Homeschoolers – FAQ

Embarking on the homeschooling journey comes with its unique set of questions and challenges. However, at TestingMom, we are here to provide the answers and support you need for your child’s path to success. With our comprehensive resources and expert tutors, every question finds a solution, propelling homeschoolers toward academic excellence and confidence. Therefore, discover the TestingMom advantage on the road to homeschooling success!

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Where can I get more information about homeschooling in my state? 

For comprehensive guidance on homeschooling in your state, reach out to your State Homeschooling Association. You can easily locate them through a Google search using keywords such as “[State Name] Homeschooling Association” or “Homeschooling in [State Name].” It’s important to note that some states may have multiple associations. Visiting these association websites will provide you with a wealth of resources to aid you on your homeschooling journey within your specific locality.

Where can we meet other homeschoolers, parents, and families?

Be sure to check out local Homeschooling Conventions in your state as well.  Just Google “annual Homeschooling Convention in [State Name].”  These are a great source of information on local resources and legal requirements, plus they enable you to meet other homeschooling families who live near you so you can get your kids together from time to time.

How do I find out the legal requirements I need to follow if I want to homeschool my child?

Every state has its own laws that govern homeschooling.  You will need to follow the laws of the state in which you are physically living.  Helpful links: https://hslda.org/legal

When researching state laws for homeschooling, what are things I need to find out for my homeschooler?

  • Compulsory Age – At what age are you required to put your child in school? For most states (but not all), it is age 5.  That means that you don’t have to notify the state that you are going to homeschool your child until she is that age.
  • Withdrawal from Public School – If you take your school out of a public school program, you may need to notify the school and/or state that you are doing so. Check your state’s filing requirements.
  • Notice Requirements – Are you required to file an “Intent to Homeschool” letter or form with the state? If so, what information needs to be included?  If you stop homeschooling, you may be required to notify the state in writing as well.
  • Attendance – Is there a requirement of a number of days per calendar year and hours per day that school is attended? Most states require an average of 180 teaching days, but this does vary.
  • Record Keeping – Record Keeping requirements vary by state. You may need to document and provide to the state a curriculum plan, attendance records, standardized test scores, and/or a portfolio of work.
  • Curriculum – Some states require certain subjects be taught at different grade levels. You may have to inform the state in advance what you plan to teach.  Curriculum requirements vary by state.
  • Teacher Qualification – Some (but not all) states have certain teacher qualification requirements for homeschooled students. For example, they may require that the homeschooling teacher has a high school or college degree.  You may need to provide proof of that.
  • Independent Testing – Some states mandate standardized testing or evaluations, with specific requirements for evaluator credentials. Others accept a portfolio of your child’s work. Ensure you adhere to deadlines set by your state.

What are types of homeschooling?

1. Traditional/Structured Homeschooling:

This method follows a formal curriculum akin to traditional schools. Consequently, parents typically use textbooks and adhere to a structured schedule.

2. Classical Homeschooling:

Classical education is based on the Trivium, comprising three stages: the grammar stage, the logic stage, and the rhetoric stage. Each of these stages focuses on different cognitive abilities and subjects.

3. Charlotte Mason Homeschooling:

Named after British educator Charlotte Mason, the Charlotte Mason Homeschooling approach emphasizes living books, nature study, and short lessons. Furthermore, it aims to provide a broad and liberal education.

4. Unschooling:

Unschooling allows children to drive their learning based on their interests and curiosity in a more child-led approach. It often involves real-world experiences and less structured formal instruction.

5. Montessori Homeschooling:

Drawing inspiration from the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori, this approach places a strong emphasis on hands-on, self-directed learning. It is characterized by the use of specially designed materials that facilitate and encourage exploration and discovery.

6. Eclectic Homeschooling:

Eclectic homeschoolers use a mix of various educational philosophies and approaches. They may combine elements from different methods to create a customized learning experience for their children.

7. Online or Virtual Schooling:

Some families choose to use online resources or enroll their children in virtual schools that provide a structured curriculum delivered over the internet.

8. Religious-Based Homeschooling:

Some families opt for homeschooling due to religious reasons, integrating their faith into the educational curriculum. This often includes using religious texts as the foundation for various subjects.

What materials do you recommend we have on-hand at home to support our homeschooling activities? 

The available resources for your homeschooler depend on their grade level. Here are some ideas to get you started. While you can purchase individual memberships for each of the interactive sites, choosing TestingMom grants you access to ALL interactive practice materials, including practice questions, games, online classes, and more.  Furthermore, we have over 30 premium learning programs you get with your TestingMom membership, so sign up now to explore these valuable resources for your homeschoolers.

Are standardized tests taken by homeschoolers?

Homeschoolers may need to take standardized tests to meet state regulations or demonstrate academic proficiency. TestingMom offers invaluable support by providing extensive practice questions designed to prepare your homeschooler for success on standardized tests. At TestingMom, our dedicated Student Success Team is here to assist you with any questions you may have regarding homeschool testing and how to best prepare your child for the assessment. Whether you’re unsure about which tests to choose, need guidance on preparation strategies, or seek advice on optimizing your child’s performance, our knowledgeable team is ready to provide personalized support tailored to your needs. Contact us today to ensure your child’s success on their homeschool assessment journey

If my child isn’t taking a standardized test, can I use Testing Mom resources to assess my child’s academic skill progress?

Even if your child isn’t preparing for a standardized test, our practice assessments in math, reading, writing, science, and other essential skills can still provide valuable insights. These assessments will help you identify the skills your child has mastered and those that require further attention. If you’re using our tests to gauge your child’s academic abilities, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be more than happy to offer guidance on selecting the most appropriate practice tests based on your specific assessment goals.

TestingMom serves as the all-inclusive solution for homeschoolers, addressing their varied educational needs. Whether you’re in need of practice questions, challenging practice tests, personalized tutoring, or engaging interactive games, TestingMom offers a comprehensive array of resources. We grasp the distinct demands of homeschooling and provide a wealth of support and resources to guarantee your child’s academic success and bolster their confidence. Rely on TestingMom as your trusted partner in crafting a rewarding and effective homeschooling journey.

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