NNAT Tutoring Online: 1-on-1 with Test Experts

Introducing Online NNAT Tutoring Sessions

In addition to our NNAT test prep subscriptions, Testing Mom is now proud to offer one-on-one NNAT tutoring sessions. Karen Quinn, the Testing Mom, has hand-picked and trained our expert tutors. They will assist your child in mastering NNAT-specific question types.

A personalized study plan tailored to your child’s strengths and weaknesses will be formulated by our tutors to help ensure your child’s testing success. Watch the video below to see how our program works.

How does our Online Tutoring work?

Your child’s first tutoring session is a complete diagnostic:

  • Allows us to evaluate your child’s strengths and weaknesses for each of the sections of the test.
  • Simulates your child’s performance as if the test were administered on that day.
  • Plays a big part of the “prep and practice” homework we give in between sessions.
  • Evaluates the child’s test taking skills for focus, listening, paying attention and following directions.
  • Builds a customized roadmap for tutoring based upon the results of the diagnostic.

How our online tutoring program works:

  • Your child logs-in to our online video conferencing system via a laptop or tablet (iPad) at the scheduled time to meet with the tutor.
  • The tutor is able to see and speak with your child while sharing screens for optimal interaction.
  • During each session, we help your child develop pacing and time management techniques. As your child learns the material, the tutor teaches effective strategies to finish the test on time and accurately.
  • At the end of each session, you’ll receive an email with a summary report of the session and “prep and practice” homework to work on before the next session.

Custom curriculum:

Karen Quinn, the Testing Mom, along with PhDs and other educational professionals in our flagship Testing Mom Tutoring Center in New York City, have put together a customized curriculum tailored to your child’s needs.

Experienced tutors:

Experienced tutors specialized in gifted and talented test prep are instructing your child. They possess extensive experience in fostering cognitive skill development in young children. Each tutor is trained and certified by Karen Quinn, the Testing Mom, and many have administered gifted tests nationwide.

Complete diagnostic:

Your child will take a full diagnostic where we analyze your child’s strengths and weaknesses. We do an item analysis and then design the curriculum based on your child’s areas of needs in each subtest.

“Prep and Practice”:

Your child receives activities and assignments to complete between tutoring sessions.


Our affordable online tutoring program is available 7 days a week from your home. All you need is a laptop or tablet with internet access. Each session lasts 30 minutes, and afterward, you’ll receive an email summary.

To learn more about our premier one-on-one online tutoring for the NNAT, schedule a call with one of our experts.

Looking for more resources to help your child approach the NNAT with confidence? TestingMom.com can help with:

  • 4,700+ NNAT practice questions, organized by question type and grade level, to help your child build confidence and familiarity for Test Day.
  • A customizable program, based on your child’s grade level and upcoming tests, so you can target your child’s prep for maximum improvement.
  • Interactive practice with 30+ games from top educational publishers to strengthen your child’s overall skills like math, language arts, science, social studies and more.
  • A Student Success Team to assist you if you require advice or encounter difficulties.
  • Over 100,000 practice questions for the most popular tests for Pre-K to 8th Grade, including gifted and talented, private school admissions, state tests and more—all for one low price.
  • Parent resources to help you easily navigate your child’s testing process.

A Testing Mom member reviews our NNAT Test Prep Program