Second grader taking the gifted and talented test
Second graders are the oldest group of elementary school students who’s entry to the NYC gifted and talented programs the following year are still based on testing, and like every other grade, the tests used are the OLSAT (level C) and NNAT2. Just because these are tests, does not mean they are testing subjects commonly taught in school – in fact, if your child hasn’t prepped for the test, unfamiliarity and confusion could result in poor test results, even if your child is exceptionally smart. The tests will evaluate your child’s verbal and nonverbal cognitive development. The NYC Gifted and Talented third grade program has the fewest seats available, so preparation is of paramount importance for this exam.
Sample OLSAT Level C Question for NYC Gifted and Talented Third Grade:
Which of the figures doesn’t belong?
(Answer: Second from left)
Sample NNAT Question for NYC Gifted and Talented Third Grade:
Look at the shapes in the boxes across the rows and up and down the columns. Do you see how they are related to each other? Can you find the answer that goes in the empty box so the designs inside the rows and columns follow a pattern?
(Answer: B, we need one yellow shape, and since there’s already an oval, it’s B)
Learn More about the NYC Gifted and Talented Tests:
NYC Gifted and Talented Program Overview
NYC Gifted and Talented: Kindergarten
NYC Gifted and Talented: First Grade