- GOT INTO ANDERSON, PRIVATE SCHOOL AND HUNTER ROUND 2. "Karen, I promised to give you a final update as to how our son did after using TestingMom to prepare for the New York City Tests. For G&T, he scored in the 99th percentile on both the NNAT and the OLSAT. For Hunter, he scored 145 - made it to Round 2! For the AABL, he scored 99/99/85/95. He got into our first choice private school and today we got word that he was also admitted to the Anderson program. Thank you for all your help!" Greg in New York City
- VERY GREAT RESOURCE.This was a very great resource for our daughter to prepare for early entry into kindergarten. The questions were challenging and yet structured in a fun way. I also enjoyed receiving the daily questions. Our daughter did very well in her exams (98% and 99%). Thank you for this great resource. Ritu in Frisco, Texas
- RETIRED TEACHER (38 YEARS) LOVES TESTING MOM! Happy my granddaughter, Sara, wanted to join her older brother in the Magnet Program. She loves to read and enjoys Math and Science, but I was concerned about how she would perform on the InView. Since that would be a determining factor on whether she would be accepted or not, I purchased the Testing Mom program to give her exposure to the verbal and non-verbal components of the test, reduce her stress level, and increase her confidence. We completed the entire on-line program together...just had fun working on the skills. She looked forward the lessons and enjoyed being challenged. When she took the test, she said it was easy and thought she knew everything of the test. We received her letter of acceptance into the gifted program this week. She scored in the 99th percentile. THANK YOU...Testing Mom, for making her dream come true. I am a retired teacher (38 years) and I can honestly say this is the best program I've ever purchased. Absolutely amazing results!!! Test preparation is just one part of the program, now we will continue to explore the other activities. Very reasonably priced for the best test preparation program on the market today to prepare young children for the gifted and talented program in their school system. Forever Grateful Grandma
- SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE AND GOT INTO CITY-WIDE G&T IN NYC. "We want to thank you - our daughter took the kindergarten G&T test and scored in the 99th percentile. We and her teachers thought she should be tested and my wife thought prepping her a bit would be a good idea. So, we did, and thanks to your variety of questions at a reasonable price, she did great! She has qualified for the Citywide program in NYC!" Meris, Queens, NY Mom
- YOU GIVE POWER BACK TO PARENTS. "We loved the amazing resource of questions and support for parents on TestingMom.com. We also appreciated the way you reinforced that parents DO have some power in navigating this mysterious process. For those of us in big cities with hit or miss public schools, this helps a lot." Lucy S., Mom in Chicago
- WE GOT OUR FIRST PICK - ANDERSON IN NYC. "Karen, I just wanted to let you know that my daughter got into Anderson, which was our first pick. We are beyond thrilled. We couldn't have gotten here without you. I just looked at my Amazon orders and I ordered your book two years ago! It was your book that introduced me to your whole system and without even knowing it, you have accompanied us along this entire journey. Thanks so much for everything. You've been such a big part of this journey!" Carol, NY Mom
- YOUR SUPPORT MEANT THE WORLD TO US. "Karen, I wanted to share the good news with you. My son has been accepted to the gifted program here at school and I feel very happy! Not only informational, but also on an emotional level, your support throughout this process has been so precious to me. I appreciate your emails and calls to help me even when you were out of the country and on vacation. It says a lot to me about your character and the integrity of your business." Janet, Pennsylvania Mom
- WE RECOMMEND YOU TO ALL OUR FRIENDS. "We just got the news that our daughter qualified for Round 2 of Hunter College Elementary with a score of 151! We are so proud of her. When we decided to apply for this school, we had no idea what to do. TestingMom has been a huge help. We loved working with her and getting her ready for the test. Thank you for all answering all my questions along the way, for your excellent practice materials, your recommendations for testers and for the moral support. We will definitely recommend your service to all our friends." Snehel, NYC Parent
- OUR SON SCORED OFF THE CHARTS ON COGAT. “Just wanted to let you know that we finally got through all the testing for 2nd grade admittance into our County's gifted program. My son got a 95% on nonverbal, 97% on verbal and 99% quantitative with a 99% composite on the CogAT® Test Form 7. He also took the Iowa® test and got a 99% Math and 97% Reading. He started the gifted program last week.” Georgia Mom

- THIS IS AN AMAZING RESOURCE. "Thank you for your encouragement through the admissions process. I thought your site and your book about preparing for Kindergarten were amazing resources. You've helped countless parents!" Sable, Washington Mom
- 99 PERCENTILES ALL AROUND! My son scored in the 99th percentile thanks to your prep questions. I am so happy! Thank you! He made it to round two at Hunter, and scored 99 on both sections of his G&T test. I am going to start prepping his younger sister in a year, and of course, will be using your site! I have already also recommended Testing Mom to all his friends who are one year behind. Thank you so much. Eleanor, Mother in NYC
- YOUR PSYCHOLOGIST RECOMMENDATION WAS AMAZING. "Thanks for helping us choose a psychologist for the Hunter Test. The psychologist you recommended was so wonderful. She was able to move my appointment time at the last minute and was so kind about it. My son is painfully shy and usually takes days to warm up to people, but she was so friendly and fun he went skipping down the hallway with her. She is amazing!! Thank you for the recommendation!" Dani, Manhattan Mom
- OUR SON SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE - I LOVE YOUR MATERIALS. I'm happy to say you that my son has been accepted for Gifted program services . My son took 3rd grade Georgia Gifted program tests and he scored 99th percentile in all. Your resources are awesome and great support for parents and coaches. I love your materials. Thank You so much. Kari, Mother in Georgia
- EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS USE TESTING MOM WITH THEIR KIDS. "I am an educational psychologist who regularly administers IQ tests to people. But when it came to my own child, I didn't know what to do. I knew she had to test well to get into the school we wanted her to attend, but I could never show her the test. What I love about TestingMom.com is that you show parents how to teach their own kids the underlying concepts needed for testing and for school in so many different and creative way. I'm grateful to have found you and we use your materials every day. Your practice questions and games are perfect for intelligence testing preparation. Your Skill Building Academy materials are wonderful for achievement test prep and school enrichment. I'm always recommending your site. You are a godsend! Jen, Mother in Hawaii
- YOUR MATERIALS MADE THE DIFFERENCE - THIS YEAR, SHE QUALIFIED. "Last year, almost to this day, I wrote you to let you know that although I subscribed to your free emails, I didn't use your program to help my daughter prepare. This year, I committed to preparing her and I have got to say that I can NOT believe the difference it made. She got a verbal 95 and a nonverbal 99 and her overall score was 98!!!!!!!!!! I honestly can't believe it. Just doing a few minutes each day made this huge difference. I cannot thank you enough. I am not sure if she will get into a program as she is applying for first grade or if we will even like the school choices we'll have, but the fact that we might save $1,000/month on Catholic School fees has just changed our lives. Thank you for giving us another option and empowering me as a mother to take action and change my daughter's life. Here is the email I sent you LAST YEAR at this time: Subject: Crushed Mom - Did not buy your materials! Hello. Although I am subscribed to your emails, I did not purchase any additional materials. My daughter's scores were so all over the place that I do not even know how to interpret it. She did well on the Hunter exam, just a few points from the cut off, so I went online and compared her score to see where it fell on the spectrum and I thought she would be fine. She is 'advanced' verbally, is a confident child, and yet, her NYC G&T scores are just awful. She scored - Verbal (OLSAT) 8 out of 30 (27th percentile), Nonverbal (NNAT) 21 out of 48 (83rd percentile) with an overall percentile score of 57th percentile. I definitely plan to get her to take the test next year and WILL be purchasing your materials for her and for my younger daughter. I am just so disappointed because it truly just seems that she only needed to better understand the directions for the verbal part." Lynne, Mother in NYC
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON THE NYC G&T TEST - GOT INTO ANDERSON. "I just wanted to let you know that the twins scored 99th percentile and were accepted into the Anderson School. We were VERY happy to say the least because that was our first choice G&T school. I will definitely be recommending testingmom.com." Alix, NY, NY Mom
- LOVE YOUR REASONABLY PRICED PROGRAM - WE GOT INTO HOUSTON GT. "Karen, I'm been anxiously wanting to share with you our great news. Both of my sons: Jeremy, 5 1/2 (K) and Nathan, 4 1/2 (PreK 4) have earned their GT status this year in the Houston Independent School District. Jeremy took the IOWA/CogAT this year. If you recalled our discussion about test changing this year. HISD made a lot of mistakes this year. They released the score, then expunged the scores 2 weeks later. They made some changes which made the total percentage qualifying for GT much lower. Nathan still made it, so it's a relief. Nathan didn't qualify last year when he was in preK. Because of that I signed up for your program. With the help of your website this year, Nathan earned the maximum score - missing only 1 question on the CogAT exam. I think your website program is so wonderful and so reasonably priced. I'm their class "room mother" this year and I've shared with many parents in the class about your website! Thanks again for everything. P.S. By the way, I think you are just amazing. You must have thousands and thousands of clients, yet you are so great about responding to all my questions." Taline, Houston, Texas
- WE STILL USE TESTING MOM EVEN THOUGH THE TEST IS OVER. "I know most people use TestingMom for test prep, and that is where we started, also having him tested for first grade. My son had scored in the 94th percentile, getting into the 2nd choice school for NYC G&T, and his first choice contacted us with a place after we had moved him to private school. Now, 2 years later, we are home schooling and still loving and using TestingMom. We love, love, love the Skill Building Academy! He loves the games in Reflex Math, and we are planning to do Typing Quest later this year." Tina, NYC Mom
- OUR DAUGHTER SCORED 98TH PERCENTILE - THANKS. "I went into the testing process naively and tested Sarah when she turned 5. I had no idea what test was used and how to appropriately select a psychologist to administer the testing. I was told to tell her she was going to play games that day. She seemed shy with the tester and said lots of things like 'I don't know,' so the psychologist would move on. She also told me at the end of the test 'I didn't play games, I was tested, Mommy!' I felt bad I wasn't honest with her, and felt like I owed it to her to have her retested. I researched online a bit to see if I could maybe familiarize her with the testing process a bit more-- that's when I was lucky enough to find >testingmom.com.What an amazing experience! The staff was very personal and assisted me with my purchase of the IQ Fun Pack board game and helped familiarize me with membership benefits. Karen is an angel and has SO much passion for what she does! She not only emailed me back immediately (from Japan) when I had questions initially, but also called to hold my hand along the way to be sure I made the right choice with when to retest, etc. When we re-tested, Sarah successfully increased her score 13 points and scored in the 98th percentile! I have no doubt that testingmom.com and Karen played a big role in that so....Thank you thank you thank you!!!" Julianna, L.A. Mom
- WE'VE RECOMMENDED TESTING MOM FOR YEARS! First of all, I wanted to say thank you. We've been members since 2013 (quite frankly because I forgot about it after the first year, but then kept it because of all the other learning resources you offer, and used your program again for my second son). Both have gotten in to a citywide G&T school in NYC, and yours was the only test prep we did. I do think it was critical to familiarize the boys with the types of questions in advance, and obviously it paid off. We have recommended your program to many friends over the years. Connie, NYC
- OUR SON HAD FUN TAKING THE TEST - AND HE LEARNED TO FOCUS. "Karen, we wanted to let you know that our four-year-old Noah took his gifted test yesterday...and we think he did well. He at least enjoyed himself because the first thing he said after was 'I had fun with it!' We took your advice so that he could sit through the test and focus better - and we told him that the test writers might try to trick him with the answer choices, so he should really concentrate. We think it worked because he took his time and finished all the questions and told us, 'They didn't try to trick me!' Ha! Of course, we won't know how he scored until April, but as far as the prep and the day-of experience went, we couldn't ask for more. Testing Mom really provided great guidance, and as a testament, he even asked to do 'more puzzle book' last night - even when he doesn't have the to practice anymore!" Daria, Queens, NY Mom
BOTH KIDS QUALIFIED FOR GIFTED PROGRAMS USING YOUR COGAT RESOURCES. "Thanks Karen! I appreciate your time and help locating the practice test/information below. I have not heard of the Watson Glaser and wasn't having much luck finding data. I knew I could rely on you! :)
I absolutely love Testing Mom! Both my kids used your CogAT resources and placed into gifted programs. My son is going into 8th grade now and applying for a STEM academy for high school, which requires taking the 8th grade form 7 CogAT, Watson Glaser, and timed essay on testing day. The essay topic is not disclosed until minutes prior to start time. So, thank you for all your help-truly appreciate it!" Carol, Member since 2014
- YOU ARE A G&T PREP LIFESAVER. "Millions of Thank You's to you! I wanted to let you know that we thank you every day for IQ Fun Pack. We love playing the game but only had it for 1 month before the test. My daughter scored 96 percentile on the test in April. We are happy with the result, but wish it had been a 97% so she would have qualified for citywide programs. I believe if we'd had the game just a little longer, and if we had practice your online questions for more than 1 month, she would have gotten that 97% or higher. Next year we will try again and take our practice more slowly over a longer period of time. You are truly a G&T Test Prep Life Saver!" Bai, Manhattan Mom
- ADAM LOVES YOUR DAILY QUESTIONS. “Thanks so much for all your advice. Adam asks me every day if I have a question for him from your email blast for him to see. Some are tricky! But he likes it even when he doesn't know the answer.“ Marisa in NYC
- YOUR SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY KEEPS OUR SON LEARNING. "Thank you for this wonderful site! My son did get into G&T here in NY for 1st grade, but not the school he was in. My husband and I had already made the decision to move him to private school when his school called us 2 days before school was to start that they would take him. We decided to leave him in private school to take advantage of the smaller class size and what was supposed to be a more challenging curriculum. I have found that with him now in 2nd grade, he still is not as challenged as I would like. He picks up the concepts quickly and gets bored in class easily. I have been using your Skill Building Academy tools more and more in order to keep him engaged in learning. The site is fun and has many resources that he connects with. I am very happy I kept my subscription, mistakenly thinking it was only to prepare him for the test. I can now see how useful it is and will be, as we continue with his schooling. Thank you again!!!" Tina, a Happy Mom
- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER USES TESTING MOM FOR HER OWN CHILD. "I have a daughter who was just accepted into her school's Gifted program. I've been getting your emails and think your service is great. I was an elementary school teacher for 15 years and thought the standardized tests really didn't capture some children who were really bright and deserved to be in gifted programs simply because these children - in 2nd and 4th grade - just weren't familiar with the type of tests/questions that were presented. I saw many bright children trying to get accepted to private schools struggle with admissions tests. Thank you for your service." Donna - Mom in Princeton, New Jersey
- MY SON QUALIFIED FOR GATE WITH YOUR HELP. “I want to thank you for all the help you've given me in preparing my son for his GATE test. Your service is awesome! You give power back to parents and kids. Thanks for the links you sent me, the advice and all the personal service.” Maria in Riverside, CA
TESTING MOM IS THE MAIN REASON FOR OUR SON'S SUCCESS. How do I relay how much Karen and Testing Mom have meant to me and my family over this past year? They are a main reason for our son's success. Our son has special needs, which include attention problems, but we felt that he should try to take the NYC public school system Gifted and Talented test anyway (just in case). I found
TestingMom.com by Google searching for Gifted and Talented test preparation. I gained access to the exercises at
TestingMom.com by becoming a member, but I wanted a bit more guided help for my son. So, I emailed Karen and Michael at TestingMom, and asked for recommendations for tutors for the Gifted and Talented test. They had many tutors to recommend. I chose Jane, a tutor for the Gifted and Talented test, who was willing to travel to our home for tutoring. After meeting my son, Jane immediately informed us that she thought he was a good candidate for taking the Hunter test as well. Karen concurred. Never in a million years would we have considered taking that test! So we took the test and our son soared through with flying colors, making it to round 2 of Hunter! We were so excited and we got to visit the school for a playdate. While our son wasn’t chosen for one of the few spots at Hunter, it was a wonderful educational experience that we felt helped our son practice his attention skills, and thus prepare him a bit more for the Gifted and Talented test that was to occur later on. And we never would have even thought to have our son test for Hunter if it weren’t for Karen and Jane. They saw something in our son that we had never dreamed of. So we continued our Gifted and Talented test practice with Jane. Jane prepped and assessed our son throughout her visits, and told us that she was confident he would do well. He took the test, and we kept our fingers crossed.
Throughout the Gifted and Talented process, we had many questions that were not able to be answered directly by the Department of Education. We wanted specific advice about the application process, how to handle our son’s special needs while preparing him for the test, how to find the best testing site for his needs, and other detailed questions. Karen was there to help all along the way, emailing with me and Jane many times throughout this process. My family feels so supported and so lucky to have met Karen and Jane, these two wonderful people. And our son scored a 99! We were able to apply to Gifted and Talented programs across New York City! We knew that our chances in the lottery for Gifted and Talented programs were slim due to the demand, as not every child scoring well can be placed in a G and T program due to lack of space. So we applied to G and T programs all over New York City, and were prepared to even move our home if we got into a school that was not close to us. Throughout this whole process, Karen and Jane advised us and made us feel so supported and warm. It wasn't just *us* trying to get our son into the best possible school, it was *all* of us, Karen and Jane being included in our family. And as I write this, I'm actually welling up with tears because of the warmth and support that I have felt from them, and the happiness that I have in the rare and wonderful outcome that has occurred. My son was offered a place at our first choice G&T program! I don't know how we can ever repay Karen and Jane for their support. I know that our son would not have access to such a wonderful educational opportunity without them. I plan to keep in touch with Karen and Jane throughout the years, as I feel they have become a part of our family.
