Group Cognitive or Intelligence Tests

Group cognitive tests or intelligence tests are used by many school districts to qualify children for their gifted and talented programs. These tests assess your child’s thinking, reasoning and problem solving abilities and are a powerful tool in helping students of all ability levels meet and exceed their potential for learning.

Intellectual ability involves comprehension; understanding, and learning from experience. Intelligence tests are aimed at assessing a child’s underlying intellectual ability. Group intelligence tests are administered in groups to measure how a child’s intellectual performance compares with that of other children in the same age group.

Click below to read more about Group Cognitive and Intelligence Testing:

AABL – Admissions Assessment for Beginning Learners
CCAT – Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test
Chicago CPS – Regional Gifted Centers
CogAT – Cognitive Abilities Test – Form 6
CogAT – Cognitive Abilities Test – Form 7
Fairfax County AAP
Houston G&T Testing (Vanguard Program)
KBIT-2 – Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2
NNAT-2 and NNAT3 – Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
OLSAT – Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Eighth Edition
Raven’s Matrices
Spatial Test Battery (STB)
TTCT – Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
WASI – Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence
WNV – Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability

TestingMom offers test prep and testing tips for group cognitive and intelligence testing for your child, as he is entering the gifted and talented program at school.