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MAP Growth Test for 7th Grade

Seventh graders take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth test for grades 6+. Schools generally administer MAP three times per year:  fall (benchmark), winter (progress), and spring (academic growth for year). It evaluates what students know and what they are ready to learn and may be used as a qualifier for gifted programs.

The MAP test is computerized and includes four sections: reading, language, math, and science. However, schools may not administer all four sections. It’s also adaptive, which means when students answer questions correctly, they are given more challenging questions. Inversely, when students answer questions incorrectly, they are given less challenging questions. This means some students may be answering questions above and/or below the grade 7 expectational skill level.

Contact your school for testing dates and which sections of the MAP tests will be administered.

MAP Reading for Grade 7

The MAP Growth Reading sub-test for 7th graders assesses their skills in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. While this 40-43 question test is untimed, it should take your child approximately 45-60 minutes to complete.

Reading & Literacy Skills: MAP Growth Reading Subtest for Grade 7

Skill TypeContent
Comprehend Literary & Informational TextCite Evidence to Support Text Analysis
Make Reasonable Inferences
Determine the Theme or Central Idea & How it is Supported by Key & Supporting Details
Summarize, Make Connections
Describe Plot Elements in Literature & How they are Related, Interact & Affect Theme
Informational Text: Explain How Events, Ideas & People are Introduced, Relate to Each Other & are Developed
Vocabulary Acquisition and UseDetermine Meaning of New Words in Context
Understand Connotative & Denotative Meanings of Words & Phrases
Analyze Impact of Word Choice on
Meaning, Tone & Mood
Interpret Figurative Language in Text, including Allusions
Understand Text StructureContrast Point of View of Characters in Literature
Explain How an Author Distinguishes his or her Point of View from Others’
Compare & Contrast Different Versions of a Text (audio, film, stage, etc.) particularly How the Different Formats Enhance the Topic
Evaluate an Argument and Whether Claims Are Properly Supported by Relevant Reasons & Evidence
Evaluate Quality of Texts Based on Established Criteria & Connections to Other Texts, Ideas, Cultural Perspectives, etc.

Below is a practice test question that highlights what your child may encounter while taking the MAP Reading subtest. Become a member today to access more resources and over 180 7th grade reading test questions to help your child prepare for their MAP Reading Test!

Directions: Read the following passage.

The common dandelion is an opportunist. It sacrifices body size for reproductive capacity. It saves energy by having a hollow stem, and it has just enough storage capacity to survive the winter. Its leaves are thin and weak, and it pushes its flower just high enough between paving stones or surrounding grass so that when the big yellow flower turns into the familiar wispy “clock,” the wind will be able to catch and disperse the seeds. Each head has upwards of 40 seeds, sometimes up to 100. When mature, each has its own fine, feathery parachute to help it travel from the parent plant, and a distinctive shape. It has a sharp, pointed end, to ensure the seed easily penetrates the ground it lands upon. Dandelions can flower twice in one year—doubling the amount of seeds it can spread in one season and are thus extremely successful—so much so that they live on every continent bar Antarctica.

1. It may be inferred from the passage that dandelions are
A. annuals: growing from seeds each year.
B. perennials: coming up year after year.
C. biannual: growing twice in one year.
D. biennials: growing one year and flowering the next.

Answer:  B

2. What is the main purpose if this passage?
A. to describe how dandelions reproduce
B. to explain how dandelions are so successful
C. to highlight how productive dandelions are
D. to describe what a dandelion looks like

Answer:  B

3. As it is used in the last line, the word “bar” most nearly means all of the following EXCEPT:
A. save
B. except
C. restrict
D. excluding

Answer:  C

MAP Math for Grade 7

Students in grade seven take the MAP Math Growth test for grades 6+. It assesses a child’s skills in Ratios & Proportional Relationships; the Number System; Expressions, Equations & Inequalities; Geometry; and Statistics & Probability. Like the other subtests, the math section is adaptive, so students will be given more or less challenging questions based on their performance. It contains approximately 50-53 questions, pulling questions from the MAP Growth Math question bank. Although the test is untimed, it should take your child around 45-60 minutes to complete.

Below is a list of skills your child may encounter while taking their Math sub-test. However, it’s important to check your district and state standards, as the exact content on the test will be dependent on where your child goes to school.

Ratios & Proportional RelationshipsDetermine Proportional Relationships
Identify the Constant of Proportionality in Tables, Graphs, Equations, etc.
Solve Equations regarding Proportional Relationships
Analyze Coordinates of Proportional Relationships
Solve Multi-Step Problems involving Ratios & Percents
The Number SystemDescribe Occasions when Opposite Quantities Combine to Equal Zero
Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide Rational Numbers
Understand the Properties of Addition/Subtraction & Multiplication/Division
Rational Numbers in Decimal Forms
Apply Operations to Rational Numbers
Expressions, Equations & InequalitiesRewrite, Interpret & Solve Linear Expressions
Solve & Estimate Multi-Step Problems
Symbolize & Solve Equations
Solve Linear Inequalities
Symbolize & Solve Inequalities
GeometrySolve Problems with Scale Drawings
Construct Triangles & Describe Angle Relationships
3D Figures: Describe Plane Sections
Circles: Calculate Area & Circumference
Area, Surface Area & Volume
Statistics & ProbabilityCreate & Interpret Box Plots
Analyze Visual Overlap of Data Sets
Make Informal Comparative Inferences regarding Populations
Sample Spaces, Probability & Simulations of Compound Events

Check out some possible questions your child may run across on their MAP Growth Math 7th grade subtest! We have a library of resources and over 300 seventh grade math test prep questions for you and your child to prepare with, so make sure to become a member today!