I send my best wishes to those parents who are going through this process now. You are not alone. Please know that with TestingMom.com, you and your child will be the best prepared you can possibly be. Connie, NYC Mom - WE LOVE ALL THE RESOURCES ON YOUR SITE. "I think your site is great...so many resources. Testing is so important in our school district that I wanted to drill the kids on some of the things, particularly math and reading fluency, and your site has tests and all sorts of resources to do just that. I happily paid for a year's subscription!" Laura, New Jersey Mom
- WE USE TESTING MOM EVEN WHEN WE AREN'T PREPARING FOR TESTS. "Thanks for the help you gave me to prepare my daughter for the WRIT test. Your site is wonderful and we use it even when we are not preparing for tests." Mark, Dad in Texas
- YOU GAVE US CONFIDENCE. "Testing Mom has already changed the course of our preparation and I feel confident about the outcome." Jonathan, NYC Dad
- YOUR ONE SITE TAKES CARE OF ALL 3 OF MY KIDS! "I want you to know how much we love your site and how useful we find all of your materials! I have three kids of various ages who are all taking your tests and playing your games for kindergarten G&T, 5th grade middle school entrance exams and 6th grade ELA and math prep! I love that it's a one-stop shop for all of them! I feel such a relief knowing that I can take care of business by logging onto one site! So thank you so much!" Deb, Manhattan Mom
- YOUR PREP GOT MY DAUGHTER INTO HUNTER. "My daughter studied your prep materials for Stanford Binet and really loved the practice questions and games. We took the test months ago, but my daughter still asks to do the practice questions because it was so much fun for her. In addition to having fun, she also got into Hunter! So both she and I are glad we used Testing Mom!" Asher, Manhattan Mom
- PREPPING HELPED US BOND WITH OUR SON (WHO SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE). "I wanted to write back and let you know that our family owes Testingmom.com a great huge thank you for helping our son get a 99th percentile on the CogAT test. He earned 96% on nonverbal, 98% on verbal and 99% quantitative with a 99% composite on the CogAT® Test Form 7. It would not have been possible without all the practice questions you provide. Preparing for the test helped us bond with our child and taught our son useful listening and focusing skills. Thanks again." James, CA Dad

- YOU HELPED MY SON GET INTO G&T. "My 4-year-old just got accepted to a G&T program. I want to thank you for all your help. I'm going to continue my membership in your website and use your Skill Building Academy so I can keep my son working and motivated, especially with all your common core programs and exercises. I've attended all your webinars and have read Testing For Kindergarten. I've been following all of Karen's advice, which has helped me build my son's expressive and receptive language skills. He's now reading at a 1st grade level. His reasoning abilities are so strong as a result of following Karen's advice. He makes incredible connections between things we read about and his environment. He's such a bright boy and it's a joy to be his mother. Not to brag too much, but it's incredible. Thank you for all the resources you have put together." Lucy, Florida Mom
- MY SON LOVES THE GAMES AND THE QUESTIONS. Thank you, Michael, for taking the time to invest in preparing parents for our child's next step. Your programs are truly valuable and my son, John, is really enjoying the interactive games as well as the test prep questions from your website. Sometimes, I wish the NYC DOE would be more transparent with regards to how their education programs run, but our family is glad to have Testingmom to fill in the gaps! Much success in your business endeavors! Chris, NYC Mom
- YOUR PROGRAM HELPED OUR DAUGHTER FINALLY GET INTO THE GIFTED PROGRAM. "Karen, I want to thank you for your assistance with appealing the test results for our daughter. I am pleased to report that after several years of frustration, long delays and brush offs by the school system, that she has finally been fully admitted to the Gifted Program. In addition, our two younger children were test for giftedness this year and our youngest, a kindergartener, was found to be gifted in math scoring in the 99% on the math and general aptitude sections, 95% on Reading and 85% on vocabulary. He said that much of his testing experience resembled the practice on testingmom.com and that because of this he felt he was able to do better than if he had just gone in cold. Our middle child said he rushed through his testing, often jumping ahead of the examiner and we attribute this to his relatively poor performance on his testing. He now clearly understands both what to do and what not to do next year. I thank you for continuing to improve the website and for all your assistance with our daughter's case. We will never know exactly why the school system finally relented but I am convinced that approaching the appeal using your advice was one of the biggest reasons for the change in their stance." Mark, Virginia Dad

- A GREAT RESOURCE FOR PARENTS INTERESTED IN PRIVATE SCHOOL ADMISSIONS. "I highly recommend Karen Quinn’s book Testing for Kindergarten and the website testingmom.com. As a busy professional, there is no other book that was valuable to me as a parent in thinking about my daughter’s education. I read the book when my daughter was young and used many of the techniques and terrific resources that Karen recommended in the book. I love that nearly all of the activities that the book recommends are play-based and they allowed me to bond even further with my daughter.I also had the honor of bringing in Karen Quinn and Michael McCurdy to speak to a group of parents who were interested in private school admissions and the gifted and talented program. They were terrific and took time to speak to each of the parents one-on-one with lots of follow-up. They are incredibly giving of their time and was a constant resource to me and others during the admissions process.For Karen and Michael, their work is not about getting your child into the best school but rather the school that is best for your child. I went into the admissions process with a particular school in mind but after talking to Karen she helped me expand my reach and the schools we ultimately fell in love with were those that she pushed me to apply to. My daughter got into nearly every elite private school that she applied to and I have no doubt that it is because of the guidance that I received from Karen during the process (and using the resources she recommended in her book).I would be remiss if I didn’t mention a story that truly personifies Karen and her character. I mentioned to Karen that a colleague had some questions about her child’s learning style and asked if she could she speak with my colleague. Not only did Karen make time to talk with her, Karen recommended and contacted some experts for her to speak to immediately. She continued to send the person resources and recommendations and recently asked for her email at her new place of employment so that she could continue to do so.I look forward to using all of the resources on testingmom.com as my daughter progresses in her education. I am comforted knowing that I will have resources to take me through each stage of my daughter’s education. Karen and Michael are gems and I highly recommend signing up for the website and using them as a resource as you go through your admissions process. Naliaka, New York City Mom
- YOU HELPED GET OUR DAUGHTER INTO GIFTED PROGRAMS 2 DIFFERENT TIMES (COGAT AND NNAT)! “I really want to say thank you Testing Mom. We used this service twice in our life. Once is in WA state another in TX. My daughter got selected for gifted education in both school districts.” Mom in Texas
- YOUR SCAT PREP FOR JOHNS HOPKINS CENTER FOR TALENTED YOUTH WORKED. "We just got Diego's results and he qualified for Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Math and Humanities! We have to thank the SCAT prep from TestingMom for helping us achieve this result. We couldn't be happier! Thank you." Margaret, Virginia Mom
- OUR SON LOVES IQ FUN PACK - IT HELPED HIM QUALIFY FOR GIFTED PROGRAM. "I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that my son Carter tested for the Alamo Heights gifted and talented program (HEIGHTS), and got in! Your book helped me to better engage Carter with games and brain teasers. He also loves to play IQ Fun Pack, which he calls the “Alien Baby Game.” Thanks so much!" Charles, Dad in Texas
- WE GOT 5 PRIVATE SCHOOL ACCEPTANCES. "Just wanted to let you know that my little one was accepted at 5 wonderful private schools in L.A. - we ultimately settled on the Mirman School. This was after I read your book, joined your program, and did all the suggested activities and practice with him. As you know, Los Angeles is very competitive, and there's a lot of madness when it comes to getting in! We took the attitude that your book, emails and program gave us lots of fun educational things to do with our son. So no matter what, it was time well spent. Now that he has been accepted, we are excited about this new chapter in his life and look forward to a great school year. Thank you again for all your tips and inspiration. We still continue to talk to, read with, and play with our child. They're only young once!" Eleanor, LA Mom
- YOUR ADVICE MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. “Wanted to let you know that your suggestion of going down to Chambers was golden! There I was able to connect directly with Enrollment and after continuous pleading, letter writing and communicating, the day before school started we received a placement in a 2nd Grade G&T at PS 38, The Pacific School (Brooklyn). So far, so good - my son loves his teacher and his classmates of which there are only 22 (small class!) So thanks again for your very helpful tip which proved to be instrumental in moving things forward.” Mom in Brooklyn
- LOVE YOUR PROGRAM. “I am the mom of a 4-year-old in California. I would like to sincerely express my admiration for your utmost dedication to children's learning. Indeed, your efforts are extraordinary and your academic beliefs are consistent with what it requires to achieve success.” CA Mom
- YOU HELPED OUR DAUGHTER SCORE 99.8 PERCENTILE ON THE WPPSI. “I wanted to thank you for all of the help/support I have received from you! My daughter, 4.5, took the WPPSI™ IV test last week and scored 99.8 % for the full scale.” Elizabeth in NYC
- 99th PERCENTILE ON THE COGAT. "My 7-yr.-old daughter just did not learn well from her teacher in 1st grade. She was unhappy with school, performed poorly on end of the year assessments, and felt very negative about her capabilities. We used your site all summer and by the time 2nd grade started in the fall, her confidence and skills had grown tremendously. A friend in class now refers to hear as the "math queen". We also used your practice questions and test prep for the CogAT and we just found out today that she got a 99th percentile composite score. That means automatic entry into the Gifted program in our state. Yes, I believe we would have done well without your site, however I would have spent many more hours researching and preparing. In addition, I would have spent more than the price of membership on different programs and books. With your site, we had such a wealth of resources at our fingertips that my daughter felt she had choices and she couldn't get bored. I loved having access to the different apps and seeing which ones worked best for us. You have picked tremendous programs and provided so many practice questions that you made my job so much easier. Tonight, I sit here thrilled and relieved. Thank you so very much, Testingmom!" Laura, Georgia Mom
- MY DAUGHTER GOT INTO NYC CITY WIDE GIFTED PROGRAM. "Karen, it has been a while since we last spoke. As you'll recall, we accidentally missed the Hunter application deadline and felt terrible about that. But with your support, we turned our attention to helping our daughter do her best on the NYC G&T test. As you know, the G&T test scores came out last week. I would like to share with you how Bella did since you and Joelle (her tutor) played such an important part in her success. I simply can't put in words how much I owe you. Bella scored in the 97th percentile! I signed up for your tele seminar tomorrow night and will also be coming to see you in May when you are in town so I can give you a big hug. Also, I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to let you know how much Bella has enjoyed the IQ Fun Pack game, but she really does like it! Again, thank so much and I'll see you soon in town. God bless you." Yanika, Manhattan Mom
- OUR TWINS GOT INTO HUNTER AND PRIVATE SCHOOL. "I wanted to send you a quick note because I am a New York City parent that has used your program and loved it! I have just gone through the K admissions process with my twin girls and although it was grueling, it was completely worth it. One was accepted into Hunter and they scored a 97 and 99 on the G&T test. We have decided to go with one of the private schools that they were accepted into because we felt it was the best fit for our family. After going through all of this, I will definitely be recommending testingmom.com." Prasilva
- WE STILL DO YOUR PRACTICE QUESTIONS JUST FOR FUN. “Hello! Just wanted to say that I learned about you the last school year right after my daughter passed the first group testing (in kindergarten). When I found out that my daughter was moving in to round two, I quickly went to the internet and found Testing Mom. Well, she passed and now is in the high ability gifted program! We still do your practice questions just for fun! Thank you!” Amanda
- OUR DAUGHTER SCORED OVER 150 ON THE HUNTER TEST. "I registered the testingmom membership after going to your NYC event in May and then I have been using the resources and playing with my kid. That day she saw the psychologist who tested her for Hunter, the Dr. said to me 'your daughter really likes doing those challenging logic questions'. I think this is all because of testingmom.com. She scored over 150 on the test and will most likely qualify for Round 2 of Hunter testing. No matter how she does in the second round, Karen, I would like to thank you and your team for providing such great information to us! Working on those questions also has become an evening routine for us and has built a special bonding between us. Thank you so much!" Sarah, Manhattan Mom
- WE LOVED YOUR LIVE SEMINAR. “Thank you for the incredibly informative seminar tonight. There was so much helpful information – I wish my husband was there to hear it all directly from you, Michael, Karen, and Dana.” Adrian and Nick
- WE RECOMMEND YOU TO OUR FRIENDS. "Thanks to you, my daughter did a 'spectacular job,' the psychologist said. My older daughter tested into gifted program at age 5, and your book was a great refresher for me. It guided me in taking the extra steps of playing games and doing general prep for testing with her. I will recommend your book and site to friends who have tests coming up." Carrie, Seattle Mom
- I'M GRATEFUL FOR YOUR WEBSITE AND YOUR QUICK RESPONSES TO MY QUESTIONS. "Thank you for your guidance on how we can use your site to prepare our 4th grader for the writing test she'll be taking. Your advice was exactly what we needed. I am so grateful to have found your website. You have been so quick and thorough with your replies, and it is obvious you really care. Thank you. You have helped us tremendously." Esther, Toronto Mom
- LOVE THE SITE, THE PERSONAL GUIDANCE, THE QUESTIONS. "I would like to thank you for making Testingmom.com such a wonderful website. With the site, and the personal guidance you gave me through all my email questions, my daughter made Round 2 of Hunter and is currently on their waiting list! We're still waiting for her G&T scores to come in, but she still enjoys doing the logic questions on your site and continues to ask for more practice!" Puja, NYC
- WE ARE SO GRATEFUL TO YOU. “No amount of ‘thank you’ will ever be enough to convey the heartfelt gratitude I have for you. :)” NYC Parent
- TESTED GIFTED ON THE CATS - WPPSI-IV. "Just tested for CATS test yesterday, WPPSI-IV, Kindergartner - and scored 143! So happy & thank you so much for all the super amazing helpful website! I just cannot imagine the amount of work that is behind this website and I am truly impressed with the perfect level of customer service - each time I needed it! Thank you, our entire experience has been a pleasure! Our mission is accomplished, but learning will never stop :-)" Sierra, Dallas Mom
- MY DAUGHTER GOT INTO NEST USING YOUR MATERIALS. "Just a note to say thank you. My 5-year-old twins were accepted into NEST+m for kindergarten, and we prepped them almost entirely with materials from your site." Lianne, NYC Mom
- WE HAVE SUBSCRIBED FOR 3 YEARS AND PLAN TO STAY ON FOR YEARS TO COME. "I can't thank you enough for the wonderful resources you are offering to us, and to our little ones. Thanks to the Testingmom Website and the IQ Pack Game, my son is enjoying reading, math, and taking tests:) Our next challenge is to conquer the SCAT Test. I followed your site advice and purchased the analogy books. We will also be using the sample questions for SCAT that are on the site so my son can familiarize himself with the test. Thank you again for all. Soon we will be in our third year as subscribers with Testingmom, and looking for many more years to come." Erica, Mom in Atlanta, GA
- I RECOMMEND YOUR SITE AND GAME TO ALL MY FRIENDS. "My deep gratitude for all you do and for all your unconditional support. What you do is out of this world and mostly it blows my mind to see how much you love what you do. This is not just a business idea that you are executing, no!!! You show pure caring and continuous support to parents like me and that is what won me over. I will never find the right words to express my gratitude and appreciation to you and your team. I will just keep talking about you, Karen, and TestingMom, and recommending your program, game and the website to all my friends." Nadia, Mom in Manhattan
- YOUR ADVICE HELPED MY SON PASS THE WASI TEST. "Karen, my phone call with you was so helpful. I appreciate everything you gave me to prepare my son for the WASI. He passed it beautifully." Deepra, Washington Mom
- YOU HELPED RAISE MY SON'S SCORES FROM THE 60TH PERCENTILE TO THE 99TH. HE BEAMED WITH PRIDE! “I am writing to happily report the results of my son’s recent test results. But, some background info first. Silvio is a 9-year old 4th grader in CA, who recently took the CogAT® Form 7 test, the entry exam into the GATE program in our school district. The GATE program is the ‘lead into’ the Honor's Program in junior high and high school. I learned last year that this test was ‘very hard,’ that most 4th graders, ‘didn't pass,’ and that there was, ‘no way to prepare.’ This immediately prompted me to start looking for online resources to help prepare him ... I found your website and well the rest is history. I had Silvio taking all your practice tests and playing the online games starting last February. His raw scores in the beginning ranged in the 60% region. We worked until May on almost a daily basis taking and repeating the tests until he scored (on average) 100%. We took a break for summer vacation and started back up again in late August for a refresher. (I later regretted that as he had forgotten a lot during that time.) The test was mid-September, so we worked overtime to recover any memory lapses! Results were received 2 days ago. Silvio scored the highest grade possible! In fact, out of 190 questions (in total), he only missed 5. He was above the 99% percentile in national ranking. He literally "scored off the charts." Out of the 3 sections of the test, in the quantitative section he missed ZERO. He only missed 2 in the figural (e.g., these were the folding questioning and non-verbal analogies part) and 3 in the verbal sections. The look on my son's face when I told him his ranking ‘nationally’ was above 99% of the other 4th graders taking the test was priceless. He was beaming with a level of pride and self-satisfaction I have never seen on his face until now. I have to admit I started crying. I can't tell you what a fantastic resource your site has been. We could not have hoped for a better test result. When Silvio took the test in September, he came home only to say, ‘that was easy.’ When I asked him if he felt ‘prepared,’ the answer was an enthusiastic, ‘Yes!’ We also worked on 'timing' as well and the importance of reviewing his answers. On the test-day, he stated that he answered all the questions BEFORE the time was up and that he had time to review all his ‘uncertain’ answers. Well, that about sums it up. Thank you again!” The Chambers Family
- WE CAN'T RECOMMEND YOUR BOOK AND WEBSITE ENOUGH. "I can recall my friend expressing astonishment that I was reading your book, Testing For Kindergarten (I have to admit it was while I was getting a manicure), but it was the best thing I could have ever done. I wrote out each of the activities and resources you described on note cards and still have them to this day. I read many of the books you recommended in your book – not just for me to read to my daughter but for parents as well. They all recommended what you did – to make learning fun and that’s what I did. I really did take the time to read the book – and took it seriously. I never followed the plan at the end of the book but I definitely took advantage of all the resources you recommended. In fact, my husband and I were doing our High Five Magazine with our daughter this morning. We recently started reading poetry out loud at home – that has been really fun. Anyway, I cannot recommend your book and TestingMom website enough to all parents! Thank you." Durga, Manhattan Mom
- YOU GAVE ME THE CONFIDENCE TO PREPARE MY SON. "I wanted to thank you for the consult we had today. I feel like I got way more than my money's worth. As you'll recall, before finding Testing Mom, we took our son in to take the WPPSI with no preparation. Aarav's scores were all over the map, and he didn't get into the program we wanted him to attend. With your help, I now understand Aarav's strengths, weaknesses, and what I can do to help him improve. You showed me all the resources on your site that could help, and how to use them. I feel like I have a roadmap to get him from where he is today to where he needs to be next Spring. You've also given me the confidence that I can teach him, while having fun and building loving memories at the same time. Thank you!" Rupe, Dallas Mom
- THANKS FOR THE 99TH PERCENTILE - WE RECOMMEND YOU TO ALL OUR FRIENDS. "Our daughter scored 99% on the NYC G&T Test. Testing Mom helped us understand the tests and now I recommend it to all my friends. We are very happy with our results and thank you for the guidance." Anne, Manhattan Mom
- SO GRATEFUL FOR YOUR HELP AND DIRECTION. “Karen, it was a real pleasure speaking with you. Thank you so much for your generous and thorough introduction to your site and materials. We will start intensively tomorrow. I know Mark will find the site entertaining and fun. This will help Mark, and thanks for reassuring me that improvement is possible. It's certainly not about the test anymore and I realized while talking with you that the results were a good wakeup call for me to give Mark more dedicated attention. There's nothing like someone telling you something isn't possible to light a fire under you, right? Still, the process is overwhelming when you don't understand the terminology and methodology used. I am so grateful for your help and direction!” Parent in San Francisco
- YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS GREAT. “Just wanted to thank you so much. I was having technical issues accessing the site the day before my daughter was going to be tested. I sent you guys an urgent email to help me get started again. A call was received within a few minutes. My computer was restarted. Then all was well. My daughter got a few hours of review for her test. I really appreciate your speedy response to my urgent message and wanted to say kudos! Thank you so much!” Virginia Mom
- THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR QUESTIONS. “We are totally working as much as we can from your website. :) Did I thank you for all those questions on your website, yet? Thank you thank you thank you so so much. :)” Mom in Manhattan
- LOVE YOUR RICH WEBSITE WITH THE INNUMERABLE QUESTIONS. "Thank you so much for your detailed and thorough overview of the Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Test and the Beery VMI, and the as well as for the helpful attachmentI have been acquainting myself with your rich testing website and the innumerable questions available. Thank you so much for offering such a plethora of practice materials for tests on one site with a simple click of my mouse. I can't wait to expose my son to this wealth of learning options and opportunities, and learn together. Sophie, North Carolina Mom
- PERFECT FOR BUSY WORKING PARENTS WHO WANT TO BE INVOLVED BUT HAVE LIMITED TIME. “Your site is a tremendous asset, particularly for a busy, working parent like me who wants to be involved, yet has limited time. My son especially likes the challenging daily questions you send every morning!" Prasana, California Mom
