ITBS Sections

Each test level within the ITBS consists of a series of subtests administered in content sections. The five main content sections include the following:

Language – The language section of the ITBS is intended to assess the comprehension, usage and grammatical awareness of speech and language.

Reading – The reading section of the ITBS encompasses a variety of skills that not only assess vocabulary usage, but a student’s ability to fully comprehend what he or she is reading.

Math – The math portion of the ITBS is consistent when it comes to the sub-categories that they present at each level. These topics include problem solving, data interpretation, computation, algebraic patterns, geometry as well as measurement.

Science – Students in level 7 and up will be required to complete a science portion of the ITBS. The three main content areas include life science, earth and space science as well as physical science.

Social Studies – Students in Levels 7 and up will be administered the social studies subtest. The ITBS Social Studies subtest consists of four sub-categories which apply to all test levels. The four areas consist of history, geography, civics and government as well as economics.

Iowa Test levels 5-8 are administered to students from Kindergarten through 2nd grade. Levels 9-14 are given to students from 3rd to 8th grade. Each Iowa Test level consists of a series of subtests that are administered in sections by content.

The sections are explained further at the links below.





Social Studies


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