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MAP Growth Test for 6th Grade

Sixth graders take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth test for grades 6+. Schools generally administer MAP three times per year: fall (benchmark), winter (progress), and spring (academic growth for year). It evaluates what students know and what they are ready to learn and may be used as a qualifier for gifted programs.

The MAP test is computerized and includes four sections: reading, language, math, and science. However, schools may not administer all four sections. It’s also adaptive, which means when students answer questions correctly, they are given more challenging questions. Inversely, when students answer questions incorrectly, they are given less challenging questions. This means some students may be answering questions above and/or below the grade 6 expectational skill level.

Contact your school for testing dates and which sections of the MAP tests will be administered.

MAP Reading for Grade 6

The MAP Growth Reading sub-test for 6th graders assesses their skills in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. While this 40-43-question test is untimed, it should take your child approximately 45-60 minutes to complete.

Reading & Literacy Skills: MAP Growth Reading Subtest for Grade 6

Skill TypeContent
Comprehend Literary & Informational TextCite Evidence to Support Text Analysis
Make Plausible Inferences
Determine the Development of Theme or Central Idea & How it is Supported by Key & Supporting Details
Describe Plot in Literature: How Characters Respond to Events, Characters and/or Setting
& How Characters Change throughout Story
Informational Text: Explain How Events, Ideas & People are Introduced, Relate to Each Other & are Developed
Vocabulary Acquisition and UseDetermine Meaning of New Words in Context
Understand Figurative & Connotative Meaning of Words & Phrases
Analyze Impact of Word Choice on
Meaning, Tone & Mood
Interpret Figurative Language in Text, Including Personification
Understand Text StructureAnalyze How a Paragraph, Stanza, Scene, etc. Helps Develop Theme, Central Idea, Setting or Plot
Identify Point of View in Literature & Explain How it Affects Meaning
Explain How an Author’s Culture or Geographic Location Influences Point of View
Compare & Contrast Text Formats, Particularly How the Formats Enhance Understanding of the Topic
Evaluate an Argument and Whether Claims Are Properly Supported by Relevant Reasons & Evidence
Evaluate Quality of Texts Based on Established Criteria & Connections to Other Texts, Ideas, Cultural Perspectives, etc

MAP Reading Test Practice for 6th Grade

Below is a practice test question that highlights what your child may encounter while taking the MAP Reading subtest. Become a member today to access more resources and over 300 6th grade MAP reading test practice questions to help your child prepare for their MAP Reading Test!

Directions: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Read the passage.

People have been forging art for thousands of years. There was an entire industry based on forged Greek sculptures in 1st century Rome. In 1945, Hans Meegeren admitted to forging a number of Vermeers, including a very famous one called the The Last Supper. All the experts were shocked: they were convinced it was real and would never have known if Mr. Meegeren hadn’t owned up. Something similar happened in 2018 to paintings that even had Sotheby’s (the great London Auction House) and the Louvre (the famous Paris gallery) fooled. Experts can test the pigments in paints, and the age of the canvas or board, but the more modern a painting is, the smaller the differences are. In any case, forgers are now capable of re-using old canvases and reproducing paints with the same chemical signatures as old ones. To try and combat the flood of fakes coming onto the art market, instead of testing miniscule flakes of paint, researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey, are working on an entirely different approach. Instead of looking at what the painting is made from, a digital camera and a powerful computer analyzes how it’s made. It looks at the thousands tiny brush strokes. Their shape and direction is like a fingerprint. Once the artificial Intelligence builds up enough genuine samples of an artist’s work, it should be able to spot a fake within seconds.

It may be inferred from the passage that Vermeer _______.
A. was a Roman artist
B. is someone famous
C. painted lots of pictures
D. paintings are pretty

Answer:  C

MAP Math for Grade 6

The MAP Math Growth test for grades 6+ assess a child’s skills in ratios & proportional relationships; the number system; expressions, equations & inequalities; geometry; and statistics & probability. Like the other subtests, the math section is adaptive, so students will be given more or less challenging questions based on their performance. It contains approximately 50-53 questions, pulling questions from the Map Growth Math question bank. Although the test is untimed, it should take your child around 45-60 minutes to complete.

