Achievement Tests

Achievement tests are designed to measure your child’s ability, skill, and knowledge over a wide range of subjects, which your child has been taught, usually as a result of classroom instruction. These tests reveal what your child knows and her proficiency in each part of the material.  It is used for gifted and talented testing to assess your child’s academic progress.

These tests generally cover the following abilities and subjects: oral language, reading, math, spelling, writing, vocabulary, social studies, science, editing, humanities, and sources of information (maps, diagrams, and reference materials).

Below is a list of some of the most widely used Achievement Tests. Click on the links below to find out more information about each test:

AABL – Admissions Assessment for Beginning Learners
BSRA – Bracken School Readiness Assessment
Chicago CPS – Classical School Program
CTBS – Canadian Test of Basic Skills
CTP – ERB Test
Houston G&T Testing (Vanguard Program)
ITBS – Iowa Test of Basic Skills
SCAT – School and College Ability Test for Johns Hopkins CTY
TerraNova, Third Edition
WIAT-III – Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-III
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement
Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement

TestingMom offers test prep and testing tips for achievement testing for your child, as she is entering the gifted and talented program at school.