- YOUR SUPPORT HAS MADE A DIFFERENCE IN MY CHILD'S LIFE. "Karen, over the last 4 years you have been so supportive, and helpful. Your IQ Fun Pack was worth the investment, and has been enjoyed for years. Last fall, I wrote you on FB about our school's unique gifted program. You encouraged me to apply no matter what my doubts were, and after a string of long-term substitutes in the classroom and an overall discouraging first grade year, I submitted Leah for the program a couple days after the deadline in the spring. I wasn't hopeful at all. My second-grade-mom friends all received rejection letters last week and we didn't hear anything. Then at the awards ceremony this week the gifted teacher gave me the nod, and the substitute let it slip and finally the letter has arrived. Leah has been accepted in the program. Her test scores were solid, and she passed each of the other three phases, not exactly easily, but with solid scores along the way, the vice principal reported. She didn't freeze up as many kids do, so her years of game playing, educational toys and activities and natural born smarts all played a part. I'm really appreciative of the work you have done, your support and help and your kind words along the way. We aren't NYC-competative, but it's still a challenge and an honor to be selected. Thank you!" Kate, Virginia Mom

- OUR DAUGHTER LOVES DOING YOUR QUESTIONS. “Our daughter loves doing her ‘homework.’ She actually brings her binder (where I keep her TestingMom practice questions) to me to work on in the evenings. She does other ‘homework’ as well (basic math, math reasoning, critical thinking, riddles, writing and reading (not all in the same night) but I have been surprised by how much she also enjoys doing these TestingMom problems. She LOVES when she gets the answers right. :)” Mom in Texas
- WITH YOUR SITE AND IQ FUN PACK, OUR DAUGHTER SCORED 98TH PERCENTILE ON THE WPPSI. “We began preparing our daughter for the WPPSI™-IV test 4 months ago. The task to prepare for the test seemed overwhelming and confusing. We were even more discouraged when the schools we wanted to apply to told us there is no preparation possible for the test. Then we came across Karen’s website TestingMom.com and it offered us a clear and focused path to building the underlying skills our child needed for the test. The resources such as Karen’s book ‘Testing for Kindergarten’, her game ‘IQ Fun Pack’ and various material on TestingMom.com, were instrumental in our daughter scoring in the 98 percentile. To cap it all, Karen was always ready and available to answer our emails with any questions we had through the process. We are very thankful to Karen and TestingMom.com.” Mom in Washington State
- YOUR PROGRAM MAKES LEARNING FUN FOR MY DYLAN. "I wanted to send you a note to thank you and let you know how much I appreciate and have genuinely enjoyed your book and the Testing Mom website. I was introduced, thanks to a friend, who suggested I attend one of your seminars in Manhattan. I have since fallen in love with the site. My 4-year-old son Dylan enjoys all the G&T prep games and practice tests, as well as the link to Reading Kingdom. I took things a step further by attending a second seminar, upgrading our membership and getting your book. I really love it all. I had already been doing a lot of what you suggest, but have picked up lots of other great tips on games and how to engage Dylan in learning as 'fun.'" Lynda, Mom in NYC
- THANKING GOD FOR YOUR HELP. “Thinking of you and thanking God today for all the help you have provided and keep providing to me and other NYC parents... :)” NYC Mom
- YOUR SITE HAS HELPED MY SON IMPROVE AND HE IS SO PROUD OF HIMSELF. “You had a phone conversation with me a few months ago about my son, who is applying for private school in the Los Angeles area this year. I just faxed you copies of his Woodcock-Johnson® III Achievement Tests that he recently had re-done. It is really remarkable the improvement that he made in two months with the help of your on-line program. We continue to work with him and he is really enjoying all of the testing and is so proud of his accomplishments.My husband is super impressed with your website and we are all having a blast trying to answer the questions as well. Many times our son has to explain how he got the right answer for me because I don't get it (which my husband finds really enjoyable and loves to remind me that that is what I get from only graduating from an Ivy League Masters program!)” Mom in Santa Monica, CA
- OUR SON MADE THE BEST SCORE THE PSYCHOLOGIST HAD SEEN IN HER 20 YEARS WORKING! "Very happy and thankful to the TestingMom material that guide us through the KBIT Test (and more!). My son, age 09, had the best score in Broward County, Florida, in 20 years of work, according to the psychologist who tested him (those were her words)! Really proud!!!" Patricia, Florida Mom
- WE RECOMMEND TESTING MOM TO ANYONE WITH A CHILD WHO WILL BE TESTED. "This site is wonderful. ABSOLUTELY GREAT! After finding TestingMom.com, I signed up and gave my child Mahirah, a few practice questions and who would have known, she got all of the questions correct. Testing Mom was a great source for my child's OLSAT. It helped a lot. I have still not gotten the scores yet, but hopefully my child will get a good grade and will pass! I recommend Testing Mom to anyone and everyone who has a child or relative who will be taking a test. This site is perfect for preparing for tests. Thank You Testing Mom!" :D Rukushanna, Mother of two in New York City

- JOINING TESTING MOM WAS THE BEST MONEY I EVER SPENT. I just wanted to let you know we did the WPPSI on Wednesday and it went SOOOO well! Jordan could not wait to go - he was excited and proud to see his "special teacher Miss Janey" for a class to show what he knows! She came out of the test and said: "Wow! He has a huge vocabulary - very impressive - he did really great - he took his time, was really thoughtful and is very bright boy!!" I do not have the scores yet but I want to thank you so much for all your guidance and going well above and beyond in your help!Of course, we will keep you posted on our acceptances, but I am feeling pretty confident that we have a good chance of admission at our top choice school (I do plan on sending them a first choice letter when it gets closer to admissions decisions like in January/February). Again - YOU ARE THE BEST and this was the best money I ever spent! Also, I think the past year of doing activities and questions together has a laid a foundation of a way of learning at home that we will keep forever! Deborah, mother in Virginia
- THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS - GREAT ERB SCORE. "We would like to THANK YOU TestingMom.com and Michael and Karen from the BOTTOM of our hearts! The IQ Fun park game and Pattern Tiles really helped and are exceptional tools in getting a child ready for anything. The Testing for Kindergarten book set the stage, but continued feedback and individual consults with Michael and Karen are what really helped shaped a specific education plan for our child and help them get an phenomenal ERB score. Thanks so much guys! Looking forward to working with you for the next child too!" Mom in Battery Park City - NY
- YOUR PRACTICE PUT MY SON OVER THE TOP ON THE WISC-V. "Karen, I just wanted to thank you so much. My 7 year old (soon to be 8 tomorrow) practiced with the WISC-V test questions from your site and got a score of 140 when tested for gifted yesterday– apparently very high!!! We always knew he was extremely bright, but your questions (and especially the online pattern tile game) assisted him and put him over the top. Thanks again!!" Kathryn, Mother in Texas
- THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME UNDERSTAND THE TESTING SYSTEM. "Thank you so much for your time and insight, Karen. It was really wonderful to speak with you and I am sure your advice will be very helpful in many ways going forward. In addition to helping me clarify my thoughts and set up a "study plan" for my son, you have also helped me understand the testing system and how we should approach it. Thanks again to you and Michael for the GREAT work you are doing through Testing Mom." Anisha - Mom in Chicago
- MY WAITER USES TESTING MOM. "It is funny, we were at the restaurant the other week and I brought some practice tests from your website to do while we were waiting for food. The waiter immediately recognized your tests and said that he is currently subscribing to your emailing list and he is planning to become a member next year when his daughter is tested. It felt like a community – Testing Mom parents network." Donna H. - Mom in New York City
- YOUR PRODUCT IS PRICELESS - 98% ON OLSAT. "I'm so happy to report that my daughter passed the OLSAT with a score of 98%!!! I think that equates to 1 wrong (there were 74 questions). This was only after 3 days of practice using your practice tests. Thank you so much!!! Your product is truly priceless. My daughter thanked me after the test because she knew what to expect and wasn't anxious as a result of having done the practice tests, whereas the other children were confused and stressed out. Thank you. Thank you! You guys are awesome :)" Kimberlee M. - Mom in Los Angeles, California
- 99% ON WPPSI - I RECOMMEND YOU TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS. "My 4-1/2 yr old completed the WPPSI-IV test last month and his scores are Performance - 99, Verbal - 99.9, and Full Scale IQ - 99.9. Even though my young son is achieving at a third grade level, I still needed to train his way of thinking, and that's where testing mom came in. Thanks you, Testing Mom. I've already recommended your program to two of my friends!" Nick - Dad in Brentwood (Los Angeles)
- WE GOT OUR #1 CHOICE IN BOSTON AND COULDN'T BE HAPPIER. "We got into our #1 choice in Boston, and couldn't be happier! Thanks again for all your help and we appreciate wisdom and insight. All of us are very excited and look forward to the upcoming school year!" Mom in Boston
- YOUR INTEGRITY AND CUSTOMER FOCUS IS OUTSTANDING. “TestingMom.com shows a LOT of integrity and customer focus. I hope you forward this to your boss as they should know how pleased I am with the amazing service and honesty you displayed. You have ensured that I will remain a loyal customer.” Mom in Ontario, Canada
- MY DAUGHTER LOVES YOUR PROGRAM. "A great big THANK YOU! to Testing Mom for giving me the information I needed to help my daughter do the best she could on her test! Your practice worksheets and Testing For Kindergarten book gave me the insight I needed to ease the process! I HIGHLY recommend your site! My only regret is that I wish I had started earlier, because my daughter LOVED all the challenges, and I know she would have learned so much more! THANK YOU!!!!!" Lydia, Mom in Alabama
- THANK YOU FOR SAVING LIVES. "Thanks again TestingMom.com! Please develop a fun pack game for age 8 or above and develop one to prepare for college. Good luck and thanks for saving our lives" Vivian in Denver, Colorado
- OUR KIDS ASK TO GO TO YOU SITE - IT'S THE BEST SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS. "I really appreciate the work you do and feel lucky to have the membership:) My kids love the practice questions, interactive games, Skill Building Academy Programs and IQ Fun Pack. We turn everything into a playful competition between them. They ask to go on the site and to answer more questions everyday. This is the best summer camp for the kids. Thank you again!" Mary Ann in New Jersey
- YOU HELP MY AUTISTIC AND MY GIFTED CHILD. "You are so awesome! I have one son with autism and one in the gifted program. My son who is in the gifted program is younger than my son with autism and his first grade teacher tried to peg him with having autism. Thanks to you, my son qualified for the gifted program at his school, is incredibly self-confident, on the honor roll and highly successful academically and socially. Intelligence is both innate and learned. There are lots of different kinds of smart. My disabled son is a phenomenal musician and he has the most remarkable memory. You wouldn't believe how many hurtles we've had to overcome to get him a quality education. Don't let anybody ever convince you that preparing young kids for important tests is wrong." Pat, TestingMom Top Member
- YOUR PROGRAM HELPS KIDS ALL THE WAY TO ALASKA. "My son recently took the WPPSI test and was accepted into the gifted program in our area. Your book and the online membership practice questions and games were instrumental in helping me prepare him for the IQ test. I just want to share the good news and let you know that your methods are helping kids and parents all the way up in Alaska." Mom in Alaska
- OUR SON WANTED TO THANK KAREN PERSONALLY AFTER HIS TEST - HE SCORED 98% AND QUALIFIED. "My son enjoyed doing the practice problems and had only about a month for the test. After the phone call with Karen which was very helpful and informative we decided for outside testing using a link from the site for a local university which worked great. After we walked out of the test my son said “Testing Mom helped!”. He was really happy that he understood what they were asking better because of the exposure from TestingMom.com. He wanted to thank Karen personally on the phone which he got a chance to do. We got his results back and he scored in the 98 % easily qualifying for the gifted program. Thanks again!!" Rana in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- WE PRACTICE EVERY DAY. "I'm a top 1% member of testingMom.com and a very happy one. I still think it was very lucky to hear about you the first time while chatting with another mom waiting for the laundry in a laundry room earlier this year. I've been to a couple of your seminars too. I was very impressed by the work you do and the help you give. We have been doing some your exercises for a while. The challenge is to keep doing it everyday. The daily practice question email serves as a reminder. Thanks for doing that as well." Lela in Flushing Queens, New York
- THANKS FOR CREATING AN AFFORDABLE PROGRAM SO ALL KIDS CAN NOW PREPARE FOR TESTS. “Hello Testing Mom, First of all I would like to thank and commend you for the work that you do for parents like myself who otherwise will not be able to afford this kind of test preparation for children taking these kinds of tests. My daughter is going to take the GT assessment here in San Antonio in January. She has to take Cogat (i do not know if it is 6 or 7 so I am preparing her for both), ITBS and Torrence Creativity Test. As we go along the practice questions in Cognat I have found out that she is struggling with Matrices specifically with the math analogies that involves addition and subtraction and some of the figural analysis questions. Although she scores in the 99% in all the other areas, she gets around 87% or below in these two areas. I would like to know if you can email me more exercises concentrating on just figural analysis and math analogies. Also I would like to ask how Cogat is scored. Is it averaged through all the areas or do they get scores for each area? Our GT Specialist said that they take children within the 90% in the program. Thank you so much and any information that you give me will be greatly appreciated. You have already helped us a lot and anything added to it is just a bonus that I and my daughter will forever be grateful for. By the way, SHE ENJOYS DOING OUR FUN HOMEWORK A LOT.... I can not thank you enough! Glad to be a member.” Melissa in San Antonio, Texas
- YOU HELPED OUR DAUGHTER GET INTO THE GATE PROGRAM (COGAT). "We only had little time to prepare for my daughter's gifted entrance exam and with the help of Testing Mom, she scored in the 97% on the test and was admitted to the GATE program at her public school. I wanted to let you guys know that she tested well with the help of Testing Mom. Although we had little time, it was still helpful preparing her for the type of questions that would be on the test. So thank you." Danielle in Atlanta, Georgia
- OUR SON QUALIFIED WITH YOUR HELP. "I wanted to let you all know that Jonathan scored at the 96th percentile on the Gifted and Talented test . We are so thrilled with the news and extremely happy that we remained persistent with Department of Ed. to have him assessed! Thank you so very much for your assistance, encouragement and support. We've submitted our application for District 2 schools with Chelsea Prep ranked as #1, I will keep you posted in the coming weeks on where we receive placement. Fingers are crossed for either PS33 or PS11." Mother in New New York
- OUR DAUGHTER SAID 'EASY PEASY' AFTER THE TEST! AND THEN SHE QUALIFIED. "It all started when I serendipitously came across your book,Testing for Kindergarten. I was captivated from the first page. While most of the exercises you suggested I was already doing without any thought as to "test prep", you gave me a boost of confidence knowing it all mattered and provided insight into the public school process which helped me feel better informed and thus better equipped to navigate the system. I was naturally drawn to your website and used the questions you provided as practice for the test. We only had a few months between the time I found the website and the day of the test but we practiced every day. I was a ball of nerves while I waited for my daughter to emerge. Most of the children came out dazed, one even came out crying uncontrollably. As I sat there ready to console my daughter and reassure her all that mattered is that she tried her best, around the corner she came with a bounce in her step and the unmistakable glow of confidence. I asked her how it was and without hesitation she replied, "Easy peasy. I want to go back in and answer more questions." She told me she only got one wrong. At four years old I was not inclined to take her word for it and only hoped she did well enough to get into a district program. Well, the scores came in today. She scored in the 99th percentile!! She got 2 wrong in the non-verbal set. Thank you Karen! Thank you so much. There is nothing out there that remotely compares to what you offer. Thank you for the encouragement, the guidance and the study material." Brooklyn Mom
- SHE SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE AND HAD FUN PREPARING. "Just wanted to let you know that our daughter scored in the 99th percentile on her NYC G&T test!!! I can't tell you how thrilled I am--and appreciative of the training and guidance I received from all of you. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that Stephanie would never have scored this high without the help of Testing Mom. The best part is, it was actually fun--and it gave me some thing to do every day that was structured. Steph really loved the challenge -- and I learned a lot, too!" Tim - Dad in Staten Island
- YOUR QUESTIONS PREPARED MY SON FOR OLSAT AND BSRA. "I just received J’s Gifted and Talented score! OLSAT 99 percentile BSRA 99 percentile overall score 99!! I must say although J was reading phonetically at age 2, your practice questions really prepared us for how the test is structured." Lucy and Lamvi - Mom and Dad in Queens
- GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GOOD WORK. "Just wanted to let you know that our daughter scored a 99 percentile on the ECAA! The only work we did with her was from your book, which is now completely worn out and of course, the TestingMom.com website!! Thank you so very much and may God bless you and your family for your continued great work!" Desmond, Pastor of a Church in Brooklyn
- I'M A TEACHER AND I TELL EVERYONE TO USE TESTING MOM. "A world of thanks to TestingMom! My six-year old son was about to be tested for his school's gifted program. Not knowing where to begin, my husband searched online for "how to prepare your child for gifted testing". We are so very thankful for the TestingMom website…everything you need directly at your fingertips! We spent a few weeks "playing" around on the site and getting familiar with the different types of questions.When he came home the day of the testing he seemed quite confident that he had done well. The only problem was him mentioning the school psychologist took him to visit the Vice Principal so he could tell her about practicing for the WISC IV on TestingMom. They went ahead with the test anyway, but we received a phone call later that evening. The school was very uncomfortable with the fact that our son knew the name of the test he was about to take as well as the names of the subcategories. I explained to her all about the website. We also mentioned that he can read very well, which also could be evidenced by his kindergarten teacher and his schoolwork. We let the school know that our son was the one who logged on to the site, chose the test practice pages, click on the subcategories and type in the passwords…he was bound to remember the names! We also suggested that if they were uncomfortable with his scores they were welcome to give him another type of test…which they did a few days later.I also called Karen Quinn directly and she spent 45 minutes with me on the phone allaying my fears and providing support should the school district refuse to accept his scores. I am happy to report that our son scored in the 99.5 percentile and has been accepted into his school's gifted program. I know he would have done well on his own, but with TestingMom's exposure he knocked it out of the park! He will now be in the gifted program at the beginning of 1st grade. This educational model and "way of thinking and learning" will be all he knows…imagine if all kids could be exposed to that type of learning. Testing Mom can help all children! I am a teacher as well as a parent; I now share the wealth of knowledge gleaned from TestingMom to colleagues and parents alike. I can't thank you enough! Stacey, Pennsylvania Mom

- THE MORE MY SON PRACTICED, THE MORE HE IMPROVED. "I wanted to let you know my 4-year-old son has gotten into our district's full time program for Gifted and Talented students. I am certain that the practice tests he did through TestingMom’s website helped a lot. When we started those practice questions he was not familiar with the format or exactly what the questions were asking. But as we did the questions, he started understanding, and was soon able to easily do them. When he took the tests at his school, he could perform at his capability, rather than missing questions because he was not familiar with the format. I think your practice tests and other material are very helpful in familiarizing children with the format and nature of the questions they'll receive in Gifted and Talented testing. I thank you Karen and everyone at Testing Mom for your services. My son thanks you too. :)" Lorinda, Mom in Georgia
- WE GOT OUR FIRST CHOICE SCHOOL. "My daughter got accepted into our first choice kindergarten today, Saint Ann's School! Thank you! Your site was very helpful and so were the materials!" Mom in New York City
- BEING FAMILIAR WITH THE FORMAT OF THE TEST HELPED MY SON A LOT. "Thanks to your practice tests, my son has just gotten into our district's full time program for Gifted and Talented students. I am sure being familiar with the format of the tests helped a lot." Lucia, Mom in Dade County Florida
- YOUR STAFF REALLY CARES. "I highly recommend TestingMom to parents. Unlike sites that just give you workbooks, they talked to me and helped me individualize the material for my own child’s needs. They motivated me to advocate for my child and showed me how. I felt that we were not just an address to them. The really cared and provided support as needed." Nidhi, Manhattan Mother
- YOU HELPED MY CHILD FOCUS, PAY ATTENTION AND NOT GIVE UP QUICKLY. "Not only did Testingmom give us practice questions, they showed me how to help my child focus, pay attention and not give up quickly when they questions got hard." Mike, Father in Dallas
- I APPRECIATE THAT YOU HAVE PEOPLE I CAN ASK QUESTIONS TO WHEN I NEEDED HELP. "For my child, exposure to so many different sample questions was the most helpful. The emotional support you provided me was fabulous. I appreciated being able to speak to someone when I needed additional help." Joe, Houston Dad
- THE PERSONAL ADVICE YOU GAVE ME WAS VALUABLE. "The private consultation with Karen was extremely valuable. She pointed me to different parts of her book that were most relevant to our situation so I was encouraged to read it after we talked. She also had extra advice about dealing with school administrators that wasn’t in the book. We plan to join again to take advantage of the question bank when our child has to take the GATE test." Jessica, California Mom
- THANKS FOR MAKING MY DAUGHTER HAPPIER AND SMARTER. "I just want to thank you, Karen. I feel like I was a stressed out tiger mom, with lots of expectations for my little one, I have learned with your book to play with her, and she has learned more with fun than any pressure from me to learn to read, etc. She is reading now, on her own, I don't pressure her, but I use scaffolding to build upon her desire to learn. So thanks for making my daughter happier and smarter!" Susan, Denver Mother
- IT'S ABOUT TIME SOMEONE GAVE PARENTS A CHANCE TO UNDERSTAND THE TESTING PROCESS. I loved the bank of practice items, the IQ Park game (still love), the personal service and attention (thank you, Karen!), and the teleconferences (and that they are available online afterward). Basically, I love the entire service and I think it's about time someone gave parents a real chance at understanding the process of testing. Whitney, Manhattan Mother
- OUR SON WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN INTO THE GIFTED PROGRAM WITHOUT YOU. "I would recommend TestingMom to any parent because I think all kids should be given a chance to succeed on these tests and should feel comfortable before being put through such rigorous testing. I really hate the idea of sending them in cold and telling them it's just "fun puzzles". This program, and Karen, made a huge difference this year for us. I don't think our son would have made it into the gifted program here without having both on our side. " Anita, Mom in Toronto, Canada
- AN INEXPENSIVE SOURCE OF TEST PREP. "I recommend TestingMom to other parents all the time. It’s a relatively inexpensive source of test prep, and more importantly, it’s great for a child’s cognitive development. We’ve gone well beyond the practice test questions we originally joined for and our daughter is thriving in school as a result. " Ila, Washington, D.C.
