance with the specific problems we’re struggling with, so that we can better understand the concepts involved.

it was very fun and challenging it really helped my son do the L.A.R.C test, Thank you!

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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