Iowa Test Practice Questions (ITBS Test and Iowa Assessments)

Wondering what kinds of questions your child will be asked on the Iowa Assessments or the ITBS? Below are five examples.

IMPORTANT: While the Iowa test sample questions shown on this page are representative of what your child will see on the exam, they aren’t taken directly from an actual Iowa test that’s being administered this year. For more ITBS and Iowa Practice, check out our 100 Free Questions.

Iowa Assessments and the ITBS Sample Question #1 — Level 12, Spelling

The Level 12 Spelling test of the ITBS, generally administered to students in the fourth grade, aims to assess a student’s understanding of spelling rules, patterns, and conventions in English. This is an essential skill as it underpins both written and verbal communication, and proficiency in spelling often correlates with broader academic success. In this test, students are presented with a variety of multiple-choice questions that assess their ability to correctly spell words, identify misspelled words, and apply spelling rules. For instance, they may be asked to select the correctly spelled word out of a list, or identify the misspelled word in a sentence. The words tested are typically those that fourth graders should be familiar with, and they cover a broad spectrum of difficulty to effectively gauge the student’s spelling competency.

The Level 12 Spelling test also tests understanding of homonyms and homophones, as well as correct usage of apostrophes and other punctuation that may affect spelling. Additionally, the test assesses a student’s ability to spell words that follow certain patterns or fall into specific categories (like compound words, words with prefixes or suffixes, etc.). The goal of the Level 12 Spelling test is not only to evaluate the students’ current spelling abilities, but also to help identify areas where additional instruction might be beneficial. By understanding where a student struggles, educators can provide targeted teaching to help improve their overall spelling skills.

Parent, say this to your child: “For this question, you will see a list of words. If one of the words is spelled wrong, circle that word. If none of the words are spelled wrong, circle the last answer choice that says ‘no error.’”

A. Conclusion

B. Aghast

C. Deceitful

D. Guacamole

E. No error

Iowa Assessments and the ITBS Sample Question #2 — Level 5, Listening

At Level 5, the ITBS Listening test is generally administered to Kindergarten students and is designed to assess the student’s listening comprehension skills. This means evaluating their ability to understand, remember, and apply the information presented orally. In the test, the students are provided with a series of audio recordings, usually in the form of stories or instructions. They are then asked a series of questions related to the material they’ve just heard. The questions may involve identifying key details, recalling sequence of events, understanding the main idea, or recognizing the relationships between different concepts. The Level 5 Listening test does not require any reading or writing skills as the instructions are provided audibly and the answers are generally selected from pictorial response options. This ensures that the test is specifically assessing the child’s listening skills and not other academic skills.

For this section, say to your child: “I am going to read you a question while you look at some pictures. Listen carefully, because I can only read the question once. After I read it, fill in the circle under the picture that answers the question.”

“Kelly was organizing the shoes in her closet. She decided to match each pair of shoes and put them together. Fill in the circle under the picture that shows how Kelly organized her shoes.”

Iowa Assessments and the ITBS Sample Question #3 — Level 8, Math

The Level 8 ITBS Math test is typically given to second graders. This test assesses a wide range of mathematical skills that are deemed important for this age group. The math skills tested include basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and simple division. It also explores the students’ understanding of basic geometric shapes, fractions, and the concepts of time and money. Word problems are included to assess their ability to apply these math concepts to real-world situations. The test uses a multiple-choice format, with each question having four possible answers. The student is required to perform the calculation or reasoning task and select the appropriate answer. The Level 8 Math test aims to measure the mathematical competencies that students should have acquired by the end of second grade.

Michael has 5 dogs. Each dog has 4 legs. Which of the following represents the total number of legs?

A. 5 + 4

B. 5 – 4

C.  5 ÷ 4

D.  5×4

Iowa Assessments and the ITBS Sample Question #4 — Level 6, Vocabulary

The Level 6 Vocabulary test is usually administered to first graders. This test evaluates a student’s understanding of word meanings and their ability to use context to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.  The test consists of multiple-choice questions where students are required to select the correct meaning of a given word from four options. The words are presented in isolation and in context. For example, a student may be asked to choose the picture that best represents the word “happy” or select the word that means the same as a word presented in a sentence. This test helps to gauge the student’s vocabulary knowledge, which is crucial for language development and reading comprehension.

For this section, say to your child: “I’m going to show you three pictures and then I’m going to say a word. Then, you’ll fill in the circle underneath the picture that goes with the word I say. Now, listen to the word I’m about to say: That word is ‘steam.’ Can you find picture that goes best with the word ‘steam’ and fill in the circle that’s underneath it?”

Iowa Assessments and the ITBS Sample Question #5 — Level 8, Social Studies

The Level 8 Social Studies test, typically administered to second graders, evaluates the students’ understanding of basic social science concepts. This encompasses a range of topics including historical events, geography, government structure, and understanding of basic economics.  The test includes multiple-choice questions where students are presented with a statement or a short passage related to a specific social studies concept, followed by a question about it. The students must select the correct answer from four options. For instance, a student might be asked to identify a landmark on a map, recognize an important historical event, or understand basic economic principles like goods, services, and trade. This test assesses a student’s ability to recall facts, understand basic concepts, and apply knowledge to new situations in the realm of social studies.

Fill in the circle below the picture that shows someone using a service that the government provides.

For additional Iowa practice questions, click the link below.

ITBS Practice Test

Answers: 1) E. No Error; 2) middle picture; 3) D. 5×4; 4) middle picture- bowl of hot soup; 5) middle picture-riding the school bus

Here are 10 tips for parents to help their child prepare for the ITBS test:

  • Understand the Test Structure: Familiarize yourself with the structure and content of the ITBS. This includes understanding the types of questions that will be asked, the subjects that will be covered, and the timing of each section. This information can usually be found on the official ITBS website.
  • Create a Study Schedule: Based on the test structure, develop a study schedule with your child that covers all the topics and leaves time for revision. Having a regular study routine can help your child retain information and manage their time effectively.
  • Use Practice Tests: Practice tests are a great way for your child to get familiar with the format and timing of the test. These can be found online or in ITBS prep books. Review the results together to identify areas of strength and weakness.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Once you have identified your child’s weaker areas, spend more time studying these subjects. Make sure your child understands the concepts and can apply them effectively.
  • Teach Test-Taking Strategies: Teach your child strategies such as time management, process of elimination, and careful reading of instructions. These can be just as important as knowledge of the material.
  • Promote Good Study Habits: Encourage your child to take notes, review material regularly, and ask questions when they don’t understand something. This will help them retain information and understand concepts on a deeper level.
  • Ensure a Healthy Lifestyle: Adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet can greatly affect a child’s ability to focus and perform well on tests. Make sure your child is taking care of their physical health in the lead-up to the test.
  • Manage Stress: Standardized tests can be stressful for children. Teach your child relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help them manage stress. Encourage a positive mindset and remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes.
  • Communicate with Teachers: Stay in touch with your child’s teachers for any specific advice they might have based on your child’s performance in class. They can provide valuable insights and additional resources.
  • Encourage a Balanced Approach: While it’s important for your child to do well on the test, it’s also important for them to balance their time with other activities they enjoy. This can help prevent burnout and maintain a positive attitude towards learning.