1. What value of  will make the following inequality INCORRECT?

A. 7.35
B. -11.04
C. 5.52
D. 3.68

Answer:  A

2. A spinner is shown in the figure below. If you spin it, what is the probability that the spinner will stop at a green color?

A. 7.35
B. -11.04
C. 5.52
D. 3.68

Answer:  B

3. Look at the angle below. What is the value of angle x?

A. 36o
B. 54o
C. 48o
D. 64o

Answer:  B

MAP Language for Grade 7

The MAP Growth Language Usage test is for students in 2nd through 12th grades and covers topics such as Grammar (like parts of speech), Mechanics (like punctuation and capitalization); Usage (like using proper verb tenses), and the Writing Process. This adaptive test contains approximately 50-53 questions and is untimed like the other sections of the test. However, it should take your child about 45-60 minutes to complete.

Check out the table below for possible skills and content your child may see on the test! It is important to always check with your child’s school, because state and district standards vary depending on where your child goes to school.

Understand and Edit for Grammar and Language UsagePronouns, Verbs, Subject/Verb Agreement & Sentence Structures
Phrases & Clauses
Modifiers: Misplaced & Dangling
Affixes & Word Roots
Word Relationships
Academic & Content-Specific Vocabulary
Using Precise Language in Writing
Understand and Edit for MechanicsCapitalization, Punctuation & Spelling
Understand Purpose for Writing and Writing ProcessIdentify & Implement appropriate Writing Structures & Craft for different Purposes: Informational, Argumentative, Narrative
Conduct Research using Reference Materials & Take Notes
Plan/Brainstorm for Writing
Write Draft & Organize
Provide Details & Evidence by Quoting, Paraphrasing & Citing Sources
Revise for Style & Tone

Below are some 7th grade level questions similar to what your child may see on their Language subtest! has over 300 test prep practice questions and so much more, so be sure to become a member of today!

Directions: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. What audience is the passage below appropriate for?

Welcome aboard! We are so excited to have you on our team. We promise you will receive full support from us as you train, and we look forward to a successful journey.

A. passengers on a plane
B. people at a wedding
C. a new employee
D. a group of friends

Answer:  C

2. Which of the choices is not a synonym of the underlined word?

The invention of the printing press altered the speed in which news was spread across a nation.

A. changed
B. sustained
C. modified
D. transformed

Answer:  B

3. What is an adjective?

A. a word that describes a noun or pronoun
B. a correlative conjunction
C. a word that is a person, place, or thing
D. a word that connects two clauses

Answer:  A

MAP Science for Grade 7

At the 7th grade level, students will be assessed for their knowledge and understanding of science standards through the MAP Growth Science sub-test. The test is computerized and given to students in grades 3 through 12. It is adaptive like the other sub-tests, so the question difficulty will depend on your child’s performance. This means that if your child answers grade 7-level questions incorrectly, he may be given less challenging questions. Inversely, if he performs above grade 7 level, he will see more challenging questions. The test covers Life Science concepts in the areas of Scientific Inquiry and Application; Structure, Function & Information Processing; Matter & Energy as it applies to Ecosystems & Organisms; Ecosystems: Interdependent Relationships; Organisms: Development, Growth & Reproduction; and Natural Selection.

The test will have approximately 45 questions, and a working time of 45-60 minutes, although the test is untimed.

Check out the table below for possible skills and content your child may see on the test! It is important to always check with your child’s school, because state and district standards vary depending on where your child goes to school.

Knowledge AreaContent
Scientific Inquiry & ApplicationConduct Scientific Investigations
Understand the Use of Lab Tools & Implement Proper Safety Measures
Interpret Data & Communicate Conclusions
Understand Engineering Design
Structure, Function & Information ProcessingCells, Life & Tissues
Interactions of Cells & Tissues
Body Systems & How they Work Together to Achieve Homeostasis
Sensory Receptors & Behavior
Matter & Energy as it applies to Ecosystems & OrganismsPhotosynthesis, Respiration, Carrying Capacity & Limiting Structures
Food Webs: Matter & Energy
Effects of Changes to Ecosystems
Ecosystems: Interdependent RelationshipsInteractions among Organisms
Ecosystem Sustainability
Organisms: Development, Growth & ReproductionReproductive Behaviors & Structures
Growth & Mutations
Reproduction: Sexual & Asexual
Natural SelectionCommon Ancestry
Natural Selection

Below are examples of what questions may look like on your child’s test. Be sure to join today as a member to access all of our resources and test prep questions for your child’s Science MAP Growth sub-test!

1. Which animal is most likely to cross-pollinate?

A. Dragonfly
B. Bee
C. Fly
D. Ladybug

Answer:  B

2. What process describes the movement of water into and out of a cell?

A. Push
B. Velocity
C. Osmosis
D. Friction

Answer:  C

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One Response

no way hose

no ur web page is not good my son failed his map test cause of yall i’m going to leave a bad yelp review!!!!!!!

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