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Gifted and Talented Tests

What are Gifted and Talented Tests?

Gifted and Talented tests can be referred to under a plethora of different names – GT, G/T, TAG, GATE, Gifted/Talented Education – but no matter what you choose to call them, the implications for parents remains the same. Your child may soon be tested and it feels like their educational future is being determined solely off of one test. Besides preparing your child for the biggest test of their young educational career, there are also applications and deadlines to deal with. Luckily, can help guide you through the process.

Understanding the nature of Gifted and Talented (GT) tests can alleviate some of the stress that comes with the process. These exams aren’t designed to categorize children into neat boxes or predetermine their future potential. Rather, they are meant to identify students who show advanced cognitive abilities and might benefit from enriched educational programs. They assess a range of skills such as logical reasoning, problem-solving, mathematical abilities, and language skills. Knowing what to expect from these tests can be a crucial first step in preparation.

Preparation is key when it comes to GT tests, and it goes beyond just academics. While it’s important to familiarize your child with the types of questions they’ll encounter, it’s equally crucial to build their test-taking confidence and resilience. This includes strategies for time management, understanding instructions, and coping with unfamiliar questions. It’s not just about teaching them to find the right answers, but also about nurturing a positive mindset and reducing test-related anxiety.

In addition to test preparation, navigating the application process for GT programs can also be a challenge. Each school district may have its own set of requirements, deadlines, and procedures. It’s essential to stay organized and ensure all required documents are submitted on time. Some schools may require recommendations, portfolios, or additional screenings as part of the application. Understanding these requirements well in advance can help you avoid last-minute stress and ensure your child’s application is as strong as possible.

That’s where resources like come into play. Such platforms provide comprehensive support to guide parents through the gifted and talented testing process. From offering practice questions to help familiarize your child with the test format to providing expert advice on building test-taking skills and navigating application procedures, they can be an invaluable resource. Remember, while the GT test is a significant step, it’s just one part of your child’s educational journey. With the right preparation and support, you can help them approach it with confidence and calm.

If your child is being tested, it’s important to figure out which GT test will be given and when it will be. This will have a heavy impact on how you will go about preparing for the GT test. Common GT tests include:

Many of these GT tests cover similar concepts – such as verbal and nonverbal reasoning – but the question formats between the GT tests can vary significantly. For the best possible results, it’s important to tailor the preparation process to the specific test your child will be taking. In addition, you will want to go about the preparation process differently depending on the age of your child. Below, you can find prep tips for both older and younger children.

What might be on the GT test for each grade

Since every school district administers a different test here is a list of the high level attributes of the exam for each grade.

Kindergarten: Gifted and talented tests for kindergarteners might focus on recognizing patterns and basic problem-solving skills. They may also assess basic literacy skills, like letter and sound recognition, and simple counting and number identification.

1st Grade: For first graders, tests could include slightly more complex patterns and problem-solving tasks, as well as basic reading comprehension and math skills. Students might also be asked to demonstrate their understanding of basic mathematical concepts like addition and subtraction.

2nd Grade: In the second grade, gifted and talented tests might assess reading comprehension and vocabulary, as well as more complex mathematical concepts, like multiplication and division. There could also be questions designed to evaluate critical thinking and logical reasoning skills.

3rd Grade: Third-grade tests may delve deeper into reading comprehension and vocabulary, requiring students to interpret and analyze texts. Mathematical questions might involve more complex problem-solving, including multi-step word problems.

4th Grade: For fourth graders, gifted and talented tests might require more advanced reading comprehension skills, including inference and prediction. Mathematical questions may cover fractions and decimals, and there might be more emphasis on logical reasoning and critical thinking.

5th Grade: In the fifth grade, gifted and talented tests may include more complex textual analysis and vocabulary questions. Math questions might involve concepts like percentages, simple geometry, and algebraic thinking.

6th Grade: Sixth-grade tests could involve more advanced reading comprehension, with a focus on understanding and interpreting various genres of text. The math portion might delve into more complex geometric and algebraic concepts.