- YOUR SITE IS SO EASY TO USE AND IT HELPED MY GRANDSON GET INTO PRIVATE SCHOOL. "TestingMom certainly helped my grandson get accepted into a very prestigious private school. Also the questions were great in that he became interested in educational 'activity" sheets and playing "school." He liked the colorful pictures on the questions and asked for more. I enjoyed the fact that the site was so easy to use and the teleseminars were very helpful. " Ellen, Atlanta
- WE STILL USE YOUR PROGRAM EVEN THOUGH THE TEST IS OVER. "Overall, your service is excellent.I gave you an "A+". We should not have gone through it without your help. Keep us posted on all your latest additions. Even though we no longer have an admissions test to take, we would like to receive your daily email practice questions. My son loves them and benefits from doing them." Jin, Chicago parent
- YOUR SITE HELPED MY SON SCORE THE BEST HE COULD. "I found the site easy to use. I used the service to help my son score the best be could. For example, my son would tend to rush through things to "show off" how fast he can go. So we practiced being thorough and careful. In fact, the evaluator even noted how my son approached each task in a thoughtful manner and how neat his work was (I am sure this is from our practicing.) We also practiced giving complete answers for vocabulary questions. When my son started practicing the vocabulary type questions he would use a word or two as his explanation, assuming that was sufficient since it made sense to him. We practiced using full sentences and giving examples. We didn't study any vocabulary, but I am positive by answering the questions in detail my son earned maximum points." Nehal, Brooklyn
- OUR SON IS NOW GETTING GIFTED SERVICES. "With your help, our son scored 143 for his full scale WISC and now has a Gifted IEP. So not only did he make it into the program, but they are going to individualize his education." Shauna, Mom in Falls Church, Virginia
- WE GOT OUR #1 CHOICE IN CHICAGO AND COULDN'T BE HAPPIER. "We got into our #1 choice in Chicago, and couldn't be happier! Thanks again for all your help and we appreciate wisdom and insight. All of us are very excited and look forward to the upcoming school year." Brad and Jennie, parents in Chicago
- I'M SO GLAD WE FOUND YOU. "I just wanted to email to thank TestingMom.com for a great service. My son is in 2nd grade in Pittsburgh PA and shows many signs of having gifted abilities. The school gifted program did a preliminary test with the OLSAT and he scored high but slightly lower than where they would recommend for full gifting testing unless the parents requested, which we did. I was slightly surprised by this result and from talking to him I think he was unsure what the tester wanted. Our options were to have the WISC4 and achievement test done by the school or outside testing. We found TestingMom.com online and were unsure but decided to give it a try – and I am so glad we did." Linda, Mom in Pittsburgh, PA
- MY SON DID WELL ONLY BECAUSE OF TESTING MOM. "My 4-year-old son was very confident going into the exam. I worked hard on his endurance, and being able to sit for a long period of time to answer questions. With your program I drilled and drilled him hard until he could do 95 straight OLSAT practice questions without getting tired. I increased his reasoning speed with TestingMom.com practice questions, also helping his explanatory skills as I made him explain his reasoning for every answer he chose (from the advice you gave me during our phone private phone consultation!). I have my fingers, eyes and toes crossed until I get his test results in April; and I'm heartened by the fact that after an hour of testing, he came to me afterwards remembering many of the OLSAT questions on the test he took, and his answers. I have no doubt he did well ONLY because of TestingMom.com. Wish us luck!" Joanne, Mother in Staten Island, NY
- MANY THANKS FOR YOUR PROGRAM. I WILL CONTINUE TO RECOMMEND YOU. "Our new year started off really well. Our son's ERB scores were posted yesterday and he is got 95th percentile overall. We were helped most by your daily reminder of how to challenge and engage him in educationally useful activities. This way, we never lost our focus. I used the practice questions just to familiarize him with what was to come, but not condition him. For him, a self-directed learner, that was just the right approach. Had he not been bilingual and had his pencil grip been better, he might have scored higher (according to the report). Many thanks for your program. I will continue to recommend you highly!" Angela, Mother in St. Louis, Missouri
- WE ARE PLEASED. "Thank you for all your help! Our daugther got 98% Performance, 96% Verbal, 96% Overall. We are very pleased!" Marcus, Father in Dallas, Texas

- I FRIGGIN' LOVE YOUR BOOK AND THE SITE. "I'm SO happy with your site. Thanks for everything, and continued success, and by the way, I'm reading Testing for Kindergarten, and I friggin' love it...wish I'd bought this last year." Lucy, Mother in Redmond, Washington
98TH PERCENTILE ON WISC - YOUR PROGRAM HELPED MY SON QUALIFY. "Just want to tell you that my son has passed the WISC-IV test with 98%+ percentile (the top level) two weeks ago and has been accepted into the Gifted Kid Program of our city's Board of Education. He reviewed the materials in your website for 3 days (we only have 3 days pre-notice before the exam). There is no doubt that without your program’s help, he could not get such good test result!" Kathy - Canada
- WE RECOMMEND YOU TO FRIENDS. "Thank you for your help. Our son got into her Gifted and Talented program at school. :) We have both recommended you to friends!" Katie and Scott B., Sugarland, Texas
- MY CHILDREN LOVE YOUR SITE. "The site is fantastic - my children love doing the various questions, and I love the fact that is a fun, easy way to expand their knowledge and give them the confidence they need to achieve their best." Suzanne, Chicago, Illinois
- TESTING MOM BROUGHT OUT THE BEST IN OUR SON. “Our son made to gifted program in school from this year. He started 4th grade. Thanks for your guidance and support thru emails and the tests on TestingMom.com. Last one year has been a rewarding journey for my son and for us too, knowing our son. Our son practiced the math, reading and cognitive ability tests on the website. He was 95+ percentile in math and reading when tested last spring. He got 122 in CI due to which he was not shortlisted for the gifted program. We requested a retest of CI and he scored 129 after the schools started. The required score is 126. This placed him in the gifted pool. He is excited and feels extra motivated now. We are extremely happy! We always felt my son had the abilities to make to the program, but he needed practice and discipline. TestingMom.com helped to bring out the best in him and inspired him to work to his potential. This also proved my belief that guidance and training is more important than something built in. So, a BIG THANK YOU!” Ohio Mom
- YOUR EMPATHY AND PROFESSIONAL WISDOM ARE APPRECIATED. “Karen, thank you for talking with me regarding my son today. I really appreciate your patience and suggestions. Your empathy as a mom and your professional wisdom are appreciated beyond words.” Patricia in Los Angeles
- OUR DAUGHTER GOT A PERFECT SCORE ON OLSAT WITH YOUR HELP. "My daughter got a perfect score last year on the OLSAT with 3 plus months of preparation I 'invented', in addition to guidance from your site's daily emails and Facebook things . With my son I'm hoping for similar results, especially now that I have full access to your site." Nikki., Mom in Houston, Texas
- THEY SAY IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PREPARE FOR THESE TESTS, BUT FAMILIARITY WITH THE TEST HELPS. "Like everything else in life, I believe in preparation. Even though our district says it's impossible to prep for the tests, I do think it's important to give children-- especially kindergarteners-- some familiarity with the direction of the tests and to let them know what the tests are looking for." Archana K., Mother in Virginia Beach, VA
- OUR SON WANTS TO DO TESTING MOM TO PREPARE. "The benefit - for us - is knowing there's a roadmap for preparing for the tests. The game and the daily emails because we can use it gently without the drilling till we kill it routine which we know can backfire and we end up screaming at our son. Now we have FUN with TestingMom.com and we don't scream and yell at our son to practice any more...he actually wants to do it now with TestingMom.com!" Mother and Father in Fort Worth, Texas
- HOW DO YOU WRITE SO MANY GOOD QUESTIONS? "The ease of access to so many questions, assessments. You now have OVER 100,000 FREAKING QUESTIONS! WOW! How do you write all these questions we keep asking ourselves. Just when we thought we were through another THOUSAND questions would magically appear! That's why you ARE the ONE and ONLY Testing Mom! It's great to just log in, print and practice! The colorful pictures hold our son's attention." Allison and Stephen, Parents in Napier, Illinois
- YOU'VE MADE PREPPING YOUR CHILD EASY AND FUN. "I like the ability to give my children some familiarity with the testing-- especially my 5-year-old, who has never taken a test before. Being a single parent is tough but with your site you've made prepping my kids easy AND fun! Thanks TestingMom.com! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! :-)" Scott P., Single Father in Bakersfield, California
- THE RESULTS WE'VE GOTTEN FROM YOUR SITE ARE IMPRESSIVE. "I've been prepping my son making up my own materials for a while, so my four year old is prepared for the CogAT, but with Testing Mom, and the higher number of questions, I've been fine tuning his thinking, and after a couple of weeks the results I've gotten from your site has been quite impressive. For that I really thank you." Elly Li, Mom in Reston, Virginia
- YOU TAKE THE WORK AND WORRY OUT OF TEST PREP. “I got a note from my daughter’s school she will be taking the gifted test. I was frantic and didn’t know what to do; then I found TestingMom.com. The experts on TestingMom.com are simply amazing (and responsive!). They helped me feel comfortable preparing my young daughter myself for the testing. My phone consultations with TestingMom.com provided me the confidence I needed to make sure I was preparing my gifted daughter adequately. The questions are fun and my daughter now loves to ask me questions too! TestingMom.com not only took the work out of it but most of all the worry out of it. Thanks Testing Mom; you’re the best kept secret for parents going through this stressful process.” Stacy B., Mom in Frisco, Texas
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON WPPSI - YOU OFFER A REMARKABLE SERVICE. "My daughter was given the the WPPSI 4th Edition as the entrance exam for the Kindergarten Gifted Program at our neighborhood public school. I am happy to report that after using TestingMom.com materials on a daily basis for approximately 18 days she yielded a 145 on her Full Scale IQ. Thank you very much for providing a remarkable service. We will return soon enough for my younger daughter!" Judy, Mom in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- WITHOUT YOU, I'D BE AT A LOSS. “Thanks again for all of your help and advice. Without you guys I’d be at a complete loss.” Carrie, Mom in NYC
- TESTING MOM IS THE WAY TO GO. “Using TestingMom.com showed me exactly what Taylor needed to know. TestingMom.com gives such a variety from math, patterns, to shapes to colors and so much more. TestingMom.com is definitely the way to go!” Chavon, Mom in NYC
- YOU GO FAR BEYOND JUST HELPING WITH THE TEST. "My son took the G&T test two weeks ago (he is 4 years old) and it has been quite a journey to reach that day with some assurance that he has scored high enough to be placed in one of our district’s G&T programs. I was lucky enough to use the invaluable resources, which includes practice questions, video casts, and much much more on www.testingmom.com, to have read and applied the techniques and suggestions offered in Karen Quinn’s book, Testing for Kindergarten and to receive daily practice questions and activities (which was a daily reminder for me to keep going).When I first received the G&T handbook (supplied by the NYC Board of Education) and reviewed the (meager) questions in the back, I said to myself, there is no way my son is going to do very well on this test, no matter how smart I think he is, unless he gets some help. However, in the Board of Ed booklet it says not to prepare your child for the test. This made me a little nervous because I am one of those people that do things by the book, so to speak. Yet, I could not just go along with what I believed was not only wrong, but would be a detriment to my son, and possibly effect his future.I started asking friends and other moms whose children are the same age as my son to see what they thought and how they were thinking of preparing their kids to take the test. Let me first say that I believe every parent does what they believe is in their child’s best interest. Even so, I could not believe how many of parents told me the test is “easy” and their “child will have no problem,” and one mom said to me, “it’s just colors and numbers.” Well, unfortunately, it’s not easy – the test is actually quite difficult (remember, our children are only four or five years old), and the test is not just about the basics – it is a test that has many components including knowing how to take the test, and having the discipline to sit and listen for up to an hour!I realized this wasn’t a joke. I had to make a commitment to myself and to my son that I was going to do everything in my power and means to prepare him for the test. As soon as I made that commitment, all sorts of great things started to happen.The first was “discovering” Karen Quinn’s Testing for Kindergarten book. This book gives, like no other, the details of all the major IQ tests for public and private schools, as well as magnet schools, and other types of accelerated placements. The book is also great for guiding the parent through the admissions process, which I found was helpful to know even though I am sending my son to a public school. There are things in there that I read and said to myself, “Wow, I didn’t know that,” and “Yes, I should be doing this.” Besides details about the test and admissions, Quinn’s book really guided and focused me on what I should be doing to prepare my son for this IQ test.In reading Testing for Kindergarten book and joining TestingMom.com I finally knew for the first time WHAT IS ON THIS TEST! Sorry to underscore this point, but for me it was crucial. No one else out there was telling me this information. All those books and workbooks and websites out there, while they are useful too, only hint at what could be on the test, but these two sources – Karen Quinn’s book and TestingMom.com – actually come from a place of experience, knowledge and authority.It was in primarily relying on these two sources – Karen Quinn’s Testing for Kindergarten and TestingMom.com – that I feel confident that my son got a chance to do his best. Whether he scores high or low, whether he gets into a G&T program or not, we, both of us learned a lot, and from the best! Thank you Karen Quinn and Michael for all!" Elena, Mom in New York
- BOTH MY KIDS QUALIFIED WITH YOUR HELP. “I believe the practice test questions that TestingMom.com helped my children prepare for the G&T tests. Without these practice tests, I think my children would have been confused by the questions– TestingMom.com helped familiarize them with the different types of questions. Both my children tested into the district level G&T programs, and I am sure that TestingMom.com helped them do that.” Father in Staten Island, New York
- YOUR PROGRAM HELPED ME SEE MY DAUGHTER'S STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES. “Testing mom has opened my eyes to my daughter’s strengths and weaknesses. I’m aware of the areas that need improvement and i am able to help her improve.” Zheng L., Laguna Beach, California
- YOU HELPED MY DAUGHTER BECOME A BETTER TEST TAKER. “My 4 year old has made an improvement on her test taking skills. Before using the practice questions she did not know how to pick and choose an answer. Now she really takes her time choosing an answer and also explains the reason why she picked the answer.” Letecia, Oak Grove, Illinois
- OUR SON SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE ON OLSAT AND NNAT! “LOVED the experience we had with your site! Our boy scored in the 99th percentile on both the OLSAT and NNAT test. Thank you TestingMom.com!!!” Xiong and Lin- Dad and Mom, Queens, New York
- YOU OFFER SO MANY QUESTIONS AT EVERY LEVEL OF ABILITY. “I like the variety of questions and the option of different levels in the same question this way I could involve my younger daughter as well and make this time a family time.” Mom, Fairfax, Virginia
- YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE RESPONDED IMMEDIATELY. “You are really providing service to parents like me who need instant response…your web site say you are online all the time and you ARE. I get email response usually within just a few min or a couple of hours. I felt like a special customer.” Steve, Houston, Texas
- WE LOVE YOUR SITE. "My son loves the questions and is learning new concepts daily (and me too!). Thanks Testing Mom!” Sue Anne, Coral Gables, Florida
- YOU HELPED MY SON DO WELL ON THE WISC. "TestingMom.com was very helpful for preparing my son for the WISC-IV test. He did extremely well. Thank you!" Katherin - Mom in Arlington, Virginia
- I'M SPREADING THE WORD FOR TESTING MOM. "Thank you for the amazing site, game and daily questions. Both my twins scored in the 99th percentile on their G&T test! I am spreading the word for TestingMom.com!" E.C. - Mom in Queens, New York
- 99TH PERCENTILE - MY DAUGHTER COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU. "I am the parent from California who has a child who was taking the OLSAT for 2nd graders. Just wanted to let you know that she tested in the gifted program. My daughter's grade was 99-9 PRS and NCE was 99-9 (99.9th percentile) Thank you so much for all of your help. Again, We couldn't have done this without TestingMom.com." S.T., Mother in Palm Springs, California
- MY SON GOT INTO G&T. "With your help, my son qualified for the G&T program in our district, which was my wish. Thank you very much!" Luis, Father in Houston, Texas
- YOUR PROGRAM MAKES ME A BETTER PARENT. "I am very happy with TestingMom.com and IQ Fun Pack. My child got a high score and qualified for G&T. I’m grateful for your service, your e-mails, the consultations, and the teleseminars, all of which make me a better parent." Nikki, Mom in Brooklyn
- OUR SON SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE ON HIS TESTS. "We have loved the experience with your site! My child scored in the 99th percentile on both the OLSAT and the Bracken tests. Thank you!!!" Natasha, NYC Mom
- MY SON LOVES YOUR DAILY EMAIL QUESTIONS. "My son loved the daily e-mails. I found they were a good way for me to interact with him. He never gets e-mails so he really looked forward to getting them and doing them!" Yaniv, Father in Atlanta, GA
- I WISH WE'D FOUND YOU EARLIER. "I wish we had found you earlier. We found you 2 weeks before the test and had limited time to practice. My daughter missed the G&T cut off by just 2 points. We will definitely start early with your practice questions next year." Nadine, Manhattan Mom

- YOUR SERVICE IS GENTLE. "I like that your service is gentle with daily questions for my child to do. I also found the tele-seminars helpful with topics that were really relevant." Leslie, Chicago, Illinois
- I LOVE THE QUICK RESPONSE TO MY QUESTIONS. "The best part of your service is that I’m able to ask Karen or Michael questions and I get a quick response." Joanne, Washington, D.C.
- GREAT PERSONAL SERVICE. "I especially liked the support and advice I got from Michael McCurdy. He spoke to me prior to my signing up and really knows his stuff. Two days later I got a follow-up call from him asking if everything was good with our test prep. He even offered to go to the testing site with us for support. Great customer service." Sandeep, Queens, NY
- YOU HELPED ME SEE THE IMPORTANCE OF WORKING WITH MY CHILD EVERY DAY. "The daily practice questions reinforced for me that nothing happens overnight when it comes to children and learning and you should work with your child each day." Jorge, Los Angeles, CA
- YOUR PROGRAM INCREASED MY SON'S CONFIDENCE. "Being a member of TestingMom.com really increased my son’s confidence when he went in for the WPPSI and NNAT. He really improved his non-verbal skills by doing the practice questions." Mom and Dad, Raliegh, North Carolina
- I WAS ABLE TO SEE MY DAUGHTER'S WEAKNESSES AND HELP HER. "By doing practice questions from TestingMom.com, I identified my daughter’s weakness in quantitative reasoning and helped her improve before she was tested! Thank you." Toni, Boston Mom
- I GOT EVERYTHING I NEEDED WITH YOUR SERVICE. "You are really providing outstanding service to parents like me who need instant response and support. I could have purchased test prep workbooks, but with TestingMom.com, I got the all the practice questions I needed for my child with experts who were ready to help me behind the scenes." Bruce, Brooklyn Father
- I LOVE THAT YOU ADD QUESTIONS ALL THE TIME. "We really liked that you add new questions to the site all the time. Just when we thought we had done all the questions on the test our daughter was taking, you added new ones." Heather, Los Angeles, CA
- OUR SON GOT INTO OUR 1ST CHOICE SCHOOL. "With the help of your website and personal consults, our son will be going to the gifted and talented school that was at the top of our list when we started this process. We cannot thank you enough." Casey, Mom in Columbia, Maryland
- YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB REDUCING ANXIETY. “I really like the sample questions you post on Facebook and in the daily emails. You are doing a great job helping parents help their kids while reducing their anxiety (you really emphasize the fun factor in the test prep process).” Evie, Mom in Greenwich, CT
- I'M OVER THE MOON WITH MY SON'S RESULTS. THANK YOU. "This morning, my son received a full scale score of 134 on the WPPSI. I’m over the moon! Thanks so much for all your help, advice and your website!!" Aurora, D.C. Mom

- MY SON QUALIFIED FOR G&T. “I just want to thank you for writing your kindergarten book. It is helping me prepare my son for the NYC G&T test in ways I would never have thought of.” Elena W., NYC Mom
- WE RECOMMEND YOUR TESTING FOR KINDERGARTEN BOOK. “I love your book. I wish I had purchased it when my son was two! He’s going on 4, so we are combing through the book as fast as we can to get him ready for testing. The insights you provide are invaluable and I tell my friends that your book is the only book they need!” Stacy-Lynn, Mom in St. Louis, Missouri
- MY SON LOVES IQ FUN PACK. “We have LOVED the IQ game! More importantly my 6 year old son, who is not easily entertained asks to play every day!! We are so in awe over this and so thankful we got the game! I had never done many of these types of questions with him before. At first they took him off guard but now he is answering like a pro!” Melissa NYC
- SHE SCORED IN THE 99TH PERCENTILE. “I used your book and test prep questions as a guide before my child took the ERB. I would casually ask some of the questions as we walked down the street or sat eating ice cream and she seemed to think our “games” were really fun. Bottom line: … drum roll, please… she scored in the 99th percentile. Please, please, please never repeat that to anyone — my husband and I certainly have not told anyone our kids’ scores on anything — but I wanted you to know. Thank you!” Mom in Miami Beach, Florida
- HE GOT INTO THE GIFTED PROGRAM. "I use testingmom.com questions for my 4 year old. He passed the G&T test with 99%tile score! He is going to a city wide G&T class in September. I am very happy about it. Thanks to TestingMom.com!" Selena, Mom in Bronx, New York
- YOU'VE GIVEN PARENTS A CHANCE TO UNDERSTAND THE TESTING PROCESS. "I loved the bank of practice items, the IQ Pack game (still love), the personal service and attention (thank you, Karen!), and the teleconferences (and that they are available online afterward). Basically, I love the entire service and I think it's about time someone gave parents a real chance at understanding the process of testing." Whitney, Manhattan mother
- OUR SON GOT IN! "Thanks to your practice tests, my son has just gotten into our district's full time program for Gifted and Talented students. I am sure being familiar with the format of the tests helped a lot." Lucia, Mom in Florida
- YOU GO WAY BEYOND TEST PREP WORKBOOKS. "I highly recommend TestingMom to parents. Unlike sites that just give you workbooks, they talked to me and helped me individualize the material for my own child’s needs. They motivated me to advocate for my child and showed me how. I felt that we were not just a name and address to them. The really cared about us and provided support as needed." Nidhi, Manhattan mother
- YOU HELPED MY CHILD FOCUS AND NOT GIVE UP. "Not only did Testingmom give us practice questions, they showed me how to help my child focus, pay attention and not give up quickly when they questions got hard." Mike, Father in Dallas
- WE APPRECIATE YOUR EXPERTS. "For my child, exposure to so many different sample questions was the most helpful. The emotional support you provided me was fabulous. I appreciated being able to speak to someone when I needed additional help." Josephina, Houston Mom
- THE PRIVATE CONSULTATION WE HAD HELPED. "The private consultation with Karen was extremely valuable. She pointed me to different parts of her book that were most relevant to our situation so I was encouraged to read it after we talked. She also had extra advice about dealing with school administrators that wasn’t in the book. We plan to join again to take advantage of the question bank when our child has to take the GATE test." Jessica, California Mom
- YOUR PRACTICE HELPED OUR SON'S ANXIETY. "I loved being a member. For my son, anxiety was his greatest enemy in the process, so repetition of the concepts was really a big deal for us. He was even given an extra test that I hadn't known about previously, and I feel the practice helped him not have high anxiety about that either. " Dana, NYC Mom
- OUR SON GOT INTO A WONDERFUL SCHOOL. "We benefited enormously from the materials provided by Testing Mom. The site is definitely worth it!!! We were able to practice at home, and my son ended up getting into a wonderful school." Rama and Rushi, Boston

- YOU HELPED OUR TWINS SLOW DOWN AND TAKE THEIR TIME. "I used testingmom.com in order to help my twins prepare for their IQ tests. I knew that they knew the answers but I was concerned that my son would be too impulsive when answering or that my daughter would freeze up when asked questions. TestingMom.com helped them both to slow down, take their time, and be secure in their answers. As a result they both did wonderfully on their initial IQ test and on their subsequent school test to make sure that they were academically and emotionally ready for the gifted program. " Peter and Cynthia T., Father and Mother Washington D.C.
