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MAP Test Practice for 3rd Grade

The MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test for 3rd graders is a test used to measure the academic progress of a student during their 3rd grade year. The MAP test is an adaptive test that changes as the student answers questions.

At the 3rd grade level, students who take the MAP test will most likely be taking the MAP Growth test, which is a test designed to assess a student’s growth from term to term and figure out what they should be learning next.

The MAP Growth test for 3rd graders has 4 subjects that a student will encounter: reading, language, math, and science.

What shows up on your child’s MAP Growth test will be dependent on their school, state, and district. However, there are a few topics that are very likely to come up on your child’s test that should be the focuses of your preparation.

MAP® Reading for Grade 3

The MAP Growth Reading sub-test for 3rd graders is meant to assess a child’s skills in areas such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. The test is adaptive, with the question difficulty adjusting according to the number of correct or incorrect answers a student gives. Because of this, your child may see questions below or above their grade level.

The MAP Growth Reading sub-test will have around 40-43 questions, which will be pulled from the MAP’s Reading 2-5 question bank. While the test is untimed, it will take your child approximately 45-60 minutes to complete this sub-test. The reading sub-test for 3rd graders is meant for independent readers.

While your child’s MAP Growth Reading sub-test standards are determined by factors such as location and teacher, here are some skills you may want to prepare your child for.

Skill TypeContent
Informational TextInformational Text: Craft and Structure
Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details
LiteratureLiterature: Craft and Structure
Literature: Key Ideas and Details
Vocabulary Acquisition and UseContext Clues and References
Word Relationships and Nuance
Reference and Word Parts: Academic Vocabulary
Understand Key Ideas, Details, and ConnectionsInformational Text: Details, Inferences, and Conclusions
Informational Text: Theme, Central Idea, Supporting Details, Connections
Literary Text: Details, Inferences, Conclusions
Literary Text: Theme, Central Idea, Supporting Details, Connections
Understand Language, Craft, and StructureFigurative and Connotative Meanings: Impact of Word Choice
Informational Text: Point of View, Arguments and Claims, Structure, Text Features
Literary Text: Point of View, Structure, Text Features

MAP Reading Test Practice for 3rd Grade

Below are some MAP Test practice questions that highlight what your child may encounter while taking the MAP Reading Test Grade 3. Become a TestingMom member today to access more resources and over 500 3rd grade MAP reading test practice questions to help your child prepare for their MAP Reading Test!

Answer:  D

Answer:  A

Answer:  B

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MAP Math for Grade 3

The math portion of the MAP Growth test for 3rd graders is a sub-test meant to assess a child’s abilities in areas such as computation and problem solving, number sense, measurement and geometry, and more. The test is adaptive, so the difficulty of your child’s test will change with their answers, meaning students may see questions from above or below their grade level.

The Math section will have approximately 50-53 questions, pulling questions from the Map Growth Math 2-5 question bank. Working time for your child will be around 45-60 minutes.

Below is a list of skills your child may encounter while taking their Math sub-test. However, it’s important to check your district and state standards, as the exact content on the test will be dependent on where your child goes to school.

GeometryReasons with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Measurement and DataGeometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Represent and Interpret Data
Solving Problems Involving Measurement
Number and OperationsNumber and Operations – Fractions
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Operations and Algebraic ThinkingAnalyze Patterns and Relationships
Represent and Solve Problems
Properties of Operations

MAP Math Test Practice for 3rd Grade

Check out some possible questions your child may run across on their MAP Growth Math 3rd grade sub-test! We have a library of resources and over 700 3rd grade MAP math test practice questions for you and your child to prepare with, so make sure to become a TestingMom member today!

Answer:  C

Answer:  A

Answer:  B

MAP Science for Grade 3

At the 3rd grade level, students will be assessed for their knowledge and understanding of science standards, through the MAP Growth Science sub-test. The sub-test covers areas such as Life Science, Earth and Space Sciences, and Physical Sciences. The science sub-test is for students 3rd through 12th grade, and is an adaptive test. The difficulty of the test will change with your child’s answers, so your child may see questions from above their grade level.

The test will have approximately 45 questions, and a working time of 45-60 minutes, although the test is untimed.

While your child’s test is dependent on where your child goes to school, check below to see some possible areas your child may need to know about.

Knowledge AreaContent
Earth and Space ScienceEarth and Human Activity
Earth’s Place in the Universe
Earth’s Systems
Life ScienceEcosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits; Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
Physical ScienceEnergy; Waves and their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer
Matter and Its Interactions
Motional and Stability: Forces and interactions

MAP Science Test Practice for 3rd Grade

Below are MAP science test practice questions and what they may look like on your child’s test. Be sure to join TestingMom today as a member to access all of our resources and test prep questions for your child’s Science MAP Growth sub-test!

Answer:  A

Answer:  D

MAP Language for Grade 3

At the 3rd grade level, your child may take the MAP Growth Language Usage sub-test. This test is for students 2nd to 12th grade, and covers topics such as mechanics (grammar), parts of speech, usage, and writing process.

The test will have approximately 50-53 questions, and a working time of 45-60 minutes, although the test is untimed. As an adaptive test, the difficulty level changes depending on the student’s answers, meaning your child may encounter questions above or below their grade level.

Check the table below for possible skills and content your child may see on the test! It is important to always check your state and district standards, as the content on the test depends on where your child goes to school.

Language: Understand, Edit for Grammar, UsageParts of Speech
Phrases, Clauses, Agreement, Sentences
Language: Understand, Edit MechanicsCapitalization
Writing: Write, Revise Texts for Purpose and AudienceEstablish and Maintain Style; Use Precise Language
Plan, Organize; Create Cohesion, Use Transitions
Provide Support; Develop Topics; Conduct Research

MAP Language Test Practice for 3rd Grade

Below are some 3rd grade level questions similar to what your child may see on their MAP Language subtest! TestingMom has over 700 MAP language test practice questions and so much more, so be sure to become a member of TestingMom today!

Answer:  D

Answer:  C

Answer:  B

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7 Responses

I am a member of testing mom and still I am not able to access any practice questions.


Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at 877-609-6203 or They will help you log in and find the MAP Test Practice questions for 3rd Grade.


The experience with the practice questions were great!
I am going to join for mote practice with my third grader.


Appreciate the material.


I ♥️ the questions you gave me is really help me for my test


I would like practice questions for reading

Thank you for reaching out. With a membership, you will find that we have SEVERAL partner resources that concentrate on improving your child’s reading. They do this through interactive, self-paced programs that reward your child as they progress. We also have several resources that improve vocabulary, listening and language use. And when you know your child will be taking a test at school and this is an area they struggle with, you can practice just the reading portions of the exams in our printable practice questions under many popular assessment tests, including state mandated testing.
Good Luck!

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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