Below is a list of skills your child may encounter while taking their Math sub-test. However, it’s important to check your district and state standards, as the exact content on the test will be dependent on where your child goes to school.

Ratios & Proportional RelationshipsUnderstand Ratios & Solve Problems with
Unit Rates
Create Tables of Equivalent Ratios, Determine Missing Values & Plot on the Coordinate Plane
Use Tables to Compare Ratios
Solve Problems involving Ratios
The Number SystemDivide Fractions & Whole Numbers
Use Arithmetic to Solve Multi-Digit Problems with Decimals
Determine Factors & Multiples of Numbers
Understand Positive & Negative Numbers
Identify Number Opposites on the Number Line
Find & Position Integers Vertically & Horizontally on a Number Line
Interpret Inequality Statements about Relative Position of Two Numbers on the Number Line
Distinguish between Numbers of Absolute Value and Number Order
Quadrants, Reflections & Distance on the Coordinate Plane
Expressions, Equations & InequalitiesWrite, Evaluate & Solve Whole Number Equations and Equations with Variables, including Word Problems
Generate & Identify Equivalent Expressions
Solve Equations & Inequalities Using Substitution
Write & Graph Inequalities, including Word Problems
GeometryCalculate Area of Polygons by Separating into Rectangles or Decomposing into Triangles & Quadrilaterals, including Word Problems
Calculate Volume of Right Rectangular Prisms with Fractional Side Lengths in Word Problems
Draw Polygons using Coordinates of Vertices in Coordinate Plane, including Word Problems
Use Coordinates to Find the Length of a Side, including Word Problems
Characterize & Determine Surface Area of 3-D Figures with Nets made up of Rectangles & Triangles
Explain Perfect Squares & Cubes using Area & Volume
Statistics & ProbabilityUse Samples to Analyze Population to Answer a Statistical Question
Data Distribution: Describe the Center, Spread & Overall Shape of a Set of Quantitative Data
Recognize that the Center Summarizes all its Values & Variation in a Single Number
Create Quantitative Data in Dot Plots & Histograms
Understand Probability, Likelihood & Relative Frequency
Observe Frequencies in Data & Develop a Probability Model which may or may not be Uniform

MAP Math Test Practice for 6th Grade

Check out some possible questions your child may run across on their MAP Growth Math 6th grade subtest! We have a library of resources and over 300 sixth grade MAP math test practice questions for you and your child to prepare with, so make sure to become a member today!

1. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to 144?
A. 4 x 12
B. 12 x 12
C. 12 x 12 x 12 x 12
D. 12 x 12 x 12 x 12 x 12

Answer:  B

2. Which of the following is not an accurate description of the distribution shown below?

A. The distribution has a gap.
B. There is a peak at 90%.
C. There is an outlier.
D. The median scored by students is 50.

Answer:  D

3. What is the area of this parallelogram?

A. 20 m2
B. 126 m
C. 120 m2
D. 126 m2

Answer:  D

MAP Language for Grade 6

The MAP Growth Language Usage test is for students in 2nd through 12th grades and covers topics such as grammar (like parts of speech), mechanics (like punctuation and capitalization); usage (like using proper verb tenses), and the writing process. This adaptive test contains approximately 50-53 questions and is untimed like the other sections of the test. However, it should take your child about 45-60 minutes to complete.

Check out the table below for possible skills and content your child may see on the test! It is important to always check with your child’s school, because state and district standards vary depending on where your child goes to school.