- MY DAUGHTERS FELT SECURE IN THEIR ANSWERS. "TestingMom.com helped my beautiful daughters to feel secure in their responses and confident that they are smart kids!" Sanjay D., Dad in Plano, Texas
- MY SON QUALIFIED FOR HUNTER AND G&T. "Karen, I want to thank you for all your help on the NYC gifted tests. With the help of your practice questions and games, my son scored 158 on the Hunter test, 99th percentile on the G&T test (99 for both OLSAT and NNAT), and 99, 99, 97 and 85 on AABL. We could never have done so well without your website and ongoing support. Thank you!" Maria, Mom in Manhattan
- I COULDN'T ASK FOR ANYTHING BETTER. “Our favorite parts of the site were the email questions that I received daily which helped remind me to go on the site to retrieve more information, along with the bonus test questions. I loved the immediate feedback I received when I my child practiced the questions. They were on target and I couldn’t ask for anything better. I loved the the personal service regarding the cost of the program and any questions. I was able to speak on the phone with someone if my questions were not answered by email. Your customer service was exceptional.” Frank and Jenn L., Parents in Pasadena, California
- SHE QUALIFIED ON HER FIRST TRY WITH THE OLSAT. "She was identified on her first try with the OLSAT. The questions absolutely prepared her." C. Turner - Los Angeles
- GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. "Thank you. I am happy! You have excellent customer service as well. Keep up the good work!" Leslie, Mom in Littleton, Colorado
- YOU HELPED WITH HIGHER ORDER THINKING. "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. I had my daughter, Hannah, tested privately and her full scale IQ WAS 145! Your daily questions and site (with tons of questions and activities) made higher order thinking a part of our lives. Hannah and her four-year-old brother now create, evaluate, analyze, and apply information without me even asking them too." Katherine T., Florida Mom
- OUR TWINS ARE MAKING STRAIGHT A'S NOW. "Our twin boys just completed their first year of the gifted program here in sunny Florida. While your assistance helped them maximize their potential and gain admission to the school, they have gone on to thrive academically in a very challenging gifted environment: straight A's, save one 88! I just wanted to thank you again for providing a resource to assist parents and children in need of guidance in what can initially be a very confusing and secretive gifted world." Michael K., Florida Dad
- TOP SCORES IN HOUSTON. "Thank you for all your help and for such a great game and website. Our daughter scored a 146 on the Stanford-Binet (99th percentile) and 99th percentile on her ERB!" Barbara and Steven, Houston, Texas

- WE NEVER RAN OUT OF QUESTIONS. "We loved our membership to TestingMom.com because they were there for us. Karen and Michael answered all the questions we had as we worked with our son. We bought a competitor's test prep workbook, but there was no number to call or email address to contact with the questions we had along the way. Also, my son finished the questions in the workbook we purchased in just two short sittings. With Testing Mom, we never ran out of questions. They can direct you to similar questions from other tests that you can work with, plus they are constantly adding more questions to the site that you have access to." Jonathan H., Manhattan Dad
- WE GOT BOTH OF OUR TOP CHOICE SCHOOLS. "Karen’s guidance empowered us to journey through the application with confidence and find the fit for our daughter. Armed with the right information and keeping our cool, we ended the process with our TWO first choices to decide between!!!" Dara O., New York City
- WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU. "Thank you, Karen. Your wise counsel and great humor helped us cut through the neurosis and find the right fit for our child. Without you, we are unsure whether we would be joining our top Kindergarten choice this September." Betsy A., Virginia
- WE GOT OFFERS FOR 2 PRIVATE SCHOOLS. "TestingMom, we want to express our gratitude. You helped us put our best foot forward and we received two offers today! Thank you, thank you so much." Soon Mi, New York City mom
- SHE GOT INTO THE GATE PROGRAM. "I used to be a subscriber and and also a member. We only had little time to prepare for my daugher's gifted entrance exam and with the help of Testing Mom (although we were only members for one month) she scored in the 97% on the OLSAT and was admitted to the GATE program at her public school. This was months ago and I did not have an opportunity to let you guys know that she tested well with the help of Testing Mom. Although we had little time, it was still helpful preparing her for the type of questions that would be on the test. So thank you." Brad and Jenna, Los Angeles
- OUR DAUGHTER SCORED HIGH. "Yesterday my 4-year-old did the Gesell Kindergarten Readiness Test, the WPPSI IV, and parts of the Woodcock Johnson - her scores were very high! She did very well on the tests. Thank you for going out of your way to help me prepare her. I will continue to use your website for my other daughters who will be in grade 7 and 5 this fall. We'll be focusing on skills they need to do well on the ACT and SAT. Thank you again!" Maya, Minnesota mom
- THE REPETITION HELPED OUR SON. "I loved being a member. For my son, anxiety was his greatest enemy in the process, so repetition of the concepts was really a big deal for us. He was even given an extra test that I hadn't known about previously, and I feel the practice helped him not have high anxiety about that either." Dana, NYC Mom
- JOINING WAS THE BEST DECISION WE COULD HAVE MADE. "I had registered for Testing Mom last week after a chat with Michael. I think this is one of the best decisions I've made with regards to my son's academic support. I started with the daily practice on the weekend and he loves it! I'm amazed too that he is able to analyze and rationalize some of the hard questions. Keep up your wonderful job! Moms (and dads alike) need you for further guidance." Rama, Boston
- OUR DAUGHTER ACED THE SCAT TEST. “I'm glad to share the news that my daughter is qualified in SCAT with good scores. TestingMom really helped her.” Aruna, Mom in New Jersey
- THANK YOU FOR YOUR SITE. “Thank you for providing us with such a great testing site!” Cliff, Dad in NYC
- YOUR SITE REALLY HELPED. “Thank you for helping us thru our testing. Your site was immensely helpful.” Jocelyn, Mother in Boston
- WE ARE HAPPY. “Thanks for having a great site!!!! We just got the scores today and we are all very happy.” RP in Orlando, FL
- MY SON GOT INTO GATE WITH YOUR HELP. "Karen,sorry I haven’t been in touch lately. Actually I get super busy with end of school year, my job ,etc. I’m so glad its summer to spend time with the kids. My son passed the SOI test and the MAT test..and he GOT INTO GATE! I wanted to let you know and to thank you. Without your help, we would have had a much harder time and possibly he wouldn’t have passed. I know he is smart...but we would have been so overwhelmed with what to study etc..and he would have been unprepared and more nervous. I’m very grateful to you and will recommend your site to everyone. You went out of your way to help me..I owe you and will help you whenever you need anything. Of course, my husband is very happy..and my son is happy too. We will continue to use your site when needed. I’m so proud of him...to the point of tears...I would have loved him the same (and been as proud) if he didn’t pass...but he tried and did a good job...and here minds me of me. You know what I mean...Thanks so much Karen and keep in touch. We will sign up for your site again." Nancy, California Mom
- YOU MAKE EVERYTHING SO CLEAR. “Excellent resource! There are so many different tests our children are taking but nowhere (including the schools that administer the tests) explain what these tests are about, why they are useful, and how they are different from each other --- until Testing Mom!!!! Thank you Testing Mom for making everything so clear! We care about our kids - thank you for caring too!” Mom of a Gifted Child
- WE APPRECIATE YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT. “Thank you all so much for your help and encouragement. Thank you for your material. It was of great help to us.” Ogochukwu in NYC
- MY SON PASSED! “Thank you Testing Mom. Just to let you know my son passed exam for the gifted and talented elementary school program in 4-5 grade in MD, Montgomery county. I have used your website for 1 months to prep him (Dec-Jan). Thank you very much again to Karen and the staff.” Irada in Maryland
- OUR GIRL GOT INTO HUNTER THANKS TO YOU. “Thank you both so very, very much for the sound guidance over the last year or so-- including the relevant materials on your website, and the many webinars and live discussions in New York. Most of all, thank you both so much for the personal support during the testing season, and in particular for the hand-holding with my Hunter Parental Observation form. I took all of the sound advice and your insightful edits and was really pleased with the final submission.Well, as you can see from my subject line, all of the stress and worry (and practice) was worth it because we were blessed with the wonderful news that our little girl has been selected to join Hunter's kindergarten class this September! :) My husband and I are still walking around in complete shock; it is truly like we hit the lottery here in downtown Manhattan ... Simply amazing. We have been invited to tour the school next week, so we will actually get a glimpse of what it is we are so excited about!Don't worry about losing us as a client.... we have our work cut out for us with our 3.5-year old daughter who is really smart, but not the type to sit and "do computer questions" or puzzles like her big sister! I understand that Hunter has absolutely no sibling policy, and the moms that I know with two children in two different schools tell me that it is really hard on the family (in terms of time, energy, commitment to the schools, etc) to have them separated! So- we have to start early with our youngest child. :)Thanks again for EVERYTHING.” Mom in NYC
- I RECOMMENDED YOU TO FRIENDS. “I really enjoyed your service and used your materials to help my child for the G&T test. Recently I have recommended your company to several friends whose children will take the test next year or later.” Chris in NYC
- THANKS FOR THE HELP WITH SAGE. “Thank you so much for detailed info about my daughter's upcoming SAGE test. You are an amazing professional.” Annie in NJ
- OUR SON SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE. “Just wanted to let you know that we just received the test scores back and my nine year old son scored a 136, and ranks 99 out of 99 for his age. He has met the gifted criteria. Thank you for helping us to prepare him for this test with your program.” NY Parent
- OUR FRIEND RECOMMENDED YOU. “A friend whose son used testingmom.com (and ultimately tested into the gifted program) highly recommended the site and we are SO happy with what you have available. Thanks for being an advocate for our children!” Parent in PA
- OUR SON EARNED 99TH PERCENTILE THANKS TO YOU. “Our son did the ERB’s and just got his results …99!! Of course, I’m writing to convey my extreme thanks and gratefulness to you ;-)” Parent in NYC
- YOUR SITE HAS SO MUCH GREAT INFORMATION. “Thank you for all the time you've spent answering my questions. Your site has SOOOO MUCH great information. I'm sure I'm like many others that say ‘If only I would have found you sooner!’” Chris in TN
- TOP SCORE ON THE DAS. “Thank you very much! This really helped. My son made it through the DAS with a score of 147. The psychologist was very impressed and so is his teacher.” Shashwati, Florida Mom
- INEXPENSIVE, ENGAGING, AND EASY TO NAVIGATE. “I just wanted to write you a note of thanks. My son, who is at an NYC private school, took the WISC-IV ERB today (he will be entering 3rd grade next year). He did so because at some point during the late summer, I realized his supposedly 'good' school hadn't taught him a thing, and I became very eager to move him to another school. However, I knew that he was unprepared for the rigors of testing due to the absolute educational betrayal of the school he currently attends.By some act of God, I found your site, and it was not only reasonably priced, it was engaging, easy to navigate and needless to say, extremely effective at getting my son up to speed. I won't know how my son fared for a few weeks, but I know in my heart that the entire process would have been entirely different, and most likely would have yielded disappointing results without you.Not only am I grateful about the products Testing Mom offers, the experience of working with my son through your site showed me that parents can and should take matters into their own hands when it comes to the day to day aspects of their children's education. Sad to say, schools can't be entrusted with the responsibility of educating -- at any tuition or reputation level. Happily you have given my son the skills necessary to navigate the admissions process and hopefully he will be in a better place -- literally and figuratively -- at this time next year. Even better, you have given me the confidence I need to shepherd my son through whatever educational forum he is in next.” New York Private School Mom
- YOU HELPED CONFIRM THAT MY SON IS GIFTED. “Results are in. 99/95/98! You are a miracle. Thank you so much for helping me confirm what I always knew about my son -- and what I unfortunately have come to know about his current school. Having tests in hand will make the interview process so much less fraught! And hopefully it will help guide the way to a new beginning for our family. Blessings to you for doing what you do. With immense gratitude.” Claudia in NYC
- I USE YOUR SITE EVERY DAY. “I use your site every day with the children I am tutoring.” Rebecca in Houston
- INVALUABLE. “Thx tons! Ur site is invaluable!” Chana, Mother in Texas
- WE LOVE THE DAILY QUESTION. “I love your daily practice questions. I look forward to them each day!!” Catherine, Mother in South Carolina
- WE USED IQ FUN PACK AND THE SITE AND EARNED 99TH PERCENTILE. “My daughter scored in the 99th percentile in both the G&T test and the ERB. You should know that we relied almost exclusively on TestingMom.com and IQ Fun Pack to prepare. That's it. Nice game you invented. Thank you so very much!” Mom in NY
- WE GOT INTO EVERY SCHOOL WE APPLIED TO + GOT FINANCIAL AID. “I just wanted to share the great news that our son was accepted to all of the schools we applied to, with the exception of one, for which he is on a small wait-list and we expect a spot to open up most likely there too. Also, he received a nice grant of financial aid at one of the schools as well! Two of the schools he got into were quite competitive in our area, as several of his PreK peers were either rejected or wait-listed. Thank you for all your help in the admissions journey - thankfully, I will not have to worry about this again until high school probably :o). Many thanks to you for your help again!” Joanna, Mother in Virginia
- DAUGHTER EARNED 99TH PERCENTILE. “With TestingMom's help, our daughter just got a great score, 99%,on the NYC G&T test. She is going into 2nd grade. I'm so pleased to see your company growing so nicely. By the way, Maya still enjoys her IQ Fun-pack board game. What a great idea!” Mom in NY
- THANKS FOR DEMYSTIFYING THE PROCESS AND HELPING KIDS DO THEIR BEST. “Thank you for all you do--my son considers your materials fun....thank you for demystifying the process and helping parents and kids do the best they can.” Katherine, Mother in Houston
- WE LOVE IQ FUN PACK. “Our daughter really loves the game format. She refers to it as "the monster game" and asks to play it which speaks volumes coming from a five year old.” Laura, Mom in Allen, Texas
- OUR DAUGHTER GOT IN AND HAD FUN PREPARING. “Hi, I wanted to let you know my daughter scored 99% in the NYC gifted test (entering K in Sept), and the only preparation we did was a few minutes each night on your website for the two weeks beforehand. In fact, when I told my daughter this past weekend that she had done really well on the test, her response to me was "I really loved those space babies!!’” Mom in NY
- YOU HELPED MY DAUGHTER ACE THE COGAT. “We haven't spoken since our phone consultation back in November. I am following up with GREAT NEWS to let you know that my daughter got accepted into the gifted elementary magnet school. As you know in places like Montgomery County Maryland, right outside of DC, this process is highly competitive and only 2% of 3rd graders get accepted. My daughter is thrilled. Helping her prepare for the types of questions she might get was extremely helpful. She has a hard time processing what is being asked of her so I know it helped that she didn't have to do that on testing day. Turns out the test was the CogAT. Thanks again.” Amy, Mom in Maryland
- 95TH PERCENTILE ON THE NAGLIERI. “Thank you, Karen, for all your help and your great materials. My kindergartner scored in the 95th percentile for the Naglieri! My son also said that he found your tests helpful in preparing for the Naglieri.” Houston Mom
- AMAZING WEBSITE. “Your website has been absolutely amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Debbie, Mom in Florida
- ACED THE WISC IV. “My daughter took the WISC IV test and got >99.9. Your website was very helpful. Thank you again.” Hyunjung in Chapel Hill, NC
- THANK YOU FOR THE WORK YOU DO. “I do not know much about the American education system but your site is helping me a lot through this process.. I have listened to most of your audio materials and read through your blogs... Thank you so much for the wonderful work that you do.” Joan, Mom in San Antonio
- WONDERFUL RESULTS ON WPPSI. “Just got our WPPSI scores! The VIQ subtest score was incredible -- 141 --the 99.7 percentile/‘Very Superior’! The tester's report said my son has ‘exceptional’ vocabulary/comprehension for a 4 year old! :) His overall FSIQ score to 125 -- the 95th percentile/"Superior". This is a wonderful WPPSI result & we are in great shape for our private school applications -- We are thrilled and super grateful for all your help.” Joanna, Mom in Virginia
- I APPRECIATED THE PERSONAL ADVICE. “I am a top member of Testing Mom and was so grateful to find your website on google once this whole process started. It really gives a well developed program to assist my child in preparing for a test. I also want to thank you so much for doing the teleconference. It really helped me get a better understanding of how the process works in my community. It was a true relief speaking to you today and I appreciate your willingness to give members (like me!) specific notes on how to work with our kids to prepare for the testing program in our district.” Parent in Florida
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON THE TEST. “I just wanted to thank you guys... My daughter scored in the 99th percentile!! My wife and I (and the grand parents) are so excited :)” NYC Mom
- YOUR SITE WAS MONEY WELL SPENT. “Thank you for the practice tests. Can already tell it was money well spent.” Rita in Tennessee
- YOU HELPED MY DAUGHTER SHINE. “I just wanted to tell ya'll thank you! I used Testing Mom to introduce my daughter to the tests before her G/T testing and she scored extremely well (99.9th percentile) and now she has wonderful opportunities for school! My daughter is very shy and "new" things can be scary, so I think introducing her to the tests really helped to bring out and let her natural intelligence shine. Thank you!!” Kelli in Louisiana
- WE GOT INTO HISD VANGUARD. “I just had to share the news with you that my son got a place in the Houston G&T we wanted for him! Only 4% of the kids make it into the program! Anyway, thank you so much for your web site. This was an instrumental piece in getting my son to where he rightfully belongs.” Denise, Houston Mom
- WE WILL USE YOU AGAIN. “I want to express our heart felt appreciation for your devotion to the children's education. We will definitely use your test prep materials again when my 2nd kid is at the right age.” Xina, Houston Parent
- THANK YOU FOR THE TEST PREP GAME PLAN. “Karen, I just wanted to say thank you to you for your very helpful advice during our phone consult today. It's hard to express how much I appreciate the much needed help. As you mentioned I do have my hands full, but the thing with one's own kids is, that one has to do everything in one's power to help them. So I'm trying....and people like you are just amazing in how much you help others. It's so nice to have a game plan to follow. Thanking you very very much and looking forward to continuing to work with you.” Monica, Mom in Ohio
- I FELT EMPOWERED BEING ABLE TO HELP HIM PREPARE. “I wanted to thank you for all your support on your website. The money was well spent. My son took the WASI test, and he made it in the gifted program for Second Grade! I felt so empowered in being able to help him prepare. He is a smart cookie, but I was worried, nonetheless. His sister is in the gifted program, and I just didn’t want him to feel inferior in any way…they both are intelligent and capable. I think that the block test prep and the pictures (visual discrimination) prep were especially helpful. I am very grateful. What a relief!” Stephanie, Missouri Mom
- MY DAUGHTER GOT INTO BELL GIFTED PROGRAM IN CHICAGO. “I wanted to thank everyone at Testing Mom. My subscription helped my daughter to get into the Bell Gifted Program in Chicago for this fall.” Kimberly, Mom in Chicago
- AWESOME SERVICE. “Thanks for your awesome customer service.” Rafia in Minnesota
- I LOVE YOUR BOOK. “Karen, I just wanted to thank you for writing such a great great book!!! I think it's more than a ‘prep’ for exams but a great how-to to stimulate and guide your child to maximize their intellectual potential using fun games, books. I can't wait to start doing this for my 2.5 year old. All those suggestions/guides that say reduce your TV time with kids, read more etc. They don't give other ideas outside of TV/books to use with your kids. Your book is an excellent option.I LOVE the games you suggest, the books you suggest, the websites, and I also love how you break out different areas in detail; the anecdotes help.I also loved the how to prep a child in one year for the exams sections. I used that, then went back to the games suggested and for areas that I know my daughter needs more help in, I found extra games/books, activities. It was great!!” Ahsia in NYC
- WE GOT INTO A GIFTED PROGRAM IN CHICAGO. “Thank you for this valuable resource. My son was accepted into a gifted program in Chicago. Your resources helped me to prepare him!” Parent in Chicago
- THANKS FOR THE PRIVATE SCHOOL GUIDANCE IN HAWAII. “Thank you so very much for all the extra information you gave me about schools in my area and how they assess children! I feel more confident having some additional information on the exams. On your recommendation, I purchased the Mighty Mind Games also for extra practice. I am so happy to have found your website!” Lori, Mother in Hawaii
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON THE WPPSI - AND PREPARING WAS FUN. “Good news! My son had his WPPSI test on Saturday, and he rocked it. After his test, the psychologist asked if she could take my son home with her, his scores were in the 99.9th percentile, and he told me the whole test experience was "really, really not boring at all." I should also point out that the Testing Mom resources were fantastic at making the whole thing fun and easy for my son to enjoy. That, in turn, made it easy for him to share a positive testing process with his tester. Thanks, and more generally, thanks for everything -- Testing Mom made a big difference for us!” Leslie, Mother in Los Angeles
- THE PHONE CONSULT WAS WORTHWHILE. “Karen, I truly enjoyed our phone consult today! You were able to demystify this whole test thing. It felt like a black box, and now it does not. You were also helpful in breaking down for me what we can do to help our daughter, e.g. by section, and what to do by section for homework. This was well worth it to me.” Lindsay, Seattle Mom
- MATHEMATICIANS LIKE TESTING MOM MATH QUESTIONS. “The test questions you provide are very good. I am a mathematician and have a post graduate degree in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. I, myself, like your questions!” Happy Parent
- YA'LL ARE A CLASS ACT. "Yesterday's tele-conference was special; you and Mike really went the extra mile to get everyone's questions answered. Thank you so much. I purchased the membership for 3 months back in September. Our daughter takes the test at the end of January, and we are confident she'll come through, thanks to you guys. Thanks again for yesterday, you guys are a class act and I will gladly recommend you to anyone I know with a kid preparing for Vanguard testing here in Houston, TX.” Victor, Dad in Houston
- YOUR SITE IS A POT OF GOLD. “I read your book Testing for Kindergarten and wish I found this pot of gold a year ago so I could have better prepared my daughter for private school admissions.” Sonja, Mother in Hawaii
- LOVE YOUR SITE. “I love this website!” Rebecca, Houston Mom
- WE GOT INTO ANDERSON - I RECOMMEND YOU TO FRIENDS. I recommend them to all my friends. She is now in K at the Anderson School, doing very well. Thank you, TestingMom! NYC Parent
- SHE SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE ON THE TONI3. We made it through the TONI3. I definitely feel that preparing just a bit allowed her to feel confident and avoid any anxiety; she is prone to anxiety. It also gave me a chance to make sure she would approach the question as a fun game where they are always trying to "trick" her so that she would be aggressive and careful about her answer and not blow off the test. :) We just kept calling them brain games. We got her official score on the TONI-3 and she scored in the 99th percentile. *huge grin*” Bronwyn, Mother in Las Vegas
- OUR SON SCORED 98% ON THE KABC. “With your help our son passed with a 98% score on the KABC II! Thanks again for the information you provided and for creating the testingmom.com website!” Lakh in California
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON THE NYC G&T TESTS. “My daughter scored 99% overall – 88% on OLSAT and 99% on NNAT. Most of my friends were telling me to not waste my money on TestingMom and to use the free sites! Now I have them all asking me tons of questions about TestingMom! Thank you again for all your help at TestingMom. You guys are tremendous!” Dad in NY
- WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOUR SITE. “Last year I read your book after my son failed to get in to an advanced school here in the Washington D.C. Area (his iq scores were right at normal all close to 100). His older brother got in when he was entering kindergarten, but 3 years later my younger son did not. This posed a huge dilemma for us. Although he had been in pre-school for 2 years, my son was extremely shy and had horrible anxiety attacks when he had to leave my side. He had speech issues and I felt that’s probably what lead to his self confidence and extreme shyness. Since he has a summer birthday we decided to hold him back and start kindergarten the next year, give him an additional year of preschool and put him in private speech lessons.“This year I used your site, although late in the game. I didn’t even look for the site and instead concentrated on your suggestions in your book. When I found the site, I signed up and prepared my son to retest using the Stanford-Binet. Well two weeks before the test I was informed that he would be tested on the OLSAT instead, one week before they switched again to the WPPSI. It would have been impossible to prepare for any of these tests without your site.”“I was met with huge skepticism when I wanted him retested, after all IQ scores don’t change. My son was a completely different child this year when he went in for testing. He was confident and assured. His scores were 15-20 points higher than last year (some as high as 130). He now stands a good chance of getting in. We will let you know if he gets into the program we want most for him.” Emma, Washington, D.C.