7th Grade: In seventh grade, gifted and talented tests might focus on more advanced critical reading skills, like analyzing arguments and understanding themes in literature. Math sections may require students to solve complex problems involving ratios, proportions, and pre-algebra concepts.

8th Grade: Eighth-grade tests could involve more complex literary analysis and advanced vocabulary. The math portion might cover more advanced algebraic concepts, as well as the basics of geometry and statistics.

Do you have prep for the GT Test?

There are many tests used for G&T (Gifted and Talented) programs. Regrettably we do not know the specific test for many districts, so we do recommend you reach out to your district to get information regarding the test used. If they will not provide the test name, they may describe the test. With over 30 tests used Worldwide, it is impossible to prep without some guidelines regarding at least the type of test to be used. (Abilities, Achievement, Intelligence Scales/IQ) Please get back to us with the information they do provide so we can guide you accurately.

Sample GT Practice Test Questions

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Tips for Younger Children, who are Testing for the First Time

  • Avoid the “T” word when preparing! When doing test prep activities, call what you’re doing “brain games,” “special homework,” “puzzles” or something fun and motivating to your child. You want to take all the stress out of your preparation and (in most cases) it helps to avoid the word “test.” Here’s the only exception – some parents have had good luck telling their children that the “special work” they were doing was to prepare for “The Future Scientists of America Test” or for “The Princess Test” (or whatever your child aspires to be when she grows up). When it comes to explaining what he will be doing on “Test Day,” you can say something like this: “You’re going to be meeting with a special teacher who wants to know everything a 4-year-old knows. She’s very nice and loves little kids, just like your teacher Mrs. Jones. So just go in there and show her everything 4-year-olds like you know, and you’ll do great. Do your very best to show her how smart 4-year-olds are!”
  • Keep your test prep fun and playful. Anything you can do to make your test prep feel like a game to your child will motivate her to prepare!
  • Mix up your test prep activities. This tip goes hand-in-hand with the tip above. Young children have a hard time focusing and paying attention to printed practice questions or workbooks. If your child starts to lose interest working through questions, switch over to one of our online games that is designed for the test you are preparing for. By moving to different prep activities, your child will strengthen his focusing skills (see next tip!), build up his test stamina, and have fun at the same time.
  • Work on focusing skills. Early childhood tests can take as long as an hour. That’s a long time for a little one to pay attention. To help your child focus, time how long she can focus during your first practice session using a fun egg timer. Then, the next time you prep, tell your child, “Yesterday you paid attention for 15 minutes. Today, let’s see if you can focus for 18 minutes.” Allow your child to set the timer. If she can pay attention for the full 18 minutes, give her a small reward like a sticker or temporary tattoo. The next day, let her set the timer for a longer session. Each day, increase the time you work together until your child is able to do test prep activities (which can be varied) for 45 minutes to 1 hour!
  • Work on listening skills. Most early childhood tests have questions that are read aloud to children – then, the child must choose the picture that answers the question. For most tests, the questions can only be read aloud once. Kids must listen to what is being asked, remember the question, and then choose an answer. When you first start preparing, tell your child to “Put on your listening ears” before you ask a practice question – be sure they are “prepared to listen” before you ask the question.

