CogAT Quantitative Battery

The CogAT Quantitative Battery measures a student’s comprehension of scenarios that require problem-solving as well as quantitative reasoning. Students are expected to identify relationships between numerical items while trying to discover rule(s) that govern how a question can be solved. Students are required to use abstract reasoning and relational abilities and relational comparisons to solve the equations presented to them.

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The quantitative battery consists of number analogies, number puzzles, and number series.

Number Analogies

This section requires that students rely upon the same thought processes as they use when solving Picture Analogies. Still, instead of verbal concepts, students must identify relationships between quantitative concepts.

Sample Question: In this section, you are given two pairs of numbers and then a third number without its pair. The first two pairs of numbers are related in some way. Figure out what the relationship is between the numbers within each of the pairs. Choose an answer that creates a third pair of numbers that are related to each other in the same way the first two pairs are related.

Answer- C (subtract 3 from the first number)

Number Puzzles

In the context of the CogAT, students will need to solve equations. Within the CogAT, they achieve this by selecting the answer choice that ensures the quantities on both sides of the equation result in the same number. To accomplish this task, they must employ basic operations like addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication.

Sample Question: In this section, you will be given a mathematical equation. Choose the answer that should replace the ? or the symbol.

Answer- c

Number Series

In this specific CogAT question type, students are provided with a series of images involving beads or an abacus. Their task within the CogAT is to identify the string of beads that follows in the sequence by discerning the underlying pattern.

Sample Question: Look at the numbers in the row below. There is a rule that governs the order in which the numbers occur in the series. Figure out the rule and then choose the number that comes next from the answer choices below.

Answer – c