ISAAD Practice Questions by Section

TestingMom.com offers ISAAD Test practice questions that cover the four multiple-choice sections that are administered on the test. The four sections include the following:

  • Verbal Reasoning – Verbal Reasoning assesses a child’s ability to reason and solve problems that are presented in pictures and are not dependent upon the written text.
  • Quantitative Reasoning – Quantitative Reasoning assesses a child’s ability to use numbers and numerical concepts in order to solve problems. Questions may require children to recognize and apply a numerical, infer or deduce what a particular problem entails, compare and contrast quantities, as well as analyze, compare, or predict conclusions.
  • Early Literacy – Early Literacy contains the major concepts of Phonological and Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and Word Identification, Reading Comprehension, and Writing Conventions.
  • Mathematics – Mathematics contains three major concepts; Number Sense, Geometry and Measurement, and Operations.

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