Tips for older Children Taking Gifted and Talented Tests

  • Tap into your child’s own motivation to get into the gifted program or private school. With younger kids, we rarely tell them that they are practicing to take an important test. We don’t want to stress them out, and for very young kids, they can’t process the importance of doing well on a test that will get them admitted to a better school program. It’s different with older kids. Often, they are coming from a place of being bored in their classroom. Or they have a friend or older sibling who is already in a gifted program or private school that they want to join. If this is the case, your child is old enough to understand that practicing the types of questions that she may see on a group intelligence or achievement test can help them do better and can get them into the program they want. If your child wants to get into the program, it will be easier to motivate her to do the practice questions that will help her excel.
  • Make sure your child practices each type of question he’ll see on the test. Most tests are comprised of a number of different subtests – each with a different type of question – that make up the whole test. When doing practice questions, make sure your child gets experience with each type of question that will be on the test. This way, he won’t need to spend valuable time during the test itself trying to figure out what he’s being asked to do.
  • Help your child avoid some of the most common mistakes in test-taking. For example, kids rush through the questions, they don’t consider all answer choices, they don’t eliminate absolutely wrong answers before they guess, they skip questions that are too hard, they lose focus, they don’t read directions, and more. Your child will lose valuable points if she makes these common mistakes, and they can be avoided if you gently correct your child when she makes them during practice.
  • Start with questions that are too easy for your child, then do grade level, then do one grade ahead. No matter what grade your child is in, always start with questions that are too easy for him – at least one or two grade levels below your child’s grade if possible. This will give your child confidence that he can handle the questions. Let your child work up to grade level and then go at least one grade level ahead if he can do these questions without frustration. Often questions build on concepts introduced in easier questions, so doing this helps kids handle the tougher questions more readily.
  • Practice Filling Out a Bubble Sheet. As kids get older, they are required to fill out separate bubble sheets when they take important tests. Give your child practice ahead of time. Kids lose points if they don’t fill bubbles in correctly, or if they lose track of the question they are on and fill in the wrong bubble. Sometimes kids spend so much time filling in bubbles perfectly that they lose test-taking time – and these tests are timed!
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Tell us about your experiences

67 Responses


hi there,
I am California mom my kid is in 3 rd grade here he has to go for GATE testing in December or January time they said this test include Verbal ( they give series of words then they need to find the 4 th word based on first 2 words relation or vocabulary), nonverbal (I don’t know what type ) and quantitative.( patterns, ( number or word) cutting shapes and turning them which shapes come next that type of questions). it may include all kinds of question to test their IQ. IT may include CoaAT, OLSAT, NNAT…….etc)
I didn’t understand in your website which one suits for this upcoming test. My kid needs more help in verbal and non verbal side. please help me to choose the correct the preparation for my kid.
I really need your expert advice here I know you must have helped many moms like me from California. here they call GATE TEST they administer in 3 rd grade. please help to find the correct one for my kid.

Hi Everyone,
I am too from California.i didn’t know what the gifted and talented program called in California.i googled and found out that it’s called GATE.But in this site I don’t see that test.i will be thankful if anybody can help


I’m not sure where in California you are — we have general information here: If you are in Los Angeles, you can check out


Hi: my daugther was given the Kauffman KIBT, but I do not see anything here to help her prepare better, we live in Florida and it is to be accepted into the gifted program at her school.
What do you recommend?

For the NYC Gifted and Talented test level A (entering K), will my child be expected to fill out the bubble?

Nope! The child will have to point only 🙂

Satish Shah

My grand son is GT student with HCPSS Maryland.He is to join grade 6.

Which of your distance learning programme is best suited? We will ask him to join.

He has very good record of studies passing Gr 5 scoring beyond expectations in all subjects.

Kindly guide for his carrier development suggesting right coarse .

Hi Satish,

A member of our parent success team will e-mail you. A lot depends on his abilities and where he is at. They can help guide you down the right path 😀

Hi, My daughter is attending 3rd grade in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Please suggest the course she needs to choose to prepare for the gifted education program in Georgia.

My Son is going to Give TAG for 2nd grade for Round Rock ISD School in Round rock,TX . Please help me to choose which Testing papers we should practise and best for the test prep. TIA!

Thank you for reaching out to us! RRISD does not release the names of the test(s) they use. However, in the 2018/19 school year, on day 1, they administered the CogAT and NNAT, along with additional non-verbal questions. On day 2, they administered the ITBS, with questions in math, reading, science and social studies! The student was in the 5th grade.

Hope this helps!


Can you help me with the science because I have gifted talent 1/26/20

We do have resources for Science with a paid membership. We cover an academic achievement test called the Iowa Assessments that has science questions through the 3rd grade. For higher grades (4th – 8th) we provide access to other websites with your paid membership that can also help!

