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NNAT Scores: Understand Test Results

Scoring for NNAT and NNAT3 relies on your child’s age, not grade, ensuring a unique assessment. This age-based scoring system accounts for development and cognitive growth, ultimately benefiting both advanced and younger children.

The age-based scoring system provides a more equitable assessment, allowing children from various backgrounds and developmental timelines to showcase their nonverbal reasoning skills effectively. It eliminates potential biases associated with grade-level scoring, ensuring that all children have a fair chance to demonstrate their abilities.

Parents should be aware of this unique scoring method when interpreting their child’s results. It highlights the importance of focusing on age-appropriate preparation rather than simply aligning with grade-level expectations. Understanding this scoring system is crucial. It will help you support your child’s preparation and ensure they have the necessary skills for success on the NNAT and NNAT3 tests.

Steps Used to Calculate the NNAT Score:

  • Raw Score. This represents the total number of correctly answered questions; for example, a 25/48 means your child answered 25 questions correctly.
  • Naglieri Ability Index (NAI). The Raw Score undergoes conversion into the Naglieri Ability Index (NAI). This index compares results to peers within a three-month age range. The NAI has a maximum score of 160, with an average of 100. Additionally, normalized NAI scores demonstrate that 68% of general education students score between 84 and 116.
  • Percentile Rank (PR). School districts use this number to compare each student’s individual test performance against a nationwide sampling of students born within the same three-month age range. A percentile rank of 80 means that child’s score was higher than 80% of students tested nationwide, and the PR ranges from 1-99.

Each district has unique criteria for gifted program admission. There isn’t a standard NNAT or NNAT3 score for qualification. Therefore, contacting your child’s school for specific details is advisable.Detailed score reports should arrive in the mail approximately two months after your child’s tested.

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Tell us about your experiences

18 Responses


My son recently scored a 94 on the NNAT. he is going into 4th grade. Our district has a cut off for GATE at 98. Doesn’t this seem unreasonably high?


My son scaled score on NNAT is 143 and the percentile is 99%. I don’t know how to interpret this scores, he is going in 6th grade. Are this good scores?


Seems like people here are having a hard time understanding this scoring. “Scores are normalized so that 68% of general education students score within the 84-116 range” means that it is assumed to have a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and if 68% fall within 84-116, that means a 16 point standard deviation. This is the same distribution assumed for IQ rankings, though that can be 15 or 16 points per standard deviation. A score of 132 means 2 standard deviations above the mean or at the 97.8 percentile–a score higher than 97.8% of aged peers. A score of 148 is 3 standard deviations above the mean, or at the 99.9th percentile, which is a “1 in a 1,000” situation. The same goes for scores below the mean (100), for by the same standard deviation of 16.

However, it is a very noisy test. First, it is brief, which introduces measurement error. Second, I’ve seen only a handful of questions and answers on two were ambiguous. Often extremely gifted children will “overthink”–think beyond what the test designer had in mind, and get it wrong, or stare for excessive time because the correct answer isn’t there.

I have not taken it yet but I am FREAKING out now that this website has me that there are 48 questions!

Thank you for reaching out to us!

The NNAT is a very complex non verbal test. We would love to help you prepare for this test! Could you please call us at 877-609-6203 and we would be happy to go over the resources we have to prepare for the NNAT!

All the best,


I have a paid account but can’t find the 100 NNAT practice questions. Please advise where I can locate these.


My daughter scored 150 on NNAT and 99 percentile. She is going into 3rd grade. She practiced on for 1 month before the test. Thank you so much for the great materials!

My daughter just got 150 in NNAT. And didn’t practice before a test, if you can believe it!

I was given a scaled score for my daughter’s result…how do I interpret that?

Hi Tara,

If the scaled score includes your daughter’s Naglieri Ability Index (NAI) you can use the chart on our NNAT Overview on the Lessons For Parents page.

If it doesn’t include your daughter’s NAI, please reach out to our Parent Success Team. As a paying member, if you email them your daughter’s results, they will be able to assist you with interpreting her score! They can be reached at or at 877-609-6203.

All the best,


I really liked this. Keep doing more practice tests.


At age 12, my son scored a 155 at the >99% percentile (JAN 2017): he only missed two of the least weighted questions. Saying that: he is the epitome of 2E: in addition to being on the Autistic spectrum, and has significant specific language deficits that have not improved vs. his age-matched peers throughout his life. It is true, when G-d giveth, he also taketh away!

Saying that, he was accepted to 10 of the 16 colleges in which he applied for the Fall of 2023, identifying his disabilities (and gifts!) in the college applications. We chose Stony Brook University because of their exceptional programs in math, geometry, topology and theoretical physics; as well as having an exceptional disabilities services office (without needing him to be part of a “special” program).

Thank you for sharing your son’s journey with us. His exceptional NNAT score of 155, placing him in the >99th percentile, truly reflects his gifted abilities in academics. I applaud his resilience and commend you for supporting him through his unique journey of being 2E, straddling both the realms of exceptional intellectual capabilities and the challenges of autism and specific language deficits. Indeed, when extraordinary gifts are bestowed, they often come coupled with equally distinctive challenges.

It’s truly heartening to hear about his college acceptance at 10 out of 16 institutions. This is a testimony not just to his academic prowess, but also his grit, determination, and ability to overcome obstacles. His choice to attend Stony Brook University sounds absolutely perfect, considering their remarkable programs in math, geometry, topology, and theoretical physics – areas in which your son shows pronounced talents.

Additionally, their excellent disability services office aligns perfectly with his needs, allowing him to continue excelling acadically while receiving the necessary support without being restricted to a specialized program.

Your son’s journey is inspiring, and his story serves as a reminder that every child, irrespective of their challenges, can carve their own path to success with the right guidance and support. I wish him the very best in his college journey and future endeavors.

I have a question. My daughter is 7 years and 1 month. Will they compare her score to other children that are exactly 7 years and 1 month, or will they round her age to age 7 and compare her score to other children of age 7? Thank you!

For the NNAT test, age norms are typically grouped by months to ensure a more accurate comparison. In the case of your daughter who is 7 years and 1 month old, her score would be compared to other children who are also 7 years and 1 month. It won’t simply be rounded down to age 7. This approach provides a more precise understanding of how a child’s performance compares to peers of the same exact age.

Thank you! This helped me a lot!

Great! If you have any further questions please email us at


i got 154/160 above 99th pecentile

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