CogAT 5th Grade Practice Test

If you and your child have wondered what kinds of questions will appear on the fifth grade CogAT, below are some examples! These sample questions should provide you with a better idea of the quantitative, verbal, and non-verbal skills that your child should focus on, and demonstrate during the exam. All sample questions are similar to the most current version of the CogAT, “Forms 7 and 8”.

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1) Quantitative Battery: Number Puzzles

In the CogAT Number Puzzles subtest, students face mathematical puzzles and sequences. They aim to find missing numbers or patterns. This subtest tests their quantitative reasoning, problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning skills.

Example #1:

In this section, you will be given a mathematical equation. Choose the answer that should replace the ? or the ♾️ symbol.

7 + ♾️ = 18

a. 11       b. 12       c. 1       d. 25       e. 19


2) Non-Verbal Battery: Figure Classification

In the CogAT Figure Classification subtest, students work with abstract shapes or figures. They identify figures completing patterns or belonging to the same group. This subtest assesses non-verbal reasoning, focusing on recognizing visual patterns and relationships. It challenges critical thinking and analytical judgments without relying on language or verbal skills.

Example #2:

Parent say to your child: Look at the first three figures. They go together in some way. Choose one more figure in the rest of the row that goes with the first three figures in the same way.

Cogat 5th Grade Figure Classification QuestionCogat 5th Grade Figure Classification Question

3) Verbal Battery: Verbal Analogy

In the CogAT Verbal Analogy subtest, students encounter word pairs with specific relationships. They must then identify similar relationships in other word pairs. This assesses verbal reasoning and the ability to recognize and apply word and idea relationships. It also requires critical thinking and making linguistic connections to evaluate language-based reasoning abilities.

Example #3:

The first two words in the sentences below go together in a certain way. Choose the answer that goes with the third word in the sentence the same way that the first and second words go together.

Physician is to illness as dentist is to _______.

A. cavity       B. drill       C. chair       D. tootpaste       E. floss


4) Quantitative Battery: Number Series

In the CogAT Number Series subtest, students face number sequences and patterns. Their task is to recognize the rule governing the sequence and predict the next numbers accordingly. This subtest evaluates their numerical relationship recognition, logical deduction, and mathematical problem-solving abilities. It challenges critical and analytical thinking within numerical patterns, providing insights into their quantitative reasoning skills.

Example #4:

Look at the numbers in each row below. There is a rule that governs the order in which the numbers occur in the series. Figure out the rule and then choose the number that comes next from the answer choices below.

72     64     56     48     40     ___

A. 30       B. 31       C. 32       D. 33        E. 34


5) Non-Verbal Battery: Paper Folding

In the CogAT Paper Folding subtest, students view paper folding and hole-punching images. Their main task is predicting the final outcome upon unfolding. This subtest assesses mental visualization, understanding spatial transformations, and making logical deductions from visual information. Overall, it challenges critical thinking.

Example #5:

Parents say to your child: on the top row, you will see how a square piece of  paper is folded sometimes once, sometimes twice, sometimes three times. Holes are then punched after the paper has been folded. Choose the answer in the second row that shows how the folded piece of paper would look like after it is unfolded.


1) a

2) D – Same figure rotated

3) A

4) C – Subtract 8

5) B

If your child requires tutoring to prepare for the CogAT, Testing Mom Online Tutoring is at your service. We recognize the significance of nurturing cognitive abilities and ensuring top performance in assessments, especially for older students. Our team of expert tutors specializes in CogAT preparation and can offer the guidance and support necessary for your child’s success. Schedule a call with one of our experts today through Testing Mom Online Tutoring and provide your child with the advantage they’ve earned.