All the best,


I am from Pennsylvania .my son is in first grade .i would like him to be tested for gifted support .My question was …Do i have to reach out to the school for the test ? Does the teacher pick the students on her own .

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Each school district is a little different when it comes to testing for their gifted and talented program. Many schools do screen all students, but I would recommend reaching out to your son’s teacher for additional information.

All the best,


I need help with gifted what is it about puzzle

I want to know whether we have a sample test paper for TAG (talented and Gifted ) test for Georgia for 4 th grade?


There are so many different test. My little kid is at Round Rock ISD Kindergarten, preparing the TAG. Do you know which test is best suit to her school district at her level?

Cogat, OLSAT or NNAT?


It looks like the CogAT is one of multiple tests Round Rock administers.
If you email or call us at 877-609-6203 they may be able to provide you with more info.

Hi, I purchased lifetime plan, and wondering which test most fit Georgia standards, my daughter will be taking TAG test in the fall and would like to get her prepped for that. Thanks so much

I am confused to choose appropriate tests among so many tests for GATE . My kid is in 5th grade at Leander Independent School District (Austin Suburbs) and interested to know for their QUEST-G/T which test papers are appropriate to study ? If you can kindly guide I would be grateful to you . Thanks


Hi – my son is San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD) in 4th grade and his teacher referred him from GT. What assessments are they going to give him?

Michelle Madden

Hi! My son is in 4th grade in CT and was recommended to take the talented and Gifted test. Do you have any idea which one they use in CT?

Hi Michelle,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Gifted and Talented tests vary from school district to school district. If you’ll email us at with the name of the district, we’re happy to look into this for you!

All the best,



Hi! Everyone, I am looking for a text practice or program (WISC-V) for a second grader.

Does anyone know what indiana test they give its called. High ability test

Thank you for reaching out to us.

The tests required for admission to gifted and talented programs and private schools vary from district to district and sometimes from school to school. Unfortunately, we don’t have information regarding the specific tests that are required by every individual school or district.
Here is what we recommend that you do to find out what test(s) your child will be taking:
First, check your school district’s website to see if it tells you what test your child will be taking. We recommend that you Google [Name of your School District + “Gifted and Talented Testing”]. You may have to do a bit of clicking around within the site, but this often leads to the information you are looking for. If you can’t find it there, contact the person in charge of Gifted and Talented testing for your child’s school and ask about the G&T program in the school and how your child would qualify. If this person won’t reveal what test your child will need to take, ask if it is an achievement test or an intelligence test.
If the test is an achievement test, have your child work with our practice questions for the Woodcock-Johnson® and the ITBS®. You should also have your child work with Study Island and Show What You Know, which help prepare your child for state testing, along with our other enrichment programs that will help your child excel in school, including Manga High, Brain Pop, Smart Math, Reading Kingdom, and more! Our Top 1% package includes access to all of these enrichment programs. Using these practice questions and working with these enrichment programs, your child will be ready for any achievement test.
If the test is an intelligence or cognitive test, work with our practice questions for the OLSAT® and CogAT®. These are two of the most commonly-given group intelligence tests in schools across the country. You can also have your child work with the Reasoning by Analogy questions in our NNAT®2 Practice Question section since almost any intelligence test your child takes will include figural analogy questions like these.
If your child’s school will have any public information sessions to talk about the G&T program, we highly recommend that you attend. They will often talk about testing required for qualification for the program. Even when they don’t share the name of the test, very often they will describe it. You can always write to and let us know how the test was described to you. With that information, we can guide you in what types of activities your child can do to prepare.

My kid will be attending 5th grade GT from FRISCO ISD. Which tests should we focus on from the lists given above?



My duaghter is going for Cognitive Abilities Test, Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test III, Iowa Assessment, Measures of
Academic Progress, Torrance Test of Creative Thinking and CAIMI. What area of study is the best for her gifted testing. Please email me

Hi Devarshi –

We have sections for all of these tests, with the exception of the CAIMI. The CAIMI measures the academic intrinsic motivation as defined as enjoyment of school learning characterized by an orientation toward mastery, curiosity, persistence, and the learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks.