- I WANT TO GIVE YOU A HUG. “Karen, I cannot thank you enough. I am not an emotional person, but I wish I could give you a big hug.” Donna in Aurora, Colorado
- MY SON ROCKED THE COGAT. “I am happy to share results of CogAt my son (currently in Grade 1) took recently. He scored SAS of 160 for age 6. (I don't understand how this score is above max of 150 :)). We used your CogAT practice test for him to get familiar with the test format. It appears the test materials really helped him.” Ravi, Dad in Redmond, Washington
- HE PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS. “Thanks to your prompt reply and the material that you guys have on your site, my son was able to clear the test with flying colors. In reading he scored 99 percentile and in math 94. Before enrolling with TestingMom.com I had no idea on what should I have him prepare but within 2 weeks’ time I was able to get my 6 years old ready for this test.” Vijay in Illinois
- SHE SCORED 99 AND ENJOYED ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS. “I just want you to know that we got our daughter's scores back on the ECAA and she scored in the 99.6 percentile! She went from an overall IQ of 115 last year to a 140 (the school requires 130.) I truly appreciate your help in getting these results. And while the study sessions I put my 5-year-old through the last month b/f were challenging, I hope that my daughter learned lessons about wrestling with difficult material, overcoming obstacles and ending up mastering topics that she’d formerly loathed, to such a degree that she ended up actually enjoying answering the practice questions.” Jane, Mother in Manhattan
- YOUR COMPANY TURNS ON A MUCH NEEDED LIGHT FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS. “I honestly can't say enough good things about your company and how it truly is one of the best resources out there. I've told many friends that a membership to your company turns on a much needed light for the student and parent. I will continue to promote TestingMom.com and am sure I will be back as a customer through your site, books, online games, and apps. And, please keep doing what you're doing!” Tia in California
- I ALWAYS RECOMMEND YOUR SITE - LOVE SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY. "I am an educational psychologist who regularly administers IQ tests to people. But when it came to my own child, I didn't know what to do. I knew she had to test well to get into the school we wanted her to attend, but I could never show her the test. What I love about TestingMom.com is that you show parents how to teach their own kids the underlying concepts needed for testing and for school in so many different and creative way. I'm grateful to have found you and we use your materials every day. Your practice questions and games are perfect for intelligence testing preparation. Your Skill Building Academy materials are wonderful for achievement test prep and school enrichment. I'm always recommending your site. You are a godsend!" Jen, Mother in Hawaii
- YOU HELPED BRING OUT OUR CHILD'S INNATE ABILITIES. “Thanks so much for this resource and I know that your daily emails and testing practice questions helped to take my kids’ innate abilities to the next level because they knew what to anticipate for the testing format and style and were not put on the spot.” LaToya, Mom in Missouri
- YOUR COGAT QUESTIONS WERE WHAT I NEEDED. “We went through CogAT questions and it was really fun. That was exactly what I was looking for!” Satisfied Parent
- YOU ARE DOING AMAZING WORK. “I think that you have a great website with a lot of resources for parents. You are doing an amazing work! Thank you.” Olena in Colorado
- OUR SON SCORED IN THE 97TH PERCENTILE AND GOT IN. “It was a great site and my son did pass his gifted test in the top 3 percentile and was able to go to a gifted school this year thanks to all the wonderful resources and practice he got. We will absolutely use it again in the future with other children and we highly recommend it to others.” Amy in Arizona
- LOVED YOUR PERSONALIZED ATTENTION. “That personalized attention made a big difference; without it my efforts would have been scattered and ineffective.” Mom in NJ
- WE GOT INTO CHICAGO DECATUR CLASSICAL PROGRAM. “My daughter got tested into our top choice school Decatur classical in Chicago with a 99.8% in English and 99% in math. Your website definitely helped a lot!! Thank you for the wonderful resources and for your quick response to all my questions!” Kate, Mother in Illinois
- MY SON ACED THE CATS TEST IN HOUSTON. “My son took the CATS testing in Houston this weekend. He said he really enjoyed the test and had fun. I owe this all to your help and materials.” Aashish in Houston
- THANK YOU FOR DOING GREAT WORK. “I write to you in order to thank you very much for doing such a great and excellent work." Jessica, Miami Mom
- LOVE YOUR PROFESSIONALISM. "Thank you for being there and doing what you do with such a high standard of quality and professionalism.” Julie in Canada
- GOLD MEDAL ON DAUGHTER'S EXAMS. “Thanks for all the information. We are joined in March. We know it will definitely help our daughter to get the Gold medal in her exams. Thanks once again.” Parent in Knoxville, TN
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON THE WPPSI. “It was ONLY and SOLELY because if your materials that my son got a 99% on his WPPSI with an IQ score of 145....when I am sure that his base case IQ would have been significantly lower without the practice you made possible for us.” NYC Mom
- I RECOMMEND YOU TO FRIENDS. “I'll introduce and recommend your great website to my friends.” Parent in Forest Hills, NY
- MY SON GOT IN. “Thank you so much. My son got into the gifted program. I am sure I will recommend other moms” Mom in Richardson, TX
- WE GOT ONE OF 18 SPOTS IN OUR 1ST CHOICE PRIVATE SCHOOL. “With your help, we got one of 18 pre-K spots at our top choice private school in Portland. We are absolutely overjoyed. We've shared your book and site with several other parents since our daughter was just a toddler. Thank you!!!” Mom in Portland, OR
- MY DAUGHTER SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE ON COGAT AND ITBS. “My daughter is finished with the battery of tests for the ITBS and CogAT. She scored exceptionally well (top 99%) on all sections. She passed the criteria with flying colors. Thank you for your help!” Mom in Redmond, WA
- FANTASTIC WEBSITE. “My daughter aced the test and this website is fantastic.” Emily in NC
- PERFECT TIMING FOR US TO HAVE FOUND YOU. “Thank you for this insightful information! It came at just the right time!” NYC Dad
- YOU TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF TEST PREP. “You have no idea how much your "good luck" wishes means to us! Thank you all so much for your quick responses to our questions and your support. I know it’s a controversial topic - preparing your child for testing - but if I can take the unknown/guesswork out of yet another test that my child has to take, then I am going to do just that. Were it not for you, I never would have known where to begin, so thank you!” Mom in VA
- MY SON GOT INTO SKINNER WEST CLASSICAL IN CHICAGO. “A very personal and huge thank you for all your help and your wonderfully exhaustive website, my son, E, in Chicago got into Skinner West Classical School for kindergarten with score reading 99% and 99.7% math. It would have not been possible without your support.” Chicago Mom
- YOUR SITE SHOWED ME THAT PARENTS CAN AND SHOULD TAKE MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR CHILD'S EDUCATION. “I just wanted to write you a note of thanks. My son, who is at an NYC private school, took the WISC-IV ERB today (he will be entering 3rd grade next year). He did so because at some point during the late summer, I realized his supposedly "good" school hadn't taught him a thing, and I became very eager to move him to another school. However, I knew that he was unprepared for the rigors of testing due to the absolute educational betrayal of the school he currently attends. By some act of God, I found your site, and it was not only reasonably priced, it was engaging, easy to navigate and needless to say, extremely effective at getting my son up to speed. I won't know how my son fared for a few weeks, but I know in my heart that the entire process would have been entirely different, and most likely would have yielded disappointing results without you. Not only am I grateful for the products Testing Mom offers, the experience of working with my son through your site showed me that parents can and should take matters into their own hands when it comes to the day-to-day aspects of their children's education. Sad to say, schools can't be entrusted with the responsibility of educating -- at any tuition or reputation level. Happily you have given my son the skills necessary to navigate the admissions process and hopefully he will be in a better place -- literally and figuratively -- at this time next year. Even better, you have given me the confidence I need to shepherd my son through whatever educational forum he is in next. With gratitude.” New York Private School Mom
- YOU TAKE SUCH GOOD CARE OF YOUR MEMBERS. “I am overwhelmed that you take care of members so well. Thanks for all the help and your helpful website.” Mother in Plano, TX
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON SON'S IQ TEST. “I received the report for my son and want to thank you so much for your support and your guide. He scored in the 99th percentile on performance, verbal and full scale. Needless to say, I am quite happy. Thank you so very much for everything. I could not have done this without you.” NYC Mother
- MY DAUGHTER EARNED THE HIGHEST SCORE IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL DISTRICT. “We enjoyed the test prep material on your website and benefited from it tremendously... so much so that my daughter scored the highest points among all the kids not just in her school but likely the entire school district! It wouldn't have been possible without your well thought-out batteries of test questions! We look forward to becoming members again.” Rahul in Illinois
- WE LOVE BRAIN POP JR. AND YOUR SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY. “Sara is addicted to Brain Pop Jr. in your Skill Building Academy. It's making her so SMART about so many things!!!” Mom in New York City
- MY SON GOT INTO GIFTED AND TALENTED. “Many thanks Testing Mom, your website is invaluable! You helped my first son get into Talented and Gifted and I'm hoping my middle son does too.” Adrienne in Connecticut
- YOUR OLSAT PREP GOT MY DAUGHTER INTO GIFTED AND TALENTED. “Thank You! Just wanted to let you know that my daughter, a Kindergartener here in Woodbridge Township School District, NJ, was accepted to the Gifted & Talented program. The only source for her test (OLSAT) prep was your site (Top membership). Six Kindergarteners were recommended by their respective schools for January testing (conducted thrice in a year here) and I found out that only my daughter passed! Thanks a lot! Your site is outstanding and more than enough for test prep I feel!” Mom in Woodbridge Township, NJ
- SHE PASSED COGAT WITH FLYING COLORS. “I followed your advice on how to prepare my daughter for CogAT Form 7 and she passed - with flying colors!! Thanks so much for taking the time to help! Talking through each question with her and encouraging her to take her time went a long way. One other thing that helped was having her cover the answers and think about what they might be, before looking at them, and then to consider each answer. She had been rushing through. Anyway, THANK YOU again!” Mom in Washington State
- MY DAUGHTER GOT INTO G&T. “I just wanted to thank your team for the wonderful material on the site. I just got my daughters G&T test results, and she got into the G&T NYC program. I now have 3 kids in the G&T class. Thank you again for all the material on the site.” NYC Parent
- 98TH PERCENTILE - SHE GOT INTO CITYWIDE G&T. “Michael and Karen, I just wanted to say thank you to both of you for your wonderful website and support. I am happy to share with both of you that my daughter scored quite well with an overall percentile ranking of 98th percentile - qualifying her for the NYC G&T program we want her to attend! We only relied on testing mom prep to get her ready. I felt that it was right that I reach out to both of you to thank you for your support and your wonderful website. I have attached her score report because I know this helps you guys evaluate the scoring each year.” New York City Dad
- 99TH PERCENTILE - SHE GOT INTO 1ST GRADE CITYWIDE G&T. “I am very satisfied and thankful to Testing Mom. My daughter has scored 99 percentile in Gifted & Talented Test NYC 2014 . She got into the best school for her 1st Grade Admission. I took Testing Mom subscription for preparation and I am so glad that I did. You are doing wonderful and amazing job. We are so happy just because of your hard work.” Sandy in New York
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON WPPSI. “Thanks to your awesome study materials our son got fantastic WPPSI score - 99.9%.” Tara in Houston
- 99TH PERCENTILE AND SHE QUALIFIED FOR THE CHALLENGE PROGRAM. “Thank you so much testing mom. My daughter is in the 99th percentile rank and already qualified for challenge program. We are proud of her!” Mother in Greenville, SC
- SHE GOT INTO 2 PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND GIFTED AND TALENTED. “Firstly, I want to thank you. Your website has been immensely helpful in introducing my daughter to the testing concept. She scored 99% total (99% verbal, 99% analytical) on the WPPSI, and got through two of the top 5 private schools in NYC. We have accepted admission to one of them. We recently got the Gifted & Talented score report and she has scored 98% (verbal/olsat 96%, non-verbal/nnat 99%) in the same. I'm very proud of her!” Mom in NYC
- OUR SON LOVES YOUR SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY - ESPECIALLY THE MATH. “My son loves the activities on your Skill Building Academy, so everyday we work through about 10 practice test questions and then read a book from BookFlix or Tumble Book Library. He's only 4, but I am noticing his vocabulary grow from both the test questions and from Skill Building sites you offer. The way he thinks about math problems is all changing as he has confidence now that he can come up with the right answer. It's fun, and really brings us closer together.” Devoted Father
- I RECOMMEND YOU TO OTHER PARENTS. “My daughter's exams are done. Thank you for all the support. I would for sure recommend your services to other parents. It was a great help and proper guidance.” Mom in Downers Grove, IL
- KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. “I just want to say that I think your service is really brilliant and fills quite a need! Keep up the great work. I recommend your service every chance I get to friends who are terrified of what's coming in the field of education.” Joan in Illinois
- BOTH MY KIDS GOT GT WITH YOUR HELP. “I really want to say a big THANK YOU to testing mom. Last year my elder daughter got selected in school GT by practicing all the test materials on the site. This year my younger daughter got selected in their school GT program with a score of 99%. Thanks a lot for helping students. I would surely refer this site to all my friends and neighbors.” Mother in Texas
- YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE TEST WILL COVER TO BE SUCCESSFUL - MY SON GOT IN. “I used your site to prep for my sons tests last January & he was successfully placed into the LWSD gifted program. THANK YOU! He is a smart kid, but I think you also need to know what the test will cover to be successful. I will use your site again for my next child when the time comes.” Alice in Washington State
- AWESOME CUSTOMER SERVICE. “Thank you. I truly appreciate your professionalism and awesome customer service.” Carolina in NYC
- I REFER YOU TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY. “I want to personally thank you for the book you have given me and your resources. Because of this my daughter scored exceptionally high on her test. I am not only proud of my gifted child but am proud of the work I was committed to do. I truly admire your work with parents and families. I sincerely thank you. I have referred your website to my sister who is on the same track with my niece.” Janet in NY
- EXCELLENT JOB. “I am so grateful to you not only for the thoroughness of your answers, but also for your promptness. You are doing an excellent job.” Elizabeth in Canada
- YOUR SITE TAUGHT MY 3-YEAR-OLD TO ADD AND MORE. “This message is to state how much I appreciate the work and support that testing mom gives to parents and their children in academic aspects, but also in daily life. I can say this because through testing mom my 3 year old has learn to add, about history, and even to eat right. It was through brain pop, one of the testing mom sites that my son learned which things children need to eat to be healthy and grow strong. In addition, my son Ely has learn how the digestive system works and many more things about the human body. Thank you Testing mom for all the resources you offer.” Alma in NYC
- MY SON ACED THE KBIT. “I would like to thank TestingMom for helping my son, a 3rd grader, to clear the first round of KBIT test. According to his teacher, ‘My son did an amazing job.’” Mom in Tallahassee, FL
- WE LOVE YOUR DAILY QUESTIONS. “I love the daily questions and save them to ask the boys. Thank you!” Jean in San Antonio, TX
- YOU HELPED MY CHILD ACE THE OLSAT, ITBS, RAVEN'S AND IQ TEST. “I felt my child was bright but I think every parent thinks that. She started the screening process for gifted services in the first grade. There were several tests that were administered before she was even invited to get an individual IQ - first the OLSAT, then the ITBS, then the Raven’s and finally an IQ Test. I don't think this process would have been so seamless without TestingMom.com. First of all, I read Karen's book,Testing For Kindergarten, and I learned how to put brain games in our everyday life and how to challenge my daughter. Next I went to the website and we would go over practice questions for one of the tests she was being screened for at that time. I made it a game that my younger kids would play with us. Once my daughter got a letter saying she had passed one level of qualification, we would play brain games for the next test. Through this whole process, she was never nervous and I believe it was because she was prepared. I asked her how she felt she scored on her Raven's test, and her answer was "it was easy." I believed her. She had to make above the 95th percentile to go the next round. I think what I have learned through the whole process, and will be applying it to my other 2 kids when they get to first grade, is to prepare them in enough time to master the material, and take the time to go over content they are having trouble with. As we prepared, every time I emailed a question to Karen, she emailed back a response. This site is awesome, I'm glad I found it.” Candice from Mississippi
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON NNAT. “Thanks for the great website. My daughter got into the gifted program in her school by practicing for the NNAT test. She got a 99 on the test. Thank you.” Stacey in Georgia
- 96TH PERCENTILE ON ECAA. “I am from Ireland and am completely overwhelmed! You're a savior and I wish I found you sooner! With your site's support, our daughter did well on the ECAA. She scored a 96% overall and the comments were all positive. Thank you!” NYC Parent
- OUR SON WAS PREPARED. “My wife and I wish to express our gratitude for the guidance provided by you and your capable staff. In addition to you, With the guidance, we were able to adequately prepare our son for the "Olympiad" type competition and he performed fabulously well.
- YOU GO ABOVE AND BEYOND. "Once again, we wish to thank you and your very capable and accommodating staff for going "Above and Beyond" to provide guidance.” Grateful Dad
- OUR TWINS GOT INTO THE GIFTED PROGRAM. “I would really like to thank you for all your support, advice and great website. My twins both got into the contained gifted program and they are so happy. Our family is very thankful for your website and hope that you continue this service for years to come. Thanks again.” Mom in Ontario
- OUR SON ACED THE MAP TEST. “I wanted to let you know that Jacob scored so well on his spring MAP tests that they are letting him into the GT program based on those scores. We did practice with the Iowa ITBS tests that you recommended, so thanks for that!! I thought you would want to know, thanks a ton for your help!” Kristen in Minnesota
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON OUR SON'S IQ TEST. “I received the report for my son and want to thank you so much for your support and your guidance. He scored in the 99th percentile on performance, verbal and full scale. Needless to say, I am quite happy. Thank you so very much for everything. I could not have done this without you.” Thara in NYC
- YOUR SITE AND SERVICE ARE A GODSEND. “I want to thank you for your website and all your services--they are truly a godsend!” Katherine in Houston
- THANKS FOR HELPING PARENTS WHO CAN'T AFFORD EXPENSIVE TUTORS. “God bless you for your information. I believe the Lord has placed you to help parents who could not afford the expensive tutors etc., as well as to provide our children to be successful in school.” Michele
- BESIDES TEST PREP, THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO ON YOUR ONE SITE. “I love the Testingmom.com website. Before, I had to transfer from one site to another just to find an activity for my children. I had to pay separate website fees for my two kids, which was very costly. And there were never new things added to the site after we subscribed. But at testingmom.com, I have tons and tons of choices. I am a mother who is very hands-on to my kids. I give them daily activities to do from the site (problem solving, reading, math and more math) even if it’s weekend (from 10-30 mins. weekends & 30 mins-1 hr. weekdays). I try to make this part of their lifestyle instead of cramming during the 11th hour in preparation for the test. Of course, there are exceptions to our schedule, like if we are on a road trip, then we won’t go on, we’ll just enjoy the trip and vacation. I have spent so much time exploring Testingmom.com. I can’t believe how much there is to do on the site. My kids love it. I love it! I can browse anything from Pre-K to 8th grade, from gifted testing, from just classroom topics, to science to math and more. Just anything. I am one happy mom.” Happy Mom
- YOU HELPED US IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW. “Whoo hoo my baby brain is officially registered for 1st grade GT in our top choice school Thanks so much everyone!!! You sure helped in more ways than you will ever know!” Valerie
- MY TWINS GOT INTO G&T. WE WILL USE YOUR SITE FOR YEARS TO COME. “I would really like to thank you for all your support, advice and great website. My twins both got into the contained gifted program and they are so happy. Our family is very thankful for your website and hope that you continue this service for years to come. Thanks again.” Mom in New York
- MY GIRLS ACED THE ITBS IN HOUSTON. “Thank you Karen for your prompt response to my question about ITBS. I also wanted to tell you how much we enjoy your program. I first read your book, then registered for the testingmom.com website to prepare my daughters for G/T program at HISD in Houston, TX. As a pediatrician myself, I thought your website is very informative and my girls aced their exam! Thanks again.” Houston Doctor
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON G&T TEST USING JUST YOUR SITE AND IQ FUN PACK. “I just wanted to share with you that my daughter got a 99% at the G&T exam. We are so thrilled. All the materials from Testingmom, including the IQ Fun Pack game are amazing, and was a tremendous help for us. I recommend you to all my friends.” NYC Mom
- 155 ON THE RIAS - HE GOT IN! “Thank you Testing Mom! My son just qualified for the Gifted Program here in Florida. He scored a 155 after practicing with your RIAS practice questions. I now have 3 children who qualified for the Gifted Program after using your website for practice. It really helps because they know what to expect. Thanks again!” Linda in Florida
- MY SON IS PROUD OF HIS GRADES THANKS TO YOU. “I wanted to give you an update on my son, who likely wouldn't be in the school he's in without you. He finished up the year at his new school, and his grades were in total alignment with his standardized test scores -- pretty much all 95's! Thank you again : ) (He also had to take CTP-4's this June, so I gave him a quick brush up the weekend before, and he was cool as a cucumber throughout that whole week.) Thank you so much...for EVERYTHING...especially the gift of a boy who's so proud of his grades that he showed off his report to his old school friends!” Caroline from New York
