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What is the InView Test?

InView Test, a nationally normed-referenced test, is a product of CTB McGraw Hill, that assesses cognitive skills which can map strengths, reveal hidden abilities (of what students are capable of doing) and point the way to new opportunities. InView helps with critical screening and identification for student placement, gifted and talented, and other special programs and services. It also helps identify students whose achievement is inconsistent with their abilities.

InView takes an assessment of cognitive abilities that includes verbal reasoning, sequences, analogies, and quantitative reasoning. The results provide a reliable measure of skills and abilities important for academic success. Sometimes it is used with the TerraNova achievement test. The InView test is often administered to second graders as part of a Gifted & Talented or other assessment, but can also be given through grade 12.

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Breakdown for InView

The InView measures the skills and abilities most related to academic success. It compiled of five subtests that assess the following cognitive areas:

  • Sequences – Students will be given a sequence of shapes or figures. They will need to determine a rule to figure out what comes next in the sequence.
  • Analogies – Students will be shown three images. They will need to determine how the first two go together, then apply the relationship of the first pair to find the answer that goes with the third image in the same way.
  • Verbal Reasoning — Words – Students will answer questions based on understaning relationships between words.
  • Verbal Reasoning — Context – Students will use logical reasoning to decide which statement is true based on the given information.

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3 Responses


The test scores I received for my 2nd grade student has his age listed one full year and 10 days older than he is. How does this affect his test scores and CSI?


I’m confused because my daughters both scored in the 5th percentile is both the math and reading standardized tests, however their In View tests came back very low (113). I’m confused as to the correlation between the Standardized tests and the INVIEW.

Could you please help me understand the discrepancy?

Thanking you in advance,

Yvonne Asan

The difference is that InView™ is a test that encompasses more than just WHAT was learned in school. The InView™ measures skills and abilities most related to one’s academic success. It is comprised of 5 subtests that assess the following cognitive areas:

Quantitative Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning – Words
Verbal Reasoning – Context

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