ERDA-2 – Subtests and Practice Questions

What Subtests are on the ERDA-2?

ERDA-2, the Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment – 2nd Edition, consists of six subtests or measures that assess specific literacy skills. The specific subtests within the ERDA-2 may vary depending on the version and grade level being used, but here are the subtests you will encounter on the ERDA – 2nd Edition.

1. Concepts of Print (K-1st grade)

2. Phonological and Phonemic Awareness (K – 3rd grade)

    • Phonemes
    • Rhyming
    • Syllables

3. Phonics

    • Letter Recognition (K- 1st grade)
    • Pseudoword Decoding (1st – 3rd grade)

4. Fluency

    • Passage Fluency (K – 3rd grade)
    • Target Words in Context (K – 3rd grade)
    • Word Reading (1st – 3rd grade)
    • RAN-Digits, Letters, Words, and Words and Digits (2nd – 3rd grade)

5. Vocabulary

    • Receptive/Expressive (K – 3rd grade)
    • Word Opposites (1st – 2nd grade)
    • Multiple Meanings (3rd grade)
    • Synonyms (2nd – 3rd grade)

6. Comprehension

    • Story Retell
    • Reading Comprehension
    • Listening Comprehension

What are some Practice Questions for ERDA-2 Skills?

Practice for Concepts of Print

Present a book to the student. Ask the following questions.

  1. Can you show me where you would start reading this book?
  2. Can you point to the first word on this page?
  3. Can you find the letter ‘A’ on this page?
  4. Who wrote the book?


Practice for Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

Phonological Awareness:

  • Phoneme Isolation
    1. What is the first sound you hear in the word ‘cat’?
    2. What is the last sound you hear in the word ‘dog’?


  • Phoneme Blending
    1. What word do you get when you put together the sounds /b/ /i/ /g/?
    2. Blend these sounds: /c/ /a/ /r/.


  • Phoneme Segmentation
    1. Can you say the sounds you hear in the word ‘sun’ one at a time?
    2. How many sounds do you hear in the word ‘fish’? Say them one at a time.


  • Phoneme Deletion
    1. Say ‘cat’. Now say it without the /k/ sound. What word do you have?
    2. What is ‘smile’ without the /s/ sound?


Phonemic Awareness:

  • Phoneme Identification
    1. Which sound is different in the words ‘bat,’ ‘bit,’ and ‘but’?
    2. What sound is the same in ‘snake’ and ‘sock’?


  • Phoneme Substitution
    1. Change the /k/ sound in ‘cake’ to /h/. What’s the new word?
    2. Replace the /t/ sound in ‘cat’ with /m/. What word do you get?


Rhyming Words:

    1. Do ‘cat’ and ‘hat’ rhyme?
    2. Give me a word that rhymes with ‘sun.’



    1. How many syllables do you hear in the word ‘butterfly’? Clap your hands once for each syllable.
    2. Can you break the word ‘giraffe’ into its syllables? Say each part separately.


Practice for Phonics

  • Letter Recognition

Say – “Point to each letter and tell me the name of the letter. If you come to a letter you don’t know, I’ll tell you.  Ready? Begin.”

  N    r     T      u       v       O       P       e       a       B

   M    S    d      X       c        A       g       K       U       R

Q    L    y       j        V       G       F       e       h       i

  • Pseudoword Decoding

Say – Look at this word (point to the first word on the practice form). It’s a make-believe word. Watch me read the word: /f/ /e/ /p/, “fep.” (point to each letter, then run your finger fast beneath the whole word) I can say the sounds of the letters, /f/ /e/ /p/, (point to each letter) OR I can read the whole word “fep” (run your finger fast beneath the whole word). Your turn to read a make-believe word. Read this word (point to the word ros). Make sure you say any sounds you know.

Practice for Fluency

  • Passage Fluency
    1. Read this passage aloud. Try to read it smoothly and with expression.
    2. Can you read this story with confidence and without stumbling over words?
    3. Read the paragraph on this page. Make it sound like you’re telling a story.


  • Target Words in Context
    1. Find the word ‘sun’ in this sentence and read it aloud.
    2. Locate the word ‘cat’ in this paragraph and say it clearly.
    3. Read the word ‘jump’ in the sentence and use expression as if you’re telling someone about it.


  • Word Reading
    1. Read each of these words as quickly and accurately as you can.
    2. How many words can you read in one minute? Let’s start.
    3. Read these words, and we’ll time how long it takes you to finish.


on                      who                    is                to               it

how                   first                     still             stop            bank

hug                    sports                  listen          wave          driver


  • RAN-Digits, Letters, Words, and Words and Digits
    1. Point to and name each of these letters as fast as you can.
    2. Try to read these numbers as fast as you can.
    3. Name the colors and the shapes as quickly as possible.

Practice for Vocabulary

  • Receptive/Expressive
    1. Point to the picture of the ‘apple’ on this page.
    2. Listen carefully. Can you show me the ‘tallest’ object in the room?
    3. Find the ‘triangle’ in this row of shapes.
    4. Which picture represents a ‘quiet’ activity?


  • Word Opposites
    1. What is an opposite word for ‘fast’?
    2. What’s the opposite of ‘brave’?


  • Multiple Meanings
    1. What are two meanings of the word ‘bat’?
    2. Can you tell me the different meanings of the word ‘bark’?
    3. In the story, what is the meaning of ‘crane’ when they talked about the bird, and what is its meaning when they talked about the machine?


  • Synonyms
    1. What is another word for ‘happy’?
    2. Can you give me a synonym for ‘small’?


Practice for Comprehension

  • Story Retell
    1. Listening to a Story – The child may listen to a short story or passage, or they might read a story, depending on their grade level.
    2. Recalling the Story – After reading or listening to the story, the child is asked to retell the story in their own words. They are expected to summarize the key elements of the story, including the main characters, the setting, the problem or conflict, and the resolution.


  • Reading Comprehension – Questions are asked after the child has read a story.
    1. After reading the story about the lost dog, where did the main character finally find their pet?
    2. What was the problem that the main character faced in the story, and how did they solve it?
    3. What is the main idea of this paragraph about dolphins?
    4. Can you summarize the story you just read in a few sentences?
    5. In the text, why did the character feel sad, and how did they feel at the end of the story?
    6. What do you think will happen next in the story based on what you’ve read so far?


  • Listening Comprehension – Questions are asked after the child has listened to a story or audio clip.
    1. In the audio clip about the farm, what animals did the narrator mention living on the farm?
    2. After listening to the description of the weather, what type of weather is expected for tomorrow?
    3. What was the main idea of the conversation between the two friends on the recording?
    4. Can you retell the key points from the audio story you just heard?
    5. Why did the characters in the audio play decide to go on a camping trip?
    6. Based on what you heard in the interview, what is the job of the person being interviewed?

How is the ERDA-2 Scored?

The Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment – 2nd Edition (ERDA-2) is scored using various metrics:

Raw Score (RS):  Number correct out of number attempted.

Categories of Achievement:  Assesses performance against developmental milestones. Students receive scores of Below Basic, Basic, or Proficient.

Formal, informal, norm-referenced scores and qualitative descriptions of student performance are obtained. These scores identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses. The performance of a student is reported in a student profile with qualitative data and a skills analysis to assist the teacher in developing a comprehensive intervention plan.