- MY SON PASSED THE RIAS AND GOT INTO GIFTED IN FLORIDA. “Thank you Testing Mom! My son just qualified for the Gifted Program here in Florida. He scored a 155 after practicing with your RIAS practice questions. I now have 3 children who qualified for the Gifted Program after using your website for practice. It really helps because they know what to expect. Thanks again!” Paula in Florida
- THANKS FOR HELPING MY SON GET INTO GT IN MARYLAND. “Thank you so much for your prompt and detailed response and guidance with my latest question. Two years ago, I followed your advice in preparing my son for the GT 4-5 grade for Montgomery County, MD Public Schools, and he made it. Your advice was so important. Elementary GT Program has worked very well for him. He has raised to the challenges of the program and improved his performance. I felt the regular school curriculum did not engage his full potential. THANK YOU AGAIN SO SO MUCH for you kind and generous support. Your work is so invaluable!” Dad in Maryland
- MY DAUGHTER SCORED IN THE 98TH PERCENTILE. “Woo hoo!!!! I woke up to good news. Finally, I received an email with the correct link. My daughter, who is entering kindergarten got 98%! She apparently is eligible for both district and citywide G&T programs. Now I need to do my research and figure out what would be best for my daughter.” Parent in NYC
- WE LOVE MANGA HIGH ON YOUR SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY. “Just wanted to let you know we tried Manga High and love it! Thank you for the info. You all have done a great job on the website and we will definitely keep recommending it to friends.” Tracey in Florida
- YOUR EMAILS ARE A STRESS BUSTER. “A million million thanks I am so glad I have subscribed. It's just that my son as of now looks too hyper to take testing that's the same thing which his preschool teachers feel too, I am slowly coming our of my desire to enroll him in gifted school knowing him now, but your mails are such a stress buster. A big thank you.” Mom in Denver
- OUR DAUGHTER SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE. NOW WE GET TO CHOOSE A SCHOOL. “We're very proud to say our daughter got a 99 on the test. Now we have the dilemma of what school to choose for her! We're looking forward to getting advice from you on that part of our decision.” Mom in NYC
- TOP SCORES ON OLSAT AND READING AIG. “We got our test results back in the mail! After one week of review, our daughter took the OLSAT D test and scored a 95% on Verbal and 95% on NonVerbal which gives her a 96% full scale. Not only will she be placed in the Reading AIG class but also the Math AIG class! That was a nice surprise. I am so excited! I knew she had it in her to do well on these tests. The process for me was so frustrating. I don't know why there is so much mystery around the AIG program and why they make it so difficult for parents to get any information regarding the tests and test results, but you took the guess work out of the whole process which gave me the confidence to move forward and not give up on the program. Thank you so much for your help and support! We couldn't have done it without you!” Amy in NC
- TESTING MOM ROCKS. “Thank you so so so much for this direction. God bless. Testing mom ROCKS.” Mom in Canada
- YOU GAVE OUR SON CONFIDENCE TO DO HIS BEST. “Today my son passed his test to get into the gifted program for his school. My wife and I are very pleased and wanted to let you know that we feel that your website and all of its content played a huge role in preparing him for the exam. We are confident that without testingmom.com he would not have had the confidence and preparation needed to pass the exam. Thank you very much for all of the help that you have provided to us over the last 3 months during this journey. I will be sure to recommend you to anyone who has a child in the same situation as we were.” Craig, Georgia Dad
- GREAT PREP FOR NNAT. “Thank you for your program. Although we only used it for a couple of days, I strongly feel your questions and test prep helped her tremendously. Especially with the non-verbal NNAT sections. Your questions and games were engaging and obviously helpful for the test.” NY Parent
- TOP SCORES ON TCAP. “We are glad to share this happy news with you....Our daughter achieved Advanced level in all subjects in TCAP. Here I am attaching her TCAP results. Actually we have taken TestingMom membership in April 2014, just few weeks before TCAP tests. In that short period she could just able to finish common core questions only. But even then also she did a wonderful job. I can assure you that TestingMom helped her a lot. Thank you so much. We will try to guide our daughter to follow all your suggestions and attempt to answer other States test papers also. So that she may get higher result than this. You are adding more websites and more information day by day. We are really thankful for it. Now it is our turn to utilize them for our kids’ bright future.” Mom in TN
- AN INCREDIBLE RESOURCE. “Your site has been an invaluable resource for me in preparing for kindergarten admissions. I really appreciate your reply to my question about the upcoming interview. It was very reassuring and helpful. Thank you again so much for creating the incredible resource that parents could not do without.” Lisa in NYC
- 99TH AND 94TH PERCENTILE ON SCAT. “Our daughter took her SCAT at the end of June and with stellar results. She ranked in the 99th percentile in the Verbal Section and 94th in the Quantitative Section. Thank you for the wonderful resource that is all things Testing Mom. There was much value for our daughter and me in accessing your services. All the best to you and your team!” Mom in Massachusetts
- YOU CHANGED OUR CHILD'S FUTURE FOREVER. - "Our son just got into one of the top K-12 schools in the country thanks to the amazing site and staff at testingmom.com. The TestingMom team has created an incredible resource to help parents and kids navigate the competitive world of Private school admissions - from help handling parent interviews, to guidance writing application essays, to support in preparing your child for any type of assessment the school might administer, to advice on how to tailor your approach for every school - Testingmom.com does it all. If it weren't for Testingmom.com, we would never have been able to accomplish what we did. Karen Quinn, thank you so much for guiding us through this process. You have changed our child's future forever!” Proud Parents in Los Angeles, CA
- WE WILL USE YOU FOR TESTING IN THE FUTURE. “I just wanted to let you know that we were very happy with TestingMom and when there are more standardized tests in our daughter's future, we will be happy to sign up again!” Seth, Dad in NYC
- OUR SON'S PERFORMANCE IN SCHOOL IMPROVED BECAUSE OF OUR DAILY PRACTICE. "Your website has been a great help to me in preparing my 5-year-old son for the G&T tests he will need to take in Houston. Test taking is a skill and your site is helping my son get used to taking tests. We started our membership last spring. My son's performance in the classroom has improved tremendously because we set aside 30 minutes a day to do practice questions, something we've never done before. Testing Mom has helped my son become a better student in school, an added bonus that we never expected." Chelsea, Mom in Houston, Texas
- YOU HELPED US GET OUR SON INTO A TOP PRIVATE SCHOOL IN NYC. "Thank you so much for all the help you gave us getting our son Collegiate - our first choice school for him. My husband and I grew up in humble means. Our son didn’t go to a top feeder school - in fact, no one from our son’s nursery school has ever gotten into Collegiate. But you were so helpful with all your advice and guidance. We really appreciate your taking a look at our essays and giving us much-needed feedback. The practice questions on your site were instrumental in helping him do well on the AABL test. You have literally helped us get our son admitted to one of the hardest-to-get-into schools in NYC. We are overwhelmed with joy today! Thank you again." Marcie, NYC Mom
- OUR SON GOT INTO 3 TOP PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND HUNTER ROUND 2. "Testing Mom Team, I just wanted to let you know that our son was accepted by Horace Mann, Dalton and Collegiate. His AABL scores were 99/99/89/94. Your practice questions were very helpful in getting him prepared, so thank you for that! He also made it to Round 2 of Hunter with a score of 149 - your practice materials helped tremendously with that as well. Ultimately, we are choosing Horace Mann, as that was always our first choice. Thank you again for all your help!" Stephen, NYC Dad
- MY SON LOVES YOUR DAILY QUESTION EMAILS. "Thanks so much for all your advice. Adam asks me every day if I have a question for him from your email blast for him to see. Some are tricky! But he likes it even when he doesn't know the answer." Shilpa, FL Mom
- THANK YOU FOR SO MANY QUESTIONS. "We are totally working as much as we can from your website...:) Did I thank you for all those questions on ur website, yet? Thank u thank u thank you so so much...:)" Lisa, CA Mom
- I APPRECIATE YOUR EMPATHY. "Karen, thank you for talking with me regarding my son today. I really appreciate your patience and suggestions. Your empathy as a mom and your professional wisdom are appreciated beyond words." Tiffany, California Mom
- ROUND 2 OF HUNTER - LOVED THE TESTER YOU RECOMMENDED. "You were so kind to give us support in the choice of Hunter tester for our daughter and I promised to give you feedback on her experience. To recall: our son speaks 3 languages really well, however his English is the weakest, which is a big hurdle for the Hunter test, as you yourself said. Following your advice, we chose [name of psychologist deleted]. It couldn't have been a better choice. Our son actually got sick the day before the scheduled test, and [ ] was extremely helpful with all the rescheduling necessary, inquiring multiple times how our son was doing! Our son loved the test with [ ] and asked me to go back to her! Most interestingly, despite our son's terrible English, he actually made it to round 2 (barely, he just exactly got the cut-off score, so I have little hope for him to succeed in Round 2, but still, it's an ego booster). I can wholeheartedly recommend this tester, who obviously understood the challenges bi-(or tri-)lingual kids face. Thank you again for giving us your time and guidance on this! Through your website, we also found a wonderful tutor for our son, whom, I understand, you know very well. Thank you so much for that referral!" Mora, NYC Mom
- MY SON HAS IMPROVED TREMENDOUSLY WITH YOUR PROGRAM - HE'S VERY PROUD. "You had a phone conversation with me a few months ago about my son, who is applying for private school in the Los Angeles area this year. I just faxed you copies of his Woodcock-Johnson III Achievement Tests that he recently had re-done. It is really remarkable the improvement that he made in two months with the help of your on-line program. We continue to work with him and he is really enjoying all of the testing and is so proud of his accomplishments. Thank you for everything!" Ishan, LA Parent
- WE ARE ALL HAVING FUN WITH YOUR SITE. "My husband is super impressed with your website and we are all having a blast trying to answer the questions as well. Many times our son has to explain how he got the right answer for me because I don't get it (which my husband finds really enjoyable and loves to remind me that that is what I get from only graduating from an Ivy League Masters program!)" Catherine, Boston Mom
- THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. Thinking of you and thanking God today for all the help you have provided and keep providing to me and other NYC parents... :) Have a happy thanksgiving! :) Xenia, Virginia Mom
- Aced SAGES-2. "I wanted to let you know that Annie did well on her SAGES-2 test (she needed to score higher than a 124 on the LA/SS section and she got a 139!) and she has been deemed gifted by her school and will be entering the Challenge Program this coming semester! Thanks so much to your whole team for all your help!" Roxanne, Connecticut Mom
- OUR DAUGHTER GOT INTO 3 PRIVATE SCHOOLS WITH YOUR HELP. "We began preparing our daughter for the WPPSI-IV test 4 months ago. The task to prepare for the test seemed overwhelming and confusing. We were even more discouraged when the schools we wanted to apply to told us there is no preparation possible for the test. Then we came across Karen’s website com and it offered us a clear and focused path to building the underlying skills our child needed for the test. The resources such as Karen’s book “Testing for Kindergarten”, her game “IQ fun park” and various material on testingmom.com, were instrumental in our daughter scoring in the 98 percentile. To cap it all, Karen was always ready and available to answer our emails with any questions we had through the process. We are very thankful to Karen and testingmom.com." UPDATE 2 MONTHS LATER - "Dear Karen, I hope all is well. Our daughter got into all 3 schools we applied to and we feel very excited. We wanted to than you for your help. Your generosity and regular support made all the difference to us during this stressful process." Praveena, Washington, DC
- MY DAUGHTER LOVES DOING TESTING MOM PROBLEMS. "Our daughter loves doing her "fun homework". She actually brings her binder (where I keep her TestingMom practice questions) to me to work on in the evenings. She does other "fun homework" as well (basic math, math reasoning, critical thinking, riddles, writing and reading (not all in the same night), but I have been surprised by how much she also enjoys doing these Testingmom problems. She LOVES when she gets the answers right. :)" Texas mom
- YOU HELPED US WITH AN URGENT TECHNICAL ISSUE. "Just wanted to thank you so much. I was having technical issues accessing the site the day before my daughter was going to be tested. I sent you guys an urgent email to help me get started again. A call was received by Jon within a few minutes. My computer was restarted. Then all was well. My daughter got a few hours of review for her test. I really appreciate your speedy response to my urgent message and wanted to say kudos! Thank you so much!" Kelli, Georgia Mom
- THANKS FOR YOUR DIRECTION. "Karen, It was a real pleasure speaking with you. Thank you so much for your generous and thorough introduction to your site and materials. We will start intensively tomorrow. I know Mark will find the site entertaining and fun. This will help Mark, and thanks for reassuring me that improvement is possible. It's certainly not about the test anymore and I realized while talking with you that the results were a good wakeup call for me to give Mark more dedicated attention. There's nothing like someone telling you something isn't possible to light a fire under you, right? Still, the process in overwhelming when you don't understand the terminology and methodology used. I am so grateful for your help and direction!" Malathi, Houston, T
- GRANDMOTHER LOVES USING TESTING MOM WITH HER GRANDCHILDREN. "I was searching for a way to have fun doing educational games with my 3 year old granddaughter and 5 year old grandson, mainly during the summer when they would be at my beach house. I did buy some board games and such, but then a friend suggested looking for something on the computer. Lo and behold I found the Testing Mom site. Since I knew they would also be taking the required tests down the road for the gifted class and possibly private school, I decided to try a 3 month membership. It was the best decision ever! Later, I extended for another year, and will renew again. The games are very well thought out. Because of my grandkids' success with TestingMom's blue and yellow tile online game, they now both love jig saw puzzles and are into the 500 piece and 1000 pieces options. The children never felt that they were being “tested” or primed for anything other than having fun. The “help desk” is terrific as I am not technically inclined and they walked me through each step in getting started. In addition to the website developed by Testing Mom, we also made use of the additional offerings on that site, such as Brain Pop and its weekly videos. Certain questions/themes triggered more research. For instance, when they had to identify a kangaroo, we then researched Australia online, looked at the globe as to how to get there, which oceans to cross, etc. I printed out pictures for them to color, the flag to draw, koalas and a myriad of additional information, all because they had to identify a kangaroo in the Testing Mom site. I strongly suggest working with your child at your side for best results. Both my grandchildren recently took the required tests for private school and both scored Highly Superior and 97-99% range and I feel it was because of their experiences with Testing Mom." Sandra, Testing Grandmother, Pennsylvania
- OUR SON GOT INTO HUNTER. "Today we learned that our son got into Hunter College Elementary! We are over the moon! Thank you TestingMom!" NYC Mom
- "I just want to say thank you to Jessica, who has always been amazingly responsive. I signed up for TestingMom on January 1 and guess what? Jessica was on chat to answer my questions. Then, to help me navigate my way through and understand what is available on the site, Jessica took my phone number and walked me through everything. To get this kind of personal support not only helps me through a process that often feels rife with stress, but it gives me mental peace knowing that there is help for me whenever I need it. Thank you, Jessica." Danielle, Los Angeles
- AFTER LAW FIRM WORKSHOP, OUR FAMILIES GOT INTO TOP NYC PRIVATE SCHOOLS WITH YOUR GUIDANCE. "Just a note say thank you to Karen and Michael for the admissions workshop you put on at our law firm this fall. You guys were our secret weapon! Attendees received acceptance letters from Dalton, Trinity, Chapin, Brearley, Nightengale, Spence, Fieldston, Poly Prep, Friends, and more. We are grateful for all your sound advice and direction." Priya, NYC
- 3 ACCEPTANCES FROM TOP PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN WASHINGTON, DC. THANK YOU. "Greetings from D.C. We're very happy to let you know that 3 acceptances came today for our son. One in a cute box with confetti, the others formal acceptance letters. He got into Potomac, The Langley School and Sidwell Friends. We are convinced that your website's, with its test prep for WPPSI-IV and private school admissions support, made all the difference in him getting accepted. Thank you!" Julianne, D.C. Mom
- OUR SON ACED THE RIAS. "Our son took the RIAS today and I'm happy to share with you the good news that he qualified for our school's gifted program with a score of 135. Hooray! He felt that the questions he practiced on your site prepared him well for the test. I feel your website is great and I will recommend it to any mom who is considering having her child tested. Thank you for the wonderful website you put together." Sonia, Florida
- THANKS FOR SUGGESTIONS ON PREPPING FOR THE COGAT. "Karen, thank you for all you suggestions on the activities we can do to get our son ready for CogAT. I want you to know that I have not met a person who responds so promptly and so generously than yourself. Many good wishes to your TestingMom family!" Pradeepa, Washington
- OUR SON GOT INTO BELL REGIONAL GIFTED CENTER IN CHICAGO. "I am so happy to share the news with you my son took the test for gifted test this year and he got selected! He will be in first grade at Bell Regional gifted center for the 2015-2016 school year in Chicago, Ill. I thank you a lot for the materials that were made available on the Testing Mom site. I should say it helped a lot. Keep up the good work. Thanks again." Tran, Chicago, Illinois
- OUR DAUGHTER GOT INTO TH ROGERS, THE BEST SCHOOL IN HISD - THANKS. "We wanted to send you a big thank you. Julienne, our 5-year-old daughter, not only got into the GT program at HISD but she got into TH Rogers, the best school in HISD out of 41 schools! Thanks for all your practice tests and games. Your material made all the difference." Dimi, Houston, TX
- OUR SON ACED THE OLSAT. "Just to let you know... The 3'rd grade G&T test in our area is Otis Lennon. On test day, a number of other parents getting their kid tested said, 'Oh... you are testing for enrichment... that is really hard. My kid tried and didn't make it.' When my son, Rick, came out of the test, he said, 'It was really easy. I think I got them all right!' The math wiz in his class tested for enrichment and did not make it. We just found out that Rick was accepted into G&T. I think the prep from your site made it all possible. Thanks so much!" Paul Dimon, New Jersey
- OUR SON GOT INTO NYC G&T - THANKS FOR A WONDERFUL, AFFORDABLE SERVICE. "To Karen & TestingMom Team, I just wanted to send a big thank you to all of you for this wonderful resource! Testingmom.com does work and it worked wonders for my son. Using your website, I prepared him myself for the NYC gifted and talented Program test. The results are back and he is in! On the NNAT, he got 42 out of 48 questions correct and scored in the 99th percentile. On the OLSAT, he got 21 out of 30 correct and scored in the 93rd percentile. The overall score was the 97th percentile. English is not his first language, and we speak 2 languages at home, so we worked especially hard for the OLSAT since it is a verbal test. Your materials really helped him. Thank you for creating such a wonderful, affordable resource. We would not have made it into the G&T program without you." Deanna, NYC Mom
- YOUR SITE IS THE BEST. "Thank you for your support. I loved the genuine piece of advice that you gave me 'you know your child best and you can teach him the best'. Thus, taking that with me, I have started to dedicate at least 1 hour a day to enhance his creativity. Your website and the games provided are the best of the best." Asha, Austin, Texas
- MY DAUGHTER ROCKED THE NYC G&T TEST. "Karen, I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for providing the tools for preparing my children for the NYC G &T admission exams. My daughter passed with flying colors. This was her first attempt and she scored a 95. My only regret is that I will wish I discovered your company two years ago for my son. Thank you again. I am one happy and proud parent!" Harry, New York City Dad
- BOTH MY CHILDREN SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE. "Karen, you may remember me from last year. We used your materials and my child scored a 99th percentile on the NYC G&T test. This year, our second child used TestingMom to prepare for the test. She also scored a 99 and will be joining our first child at a Citywide G&T for Kindergarten! I can't brag about this in real life, so I wanted to share the news with you and the team!" Deborah, NYC Mom
- MY SON QUALIFIED FOR NYC G&T CITY WIDE. "We spoke recently about my son, who missed Hunter Round 2 by just 2 points. Today we got great news! He scored in the 97th percentile on the G&T test and qualified for both Citywide and Districtwide schools. We'll be touring gifted programs beginning next week. Thank you for your great website and ongoing advice." Sophia, NYC Mom
- LOVE THE READING PROGRAM ON YOUR SITE. "I must say I am very impressed with the Reading Kingdom program that is in your Skill Building Section. My son is 2 years old and he loves the program very much, I know the recommended ages 4 and up, but he perform at that level and your program is wonderful. I have tried multiple expensive apps and program: ABC mouse and red apple reading and it just didn't cut it for my son, there was just too many options with the other programs and that was very distracting for him. He is motivated to finish the reading kingdom lesson, so that he can hear the owl can say " bye for now" and he loves that the passport has his name in it. I have referred your program to many of my friends and will continue to refer your program because it is awesome." TW, Mom
- YOUR SITE HELPS KIDS REACH THEIR POTENTIAL. "It was amazing talking to you and getting guidance from you. Thank you for reaching out to me. My kid loves your website and I am a big fan as well. You are providing wonderful help via your website to parents. The practice and material available on your website, definitely helps a kid to reach his utmost potential." Stephanie, Round Rock, Texas
- SINGLE MOM IS GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT. "I want to thank you very much. My daughter Amanda took the 1st grade G&T test and scored in the 98th percentile. As a single mom, I am grateful for the support! Thanks to your variety of questions at such a convenient price, she did great! I am happy and proud!" Claudia, NYC Mom
- YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS GREAT. "Jessica was wonderful. She is caring, informative and thorough. She didn't come across as a sales person but as a caring mother who is thrilled to help other moms empower and enrich the life of another. Although I don't know her, I felt as if she knew me...I'm in NY and she is from another state. She knew about the local school I am interested in sending my daughter to and was clear about local events in NYC. She is great. Keep up the good work, Jessica! I will keep you posted on my daughter's progress. We are praying she gets into NEST+m."