With a membership to TestingMom, you have full access to our website and we can certainly help your daughter prepare for these tests.

All the best,



We recently moved to North Atlanta,Georgia and the school is testing my daughter for cognitive ability (Cogat) + achievement and creativity test. I am unsure what GA uses for the achievement & creativity tests? Which one should I get to practice?

Can you tell me what test is same or close to Tomags exam for 3rd grad student.

Hi, email us at and we can give you more info. on the test!

hi there,
i am from New Jersey with kid in 2nd Grade. (Edison Township). I dont see any test listed for NJ. Can you please provide info on which program i should purchase/prepare.



Hello Moms!
Is there a G&T test for 4 graders in NJ?
thank you

Hi Marina,

We can help identify what gifted and talented tests the different school districts use in New Jersey. Whether that is the CogAT, the NNAT, the OLSAT, and many more, has practice for all gifted and talented programs. Please email us at


Tutoring a student for gifted testing


Please email us at for more info on tutoring for a gifted and talented student. We have resources for tests such as the CogAT, the NNAT, the OLSAT and many more.

I am looking for gifted program test for Washington state- Lake Washington School district. Do you have any info about test name or course that i can select here to purchase for my daughter. She will go to 1st grade this September and will be tested in Nov/Dec I believe


We have many resources available for that school district. Please email us at Our team of experts here at can walk you through everything you need to know about the test.


How do I prepare my First grader for GT this fall?


Great question! Using the resources on our website is the best first step. We have practice questions for over 30 tests for gifted and talented programs! We also have expert tutors that are trained specifically for the gifted and talented programs. Our tutors will help your child understand the underlying concepts of the questions and Ace the Test. Please email us at so we can walk you through all of the resources we have available.

my daughter is in 5th grade from Harmony Public Schools (Texas). She is GT and school emailed GATE test. Which test prep she should enroll for practice ?


Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at or by calling (877) 609-6203. They will be more than happy to assist you!

My Daughter is in 6th grade and was told she met the criteria to take the Gifted test for grade 7. We are settled in Illinois and would like to know which test would be appropriate.

Thank you,
Anaisha S

Hi Anaisha,

Gifted testing varies from school district to school district. If you will reach out to our Parent Success Team at 877-609-6203 or with your specific district, we can help direct you to the appropriate test(s).

All the best,



My kids is in 3rd grade she will be taking GT testing. We live in Pearland Texas which is a suburbs of Houston. Would know which test they give?


Pearland ISD gives the CogAT and NNAT tests for entry into their program. They also rely on the ITBS (for reading and math). We have practice materials for all three of these tests. In Pearland (at the elementary level) gifted and talented students are served through a pull-out program called QUEST (Quality Utilization and Enrichment of Student Talents). Students who are identified as gifted and talented attend QUEST classes one day a week where they work on a variety of activities that challenge and extend their thinking.

Very helpful!

Mama Bear

Hello – My kid is 3rd grade in Katy ISD in Texas. What is the appropriate test to prepare him for next year’s GT? Thanks

Hello, The identification process for the GT program in Katy ISD is a comprehensive one that includes both qualitative and quantitative measures. The key assessments used for GT identification in Katy ISD are:

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT): This test measures a student’s learned reasoning abilities in the three areas most linked to academic success in school: Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal.

Iowa Assessments: These measure achievement in key content areas including math, science, language arts, social studies, and vocabulary.

Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT): This test is designed to identify and evaluate creative potential using two parts – a Verbal test and a Figural test.

Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT): This is a nonverbal measure of general ability often used to identify gifted children.

In terms of preparing your child for these tests, we have practice materials for ALL of the tests above on the Testing Mom web site! Make sure your child gets familiar with the types of questions your kid will be exposed to prior to taking any of these exams.

You can engage them in a variety of problem-solving tasks, encourage reading widely and deeply, and provide opportunities for creative expression. These activities can help them develop the skills and attitudes that will be beneficial not only for the GT testing but also for their overall academic growth.

