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Terra Nova Test Scores | Understand Terra Nova Scores

The TerraNova test score indicates how well the child is doing in relation to students across the country.  The scores are returned in National Percentiles The 50th percentile means that a student is on grade level.

The following are types of scores used to report the TerraNova test results:

  • Scaled Score – A standard score indicates performance on the given test. Scores range from 0 to 999. Scaled scores are expected to increase with each grade level.
  • National Percentile – A value on a scale that indicates the percent of distribution that is equal to or below it. A score of 58 percentile means 58% of all students who took the test (in the same grade and of the same age) scored at or below this student. These scores cannot be compared year to year or test subject to test subject. They are not evenly spaced between 0 and 100.
  • Normal Curve Equivalent – The mean, mode, and median for this test is 50. This score can be compared from year to year or from subject to subject (Reading to test subject Math). Values are related to the normal or bell curve and are evenly spaced between 0 and 100.
  • Cognitive Skills Index (PTCS and InView) – This is derived from five sub-tests that assess cognitive skills.
  • Anticipated Achievement Score (PTCS and InView) – This score is determined based on the results of the InView test, coupled with the student’s age and grade level. “Anticipated” means what the student is expected to achieve.
  • Objectives Performance Index – an estimate of the number of items a student would be expected to answer correctly if there had been 100 items tested for that particular objective.

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9 Responses

How do I access the 100 free test questions?


What does a 4.7 grade mean for a 4th grader?


I would like more information on the Terra Nova testing for 2nd grade.


Under Norm-Referenced Scores the “Local Percentile/Stanine” are included on the report. What does “Local” specifically refer to? The school, city, state, etc…???

Max Olivier

I will need more information about Terra Nova Testing for 7the grade


I have no idea how to read my scores and I need to know if I will be in the advanced class in middle school! I really need help! I can’t even understand my score paper!


Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at 877-609-6203 or They will help you learn more about the Terra Nova Test scores and how to find additional practice for the test.


Our 2nd grader scored in 99th percentile in Reading and Science and 95th percentile in Math. On the next page of the report it showed national average norm reference and his csi score of 119, but we don’t see that it broke each of those norm references down individually for him, specifically. Is this something we can ask the school for?

It sounds like your 2nd grader is doing well! You can always request additional information from the school – be it by teacher, principal, or going to the district office for help. IF they have the information, they should give it to you. Or there may be a reason why the information wasn’t broken down by subject or individual. Good luck!

See if supports your child’s test by your school district. If you don't see your child's school district listed, check with us! We have practice for other tests as well.

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