Understand and Edit for Grammar and Language UsagePronouns, Verbs & Sentence Structures
Affixes & Word Roots
Word Relationships
Academic & Content-Specific Vocabulary
Understand and Edit for MechanicsCapitalization, Punctuation & Spelling
Understand Purpose for Writing and Writing ProcessIdentify & Implement appropriate Writing Structures & Craft for different Purposes: Informational, Argumentative, Narrative
Conduct Research using Reference Materials & Take Notes
Plan/Brainstorm for Writing
Write Draft & Organize
Provide Details & Evidence by Quoting, Paraphrasing & Citing Sources
Revise for Style & Tone

MAP Language Test Practice for 6th Grade

Below are some 6th grade level questions similar to what your child may see on their Language subtest! has over 300 MAP language test practice questions and so much more, so be sure to become a member of today!

1. Which option clarifies the vague pronoun reference in the sentence below?

Jackie finally beat Kendall at checkers. She was very proud.

A. Jackie was very proud.
B. The girls were proud.
C. They were proud.
D. Kendall was proud.

Answer:  A

2. What kind of sentence is shown below?

Although Tate doesn’t like horror movies, he rented the latest thriller, and will watch it with his friends at the sleepover.

A. simple sentence
B. compound sentence
C. complex sentence
D. compound-complex sentence

Answer:  D

3. Which word is spelled correctly?
A. musuem
B. national
C. locasion
D. multaple

Answer:  B

MAP Science for Grade 6

At the 6th grade level, students will be assessed for their knowledge and understanding of science standards through the MAP Growth Science sub-test. The test is computerized and given to students in grades 3 through 12. It is adaptive like the other sub-tests, so the question difficulty will depend on your child’s performance. This means that if your child answers grade 6-level questions incorrectly, he may be given less challenging questions. Inversely, if he performs above grade 6 level, he will see more challenging questions. The test covers Physical Science concepts in the areas of Scientific Inquiry and Application; Structure & Properties of Matter; Chemical Reactions; Forces & Interactions; Energy; and Waves & Electromagnetic Radiation.

The test will have approximately 45 questions, and a working time of 45-60 minutes, although the test is untimed.

Check out the table below for possible skills and content your child may see on the test! It is important to always check with your child’s school, because state and district standards vary depending on where your child goes to school.

Knowledge AreaContent
Scientific Inquiry & ApplicationConduct Scientific Investigations
Understand the Use of Lab Tools & Implement Proper Safety Measures
Interpret Data & Communicate Conclusions
Understand Engineering Design
Structure & Properties of MatterAtoms & Molecules
Synthetic Materials
Thermal Energy & States of Matter
Chemical ReactionsChemical Reactions
Conservation of Mass
Devices that Release or Absorb Thermal Energy
Chemical ReactionsChemical Reactions
Conservation of Mass
Devices that Release or Absorb Thermal Energy
Forces & InteractionsForce, Motion & Newton’s Third Law
Electromagnetic Forces
Fields: Electric & Magnetic
EnergyKinetic & Potential Energy
Engineering Thermal Energy Devices
Heat, Work & Energy Transfer
Circuits & Electric Current
Waves & Electromagnetic RadiationWave Properties, Behavior & Communication

MAP Science Test Practice for 6th Grade

Below are examples of what questions may look like on your child’s test. Be sure to join today as a member to access all of our resources and MAP test practice questions for your child’s Science MAP Growth sub-test!

1. When one object collides with another object, energy is
A. destroyed.
B. created.
C. transferred.
D. wasted.

Answer:  C

2. The energy an object has because of its position is called
A. potential energy.
B. kinetic energy.
C. chemical energy.
D. electrical energy.

Answer:  A

3. The mass of an object on Earth will be
A. the same on the moon.
B. greater on the moon.
C. less on the moon.
D. zero on the moon.

Answer:  A

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5 Responses


Hi I loved this map page it’s amazing and helps a lot thanks!

Love it


this has been helpful as a sixth-grade student, I feel as if this has helped my studies in preparation for the MAP testing I will be taking for the month. Thank you.


I have bin working vary hard to get all A’s and i have been but my middle school grades really matter to me and, if i want to achieve my dreams of being a lawyer then i need all A’s all throughout middle and high school


It helped and gave me more confidence.

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