It’s also important to have your child well-rested, well-fed, and emotionally ready on the day of the test. A healthy mindset can go a long way in ensuring a child performs to the best of their ability.

Keep us posted on how testing goes for your child!


Hi, I am from the Folsom Rancho Cordova school district, Sacramento California, My son is in 3rd Grade in a couple of weeks he is taking the Gifted Talented Education (GATE) exam shortly. They will be using a nonverbal, culturally neutral assessment of general ability and problems based on a series of geometric shapes and designs, please guide/recommend me on which program he has to study there are so many programs I am not able to figure out which one to practice.


Dear Shwetha,

Thank you for reaching out for guidance on preparing your son for the Gifted Talented Education (GATE) exam in the Folsom Rancho Cordova school district. Preparing for such an assessment can be a critical moment in a child’s educational journey, and it’s great that you’re taking proactive steps to help your son succeed.

The exam your son will take is designed to measure general ability and aptitude, focusing on nonverbal and culturally neutral elements. Since the test is centered around geometric shapes and designs, it’s important to look for a program that focuses on spatial reasoning, pattern recognition, and problem-solving skills, rather than language-based questions. Most likely this is the CogAT test and the NNAT test! Good news! We have practice materials on Testing Mom for both of these exams. If you’re looking for more personal support we also offer one-to-one online tutoring for the GATE test! You can find out more information here:


My kid will be attending 3rd grade GT from the FRISCO ISD, Texas. Which tests should we focus on from the lists given above?

Once you become a member, please send an email to with your child’s school district and grade – we will be happy to investigate this information for you!


Helping my granddaughter prepare for testing. I am reaching out for help on questions to prepare her for testing.

Sharon, Once you become a member we will be happy to investigate which tests your granddaughter will be taking. Then you can concentrate on just those tests with practice questions on our website. We’ll just need to know your granddaughter’s grade and school.


Hi, my daughter will be 4 and half soon, and we live in Chicago. We are looking for prep for CPS gifted program and classic program

That sounds great! We do have practice questions specific for CPS gifted tests! CPS does not disclose the names of the tests given for either program. They do reveal skills assessed for each type of program. For Classical Schools, reading and mathematics abilities are tested. For Regional Gifted Centers, critical thinking, reasoning, problem solving, working memory, logic, classification and creativity skills are assessed. In the past, CPS has given tests with questions similar to those on the OLSAT®, NNAT2 and NNAT3 and CogAT® tests, which measure cognitive skills. For Classical Schools, the test given would be similar to academic knowledge assessed on the IOWA or NWEA-MAP test. Students in 5th – 8th Grade may qualify for the Classical Schools with NWEA-MAP scores.

Shubham Chawla


We are parents in Toronto, Canada. For Toronto Disctrict School Board schools, we wanted to check which test on your website will be applicable, to make our kid prepare for the gifted test program.

Best, Shubham

For Canadian Gifted Programs, TestingMom offers the CCAT 7 – Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test™ (called The CogAT in the US) as well as CTBS™ – Canadian Test of Basic Skills™. Good Luck!


I was told my daughter should take the gifted test. Help!

Congratulations! has test prep for any type of test that is given by your particular school district. Once you become a member, email us at with your child’s grade and school district so we can help you research. Once we know the specific test that will be given, your daughter can practice questions very much like what is on the test. This builds confidence on test day!


Hi, I have a 3rd grader who is supposed to take an IQ test at school with a psychologist.
We live in Long Island, NY (Nassau County).
Do you happen to know the type of test they do? I know it changes from county to county but I feel overwhelmed with all the different tests.

Once you become a member, feel free to email our team and give us the grade and school district your child will be attending. We keep track (with the help of parents like you!) of tests used from schools around the country and will do our best to find yours.

Hello. Where can I find 9th grade GT prep?

Hi Sowmail!
Currently, provides test prep for grades pre-K through the end of 8th grade. You will need to find out which test(s) your school usess for high school and then pursue workbooks to help with preparation. I’m sorry we couldn’t assist you better!

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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