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How is the ISEE Test Scored?

Individual Student Report (ISR)

The ISEE ISR provides information on an applicant’s reasoning and achievement skills.

The Test Profile provides information about the student’s overall performance on each section of the ISEE, except the essay which is unscored and shared with the schools to which the student is applying.

The ISEE scores are reported in four ways in the Test Profile: scaled score, percentile rank, stanine, and stanine analysis.

  • Scale Score – ISEE scaled scores for each section range from 760 – 940. A scaled score is derived from the raw score but allows ERB to report a score on a common scale that has the same meaning for all students regardless of which form of the test they took.
  • Percentile Rank – The percentile rank shows the student’s standing compared to other students in the same norm group. This score shows the percentage that your student scored above all other students in the same norm group.
  • Stanine – A stanine score is from 1 to 9, with 5 as the midpoint. This score is derived by dividing the entire range of students’ scores into 9 segments.
  • Stanine Analysis – The stanine analysis gives a comparison between a student’s performance on both the ability tests and the related achievement tests. The comparisons are made between Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning, and Mathematics Achievement.

The Test Profile reports percentile ranks with a reference to ISEE norms. These norms are based on independent school applicants in the same grade who have taken the test during the past three years.

In the Analysis portion, each section score indicates the number of questions answered correctly, the number of questions answered incorrectly, and the number of questions omitted or not reached. For each section, the score is broken down by type of question, providing more specific information about a student’s relative strengths and weaknesses.

Receiving Your Child’s ISEE Score Report

You will get an email notification when your child’s score report, also known as the Individual Student Report (ISR), is available on your account at If your child took the test online, expect to see the score report within three to five days, although in some cases you may receive it within 24 hours. If your child, applying for Grades 2-4, took the paper-based exam, the score report should be ready within ten to fourteen days. For students applying to Grades 5-12 who took the paper exam, the scores will be available within five to ten days.

The score report provides a comprehensive view of how your child performed on each test section compared to their peers and also details their performance by specific subsection categories. These scores are solely based on the number of questions your child answered correctly. There’s no penalty for incorrect answers, meaning they won’t be deducted from the overall score. It’s worth noting that the score report doesn’t mention how many times a student has taken the test within a 12-month admission cycle, nor does it list any score recipients other than the school receiving the report.

For students applying to 5th to 12th grades, the essay section isn’t scored. The schools you’ve chosen to receive the scores will get a copy of this ungraded essay.

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