- Sarah, NYC MomYOUR BOOK AND SITE GUIDED ME - 99TH PERCENTILE ON WPPSI. "Karen, As you know, my five-year-old daughter scored well into the 99th percentile on the WPPSI IV. I know many parents are struggling out there trying to figure out how to prepare their young child for testing success. May I confidently say, 'I hope they stumble upon your book, Testing for Kindergarten, like I did.' I am so thankful that I discovered the book around the time of my daughter’s 3rd birthday. Instinctively as a mother, to give my child the best chance to succeed in school and beyond, I knew part of my daughter’s toddler and preschool life should have included playing with puzzles, being read to, learning obedience and self control, and developing a strong vocabulary, but I knew I needed guidance, and that there was something more that I was unable to find out from my community of friends, teachers and parents. Testing for Kindergarten gave me that depth I was seeking, which led me to your website, com, the icing on the cake! Your book is a gold mine of information, teeming with ideas of preschool activities and teaching techniques that elevated my level of parenting. What was most valuable to me from your book was that it helped me learn how to have a higher quality of conversations with my child. For about a year+, from my daughter’s age of 3 to 4/5, I was dedicated to following your book, altering my teaching techniques, and having more meaningful conversations with my daughter. We took field trips at least twice a week, whether it was the zoo, the hardware store, or the local high school’s basketball games. Sometimes we took our private car, sometimes we took the train, and sometimes we took the public bus. I tried to talk about 'everything and anything,' as quoted from the pages of your book. We most always had conversations en route about what was going on around us, like why we thought that man walking in front of us had that cast on his arm, or how many different kinds of dog breeds we saw out (and could we identify each of them), or why was there a tower crane at that construction site (and what we thought those construction workers were building, and with what materials). I did not focus on using WPPSI IV test preparation materials during this time frame with my daughter, but on the side I was starting to learn more about the test from your website, Testingmom.com. Was I overwhelmed? Yes, a little. (And, I admit, at times a lot!) But as I really started to dive into the actual WPPSI IV test preparation materials with my daughter, about 5 months before the actual test, you were always there to answer my questions along the way, timely and quite thoroughly. I hope that other parents using your website realize what an important resource you are, and that you are there to answers questions and guide them, as you did for me. You were there to bounce ideas off of as well, when I was trying to figure out how to get more out of an activity, or how to bring my daughter to the next level if I felt she was ready, and also the choice of words to use to mentally prepare my shy daughter to separate from me on testing day as well as open up to the tester. The actual test preparation print outs, online games, suggestions for offline tools, and videos on the Testingmom.com website were just amazingly valuable in assisting me to teach the underlying skills my daughter needed to perform exceptionally well on this test. Between Testing for Kindergarten, Testingmom.com, and communications with you, Karen, I was given all the tools I needed to succeed. I would like to tell other parents that (I believe) what I did is just plain good parenting and it is what all parents should be doing with their kids. If you choose to do it, it will take work on your part and it will require sacrifice of your personal time. But for me, without hesitation, I would do it all over again with you. Thank you." Tara, Miami Mom
- BOTH MY TWINS GOT INTO GIFTED. "I have twin girls. My first daughter made it in reading, math and visual spatial reasoning in 2nd grade, but my other twin daughter made it only in visual spatial reasoning. We did a lot of Testing Mom practice this year and this year she passed both. We are absolutely thrilled. Thanks for the great website. Now both of my girls are in all parts of our school’s gifted program. " Shruti, Mom in San Diego
- WE REGISTERED OUR SON FOR CHELSEA PREP GIFTED TODAY. "Michael, I just want to let you know that we registered our son at Chelsea Prep for the Kindergarten gifted and talented program today! I remember you mentioned that your daughter is there and how much you like the school. We hope our son likes it as much as your daughter does! Thanks again for all of your help through this (awful) process!" Doreen, NYC Mom
- MY SON GOT INTO G&T WITH A 99TH PERCENTILE. "I am happy to inform you and your team that my son has been selected for the G&T program in NYC this year with the score of 99 percentile. Thanks to Testing Mom." Smita, Mom in Tribeca New York City
- MY SON ACED THE SCAT TEST. "THANK YOU!!! My son achieved 'High Honors' in the CTY Talent Search after working with your SCAT tests for only 1 week prior to the test. I know it was thanks to your site because he had previously taken the test and done ok but after we worked with the online practice tests, his verbal score almost doubled; math was already pretty high, however, his math score also came up." Maggie, Virginia Mom
- TEACHER RECOMMENDS TESTING MOM TO ALL HER PARENTS. "I am a 4th grade teacher who used your program to get my own son into the highly gifted program in our school district. I see kids all the time who deserve to be in our gifted program but who don't make it because they aren't familiar with the skills needed to do well on a test. Plus, most parents (and even teachers!) don't know the skills and materials their kids need to bone up on for the tests given by their schools. Thank you TestingMom! I recommend you to parents in our district every day." Maya, Pennsylvania Mom (and teacher)
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON GIFTED TEST. "I wanted to share with you the good news that my son, Sage, has passed his second set of testing with another 99th percentile thanks to your great test prep resources. He can now enter the talented and gifted class we were hoping he could join. We will be using your services again in the future for Sage's brother, who will be tested in two years. In the meantime, I'll be sure to pass on your site to my friends and family." Peter, Georgia Dad
- ANOTHER TEACHER RECOMMENDS SITE TO HER FAMILIES - IT'S MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE THAN TUTORING. "I'm a National Board Certified Teacher and love my job! Your site is amazing and for a nominal fee, it gives parents access to abundant resources! I came across your site when I was looking at AR Reading Books for my own child. I got tired of her forgetting her book at school and found that with the access I get from your site, she always had books available at her level. Also, there were options to have the books read to her! As a special education teacher, I work with students throughout our entire school. Parents are always asking me to recommend sites. While I explain to them that Testing Mom is a membership site, they are happy to join because it is much more cost effective than paying for additional tutoring. Thank you for creating such a useful and reasonably priced site for parents and teachers!" Amy, Arizona Mom (and teacher)
- SON QUALIFIED FOR GT IN HOUSTON. "I wanted to than you for helping me with GT for Houston HISD testing. My son scored in the 96th percentile and we only used your materials to prepare." Snehal, Houston, Texas
- MY SON LOVES THE TUTOR YOU RECOMMENDED. "I don't know if you remember me. When I first wrote to you, I signed my email with 'Desperate for advice on what to do.' My son was set to take the Gifted and Talented test in just a few weeks, and he had no interest in working with his current tutor. She was exasperated with him. He'd just walk off or sing or do anything other than the work she was trying to get him to do. I asked you if you had any advice on how to turn around a situation where a young child has just decided he doesn't like this stuff and doesn't want to cooperate. You sent me the names of 2 local tutors to try that you said were 'fantastic.' My son Ryan has his G&T test this coming Saturday. I know he is as prepared as he can be for the test. When he is on, he gets so many right, he might get into a city-wide program, and when he doesn't feel like practicing, he gets them all wrong. He is still very spirited! But we wouldn't be where we are now without the help of J and A, the tutors you sent me to. I used both of them each 2 days per week for the month of December until now. I wasn't sure if Ryan was going to turn on one of them like he did to his first tutor so I kept them both to see how things went. The opposite was the case -- he LOVES both of them and looks forward to learning with each of them every week. I think he is really going to miss both of them once he takes his test. I wanted to give you the feedback on how great each of them is in different ways. J is so calm and soothing. She has taught Ryan so much math that he is doing some first grade math at this point (with a little help walking him through it). He now loves word problems and makes his own to test me! It's really cute. J is very strong on the math side. A is great with behavior modification. She has taught Ryan about 'putting on his thinking cap' when they work together and all about 'noticing' and 'not giving up'. Ryan is always telling me about his 'good noticing' now. She was great at helping him re-direct his energy back to working on the test questions. Ryan learned so much from each of them. He is as prepared as he can be. Thank you so much for your tutor recommendations. They are both fantastic and I would recommend either of them to anyone who is looking for a G&T tutor, or J for a grade school child who needs help with math, and A for a grade school child who needs help with reaching or needs to work on behavior and focus. Thank you again the recommendations and all the help I got through your website and book and through reaching out to you. Even if Ryan doesn't pass this test, he has learned so much and realized he can learn so much and gotten so excited about learning that it has been worth it in every way." Helena, NYC Mom
- TOP SCORE ON WISC THANKS TO YOUR MATERIALS. WHOOOEEEEE for Matty!!! Just got results from the WISC! Full Scale 143 99.8% Extremely High! His lowest was 92% in Block Design! Also 92% Matrix Reasoning These are HARD!! We both had trouble doing them. Also 90% Picture Span, The next lowest in any category was 95% (Processing Speed - Symbol Search and Fluid Reasoning - Arithmetic), Then 98% Vocab, Visual Puzzles, Digit Span, Then 99% Figure Weights - practiced this sooooo much - the scales and Verbal Comp - Information, Then 99.6 Similarities and Coding. Your site gets credit for these scores. Even though he's smart , the review and practice materials you offer have been invaluable. Jane, Virginia Mom
- LOVE THE E-BOOKS IN YOUR SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY. "I absolutely love the website and especially access to various e-book libraries for kids in your Skill Building section. Thank you for creating Testingmom.com!!! Kate, LA Mom
- WE LOVE THE READING PROGRAM IN YOUR SKILL BUILDING ACADEMY. "I want you to know how much I genuinely your book and website. I was first introduced to you when a friend brought me to one of your seminars in Manhattan. I have since fallen in love with the website. My son loves the games and answering all the 'hard questions!' We've also been using your Skill Building Partner sites, and we especially love Reading Kingdom. Through your book and the tips you've sent me by email, I've picked up many great ideas and ways to engage my son in learning (though he thinks it's just fun). I can't thank you enough for all your help. My son's test is coming right up! I definitely think prep is the way to go and I'm surprised by parents who don't do it." Anna, Brooklyn Mom
- OUR DAUGHTER GOT INTO THE POTOMAC SCHOOL WITH YOUR HELP. "We just found out that our daughter got into The Potomac School - Yippee!! I truly believe it was the practice on Testing Mom that did the trick. Thank you." Suneetha, Washington D.C. Mom
- EXCELLENT SCORE ON WISC-V. "Thank you for your advice on helping my son build skills for the WISC. I've noticed that he is doing better in some areas of prep for this test than others. For example, with matrices, we were able to reach the end of the file (8th grade level!), while on other tasks he can only reach her own age level of 8 years old. But we will keep working. By the way, your preparation materials for the KBIT-II turned out to be an excellent resource! He scored 137 overall. That screening gave him the green light by our school district to go for a full evaluation (WISC-V) which we are practicing for now. Thank you for all your advice on how to strengthen his skills. I will follow your recommendations precisely. Hopefully I will be able to report to you in a few months that he did great!" Barbara, Pennsylvania Mom
- YOUR PROGRAM WORKED. "I have just unsubscribed from your program, but only because it worked! I just want to thank you so much for all the help your site provided for me. My daughter just received a 99% on her test and is now in the gifted program. I found your resource to be so valuable for us, especially the online fun tools for her to play on the iPad." Dia, Seattle Mom
- THANKFUL FOR YOUR MAT8 QUESTIONS. "Thank you for guiding me to your practice questions for MAT8 today. I'm so thankful to have Testing Mom as a resource." Dawn, Albany, GA
- 99TH PERCENTILE FOR NYC G&T. "My daughter is Emma Matthews and I met you at one of your seminars and ended up working with the tutor you recommended and doing all the practice questions online. I wanted to tell you that my daughter not only passed the Hunter written test with your help but we just found out she scored in the 99th percentile for G&T. (!!!) Thank you again for all your support." Roz, NYC Mom
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON G&T TEST. "Noah got a 99 on his G&T test and I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for us." Michael, NYC Dad
- YOUR SITE IMPROVED MY SON'S SCORES. "I am writing to thank you for the help from you and Testing Mom for my son's preparation of NYC G & T test. Yesterday I received my 4-year-old son's score: 98. You may or may not remember me. I am an Asian mom who told you with great appreciation at the January/2016 NYC seminar that her son could answer half the questions on the test in 2015 before we started with Testing Mom, but in 2016, after using your website and attending your seminars, his performance was greatly improved. Once again my great appreciation for your help and having testingmoms as my best teacher and friend." Fumiko, NYC Mom
- 99TH PERCENTILE. "Scores got posted today. My son got 99 percentile! Thought you'd like to know. Thanks so much for everything! You've been such a big part of this journey." Peggy, NYC Mom
- OUR DAUGHTER SCORED 99TH PERCENTILE. "Here is the last update you'll be receiving from me! I wanted to let you know that Anitra scored 99 on the G&T test, and I wanted to thank you for all the help and support - obviously, the materials we used from Testing Mom and the one-one-one tutoring we received from Joelle really helped." Snehal, NYC Mom
- WE PERSEVERED FOR THE COGAT AND HE FINALLY GOT IN. "The first time my son was tested for CogAT was in kindergarten, and we didn't prepare. I figured, he's smart. How hard can the test be? It turned out, he was confused about what they were asking and was not able to do his best. We then bought a workbook and did those along with some free questions we found online. He hated doing the workbook because they bored him, but he did the questions grudgingly. The second time he was tested for first grade, he almost made it (and I even appealed!), but he did not get in. His main problem with the workbook questions was that he wouldn't slow down and consider all the answer choices. We tried again in second grade, when he was older and more mature. This time we joined Testing Mom and used your materials. The program was inexpensive - about the same price as the workbooks I had purchased the year before, but we got so much more value. My son found the games and activities really fun, and I didn't even have to push him to practice. He would ask to do the "brain games" (that's what I called it) pretty often. I think they really helped his critical thinking, so I figured that no matter what happened with testing, it was a win-win! We enjoyed the time we worked together on the questions and kept it light-hearted. Once we developed the habit of doing a few questions each day at bedtime, it was no problem. Sometimes we would let it slip for a while, but then we would come back to it. This year, he qualified straight into the gifted program. I didn't even have to appeal! I am so glad we persevered, but I wish we had used your program from the beginning - we wouldn't have spent 3 years trying to make it. In our school, the GT kids get a whole day per week devoted to expanding their thinking and ideas. Above the, the kids are put in special classes and they qualify to take higher level math. It's a great opportunity, and my son would probably have qualified the first year we tried if we had been using your program. Your website helped us so much. My son went into the test knowing what to expect and was able to do his best. He was relaxed instead of confused. He was happy that we did not give up, and proud that he finally made it. Thank you for all that you do and for leveling the playing field." Janice, Houston Mom
- YOUR GUIDANCE LED TO A 99TH PERCENTILE. "We thought you might like to hear a happy story. We were pleasantly surprised to see a 99 score on our G&T test. After attending one of your information sessions it clearly laid out the framework of the tests and helped us to pinpoint which areas were confusing or needed practice. Our daughter enjoyed the IQ Fun Pack and online games and the time we spent together were something we all looked forward to as a family. Regardless of the outcome I wanted to let you know that one of the most important results of the test prep for us was that it was fun. There are no promises even with a good test result, but this has opened up at least other options for us." John, Brooklyn Dad
- 99TH PERCENTILE - YOUR PROGRAM IS A LIFESAVER. "Your program is a lifesaver! My daughter scored 99th percentile on both sections of the test. Thanks for everything!" Dana, NYC Mom
- 99TH PERCENTILE WITH JUST YOUR SITE - NO OUTSIDE TUTORING. "Dear Karen, I just wanted to write and express my sincerest gratitude for you and this website. In practicing for the G and T test, we used only this website and no outside tutoring, and my son scored 99 percentile on both sections of the exam. We know we could not have done it without you. We are applying to our district schools only as commuting to citywide schools is just not feasible from where we live in Queens. I am recommending this website to all my friends and family who have little ones going through this process next year!" Dr. Linda Lee, Queens Mom
- 99TH PERCENTILE AND WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHICH TEST IT WOULD BE. "Last year my son passed with 99% to be accepted to a number 1 elementary magnet school in our state. We had a membership to your site and worked every day for an hour for about 4 months straight. In combination to your site, he also did a number of workbooks, flash cards, apps, but I can truly say that the biggest benefit was having a membership to your site and going over most of the tests you have listed. Unlike NYC, in our state they do not announce which test they will administer and vary the tests from year to year, so we had to be ready for anything. Additionally, I also have your book pretty much memorized :) Thank you very much for all you do." Zandy, Texas Mom
- TOP SCORE ON COGAT AND NNAT. "Our school district is a tough one . . .There are two levels of testing. To qualify for the first one, the child has to be referred by a parent or teacher, or they can qualify by doing well on some special in-class exercises that all the kids do. This level is not hard to get through. By completing this first level successfully, the child qualifies for the second level, which is much tougher and involves standardized tests and other qualifications such as teacher recommendations and the parent questionnaire. One of the tests administered is the NNAT (the administration told us this one) and we believe the second is the Cogat. They are looking for a score of 130 or above, and they're strict about it. In kindergarten, my son did not qualify, and I appealed based on outside testing, which showed him meeting the standard easily, and a detailed letter from his PreK teacher, who specializes in gifted education and who thought for sure he belonged in gifted. The appeal was denied. I was very disappointed, but we did not give up. We sat out the first grade testing, because the district will not test two years in a row, (except for kinder and first, because the kids are so young), and I knew that if we tested in first grade, he could not test again in second. My son's main problem is that he won't slow down, so I figured he would be more mature in second grade. On and off, we worked on your materials. My son found them fun, and they really helped his critical thinking, so I figured no matter what happened with the testing, it was a win-win! We enjoyed our time on them and kept it light-hearted. Once we developed the habit of doing a few each day at bedtime, it was no problem. Sometimes we would let it slip for a while, but we would come back to it. This year, he qualified straight in on the testing, and I didn't even have to appeal. I am so glad we persevered . . . from third to fifth grade, the GT kids get a whole day per week devoted to expanding their thinking and ideas. Above that, the kids are put in special classes and qualify to take higher-level math. It's a great opportunity. At last, all the hard work we put in paid off and it was all thanks to you and your materials. We followed your program to a tee. My son knew what to expect and was able to do his best when it matter, and he took the test feeling relaxed instead of confused. With all the frustration we had dealing with our school district, your program was the voice of sanity and support. Thank you." Elizabeth, Texas Mom
- ACED THE NNAT AND COGAT - QUALIFIED FOR THE HORIZON PROGRAM. " Karen, thank you so much for making this website. In 2014-15, my daughter sat for the G&T Horizon Program test (NNAT,COGAT) Grade 1, but she didn't qualify. So, last summer, I bought a membership to your site and practiced with her over the whole summer. In January 2016, she sat for the tests again and scored 138, which was in the G&T range! She qualified and was accepted for the Horizon program, which is our school's gifted program. Thank you so much for your materials and games. It made all the difference." Baivab, Cypress Texas Mom
- CHILD MISSED QUALIFYING FOR GIFTED BY 1 POINT. [Note sent from parent after TestingMom responded with answers to his questions about his child missing the qualifying cutoff score for the G&T school he and his wife most wanted by 1 point] "Honestly, this is an incredible email. We are lost as to what to do and hare having a hard time thinking rationally. Thank you so much for responding. I wish I knew before how responsive you are. I will get back to you with further questions. Thank you again. My wife and I got very emotional on the day results came out." Nile, Dad in NYC
- CHILD ACED THE SCAT AND KBIT-II. "Your materials are unbelievably helpful!!! First, we used them to prepare my daughter for the SCAT test. She got a raw score of 45/50, while the cut off for our school's math enrichment was 38/50, so she got in! Thank you - she learned so much preparing for that test. Then, she needed to take the KBIT-II to qualify to take the IQ Test for our school's top gifted program. Last year, I didn't prep her for the KBIT-II and she got a 124. Using your materials this year, she scored 131 (a score of 130 was needed to go on for more testing). So with that, she qualified to take the WISC to get into our school's highly gifted program. Last year she scored 122 without preparation. This year, we practiced for the test using your program and she got an amazing score of 146, and she was accepted into the program!!!! We are forever yours!" Katya, Mom in Philadelphia, PA
- SCORE IMPROVED FROM 80TH PERCENTILE TO 95TH PERCENTILE ON COGAT. "Thanks for the quick response and for handling everything I needed. I love the service - it really helped my daughter to succeed in the middle school GT program here. We went from 80ith percentile to over the 95%tile on the CogAt - which is really what gets you in here. My daughter's brother has been a GT kid all along - so, for her, this was really important. And, at middle school, the tracks sit at the same school - it would have been a big blow to her confidence not to make it. Moreover, she really rises to the challenge academically - whatever that challenge is. So, putting her into that middle school GT track is just what we needed to make sure she is really prepared for success in high school. Thank you again - I really attribute her success much to your service. Feel free to share my testimonial or put it on your site. I don't comment very often - so, for me, this means I really valued your service!" Gretchen, CA Mom
CHILD WAS ACCEPTED AT HUNTER AND IN THE NYC G&T - WE LOVED THE TUTOR YOU RECOMMENDED. "The details: Our son is a bright kid. He began reading when he was 3, and his preschool teachers have marveled at his memory and vocabulary. However, and perhaps inevitably, he avoided anything he found more difficult. When it came to puzzles and board games, his attention span was somewhere around zero and he would give up at the first obstacle. He also lagged somewhat in social and emotional maturity. This improved with time, but we were still concerned that at some crucial point in the kindergarten testing regime he might simply refuse to go off with strangers to take an exam or to join a play group. Enter Joelle Soloymani, the tutor you introduced us to at your live event last fall. In weekly sessions with her beginning last fall, we soon realized she could help with so much more than teaching our son how to approach OLSAT and NNAT examples. With stern patience and ingenuity born of experience, she helped his stamina and concentration to the point where he'd work hard and efficiently for 45 minutes at a stretch. Taught him to say, "I'm not sure I know the answer, but I'll try" -- instead of tearing up and giving up in frustration. And to consider all possibilities before making choices. Our son scored very well on Hunter's Stanford Binet test -- not a huge surprise, as it plays to his strengths. But it was a clever idea from Joelle that eased his mind and probably enabled him to successfully follow through in the Phase 2 play group. "I'm going to give you an assignment," she told him. "When you go into the room at Hunter, notice three things so you can tell your parents later. First, look at the teacher's eyes to see what color they are. Next, look out the window to see if there's a garden or playground outside. And third, remember what kind of rug they have on the floor." Hunter offered him a slot and we happily accepted. But we were still curious about his G&T results, and when we received them this week we were all the more impressed with Joelle's teaching. Our son landed in the 98th percentile on the OLSAT portion and the 99th on NNAT, high enough to pull his overall mark into the 99th percentile. We would not hesitate to recommend Joelle to any parent trying to navigate the hazing ritual of finding the right kindergarten. And of course, we'd like to thank you and your Testing Mom team for all the good advice you give through your book, seminars and daily emails. We expect to use many of your tips well past this testing phase!"Maya, Mom in NYC
- WE DID IT! "Emmy got a 99 on her G&T Exam!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Menka, NYC Mom
AN ALMOST PERFECT SCORE. "Thanks a lot for all your help. Our son got 99 percentile (76/78 correct). We're signing up for open houses for the 5 schools." Aditya, NYC Dad
TWO TIME HAPPY RESULTS MOM. Well - as you know the results are in and she got a 98!!! Thank you so much. I know for a fact that this weight off of my shoulders in due to our hard work using your website AND the fun IQ games! Thank you, Thank You!!! I look forward to working with you again with our third child - this time as a TWO TIME HAPPY RESULTS MOM! Wendy, Mom in NYC
PROUD PARENTS. "My daughter knocked the NNAT out of the park (thanks to Testing Mom!). Unfortunately, she didn't do as well on the OLSAT, which dragged her score down to 96%. I'm sure it's largely due to the fact that English is her third language (and they didn't offer the test in her primary language). Oh, and yes we are very proud of her scoring 96% :)" Sonia, Mom in Manhattan
- 99TH PERCENTILE ON OUR 2ND TRY. "Karen, I hope this email finds you and your family well! I am touching base with you to express my sincere gratitude once again. I know how much you CARE for your students (testing mom members) and, once again I wanted to give you a full credit for Issy's success!!! Issy is been having such a great time at K at Chelsea Prep and we were thrilled to see how much she grew emotionally and academically. Again, thanks to your guidance for school ranking and admission, Chelsea Prep was the perfect match for her personality and curiosity.We are very happy where is she at, however, I wanted her to sit for the G&T test in January again more for the practice of taking tests then expectations and she rock & rolled it with a perfect score of 99. We couldn't bring Issy for lessons with last year's tutor this time and were only using Testingmom.com for her preparation. I have to admit that Issy had SO MUCH fun this season with her practice because she felt no pressure, she was choosing the games and the level of difficulty she wanted to play, when she wanted to play and we just made sure she plays the questions everyday, no matter of her choices. Now, with her 99 score, we will try for a Citywide program but the pressure is off.I thought you might want to know how is she been doing and take a pride of her success. I can't THANK YOU enough for everything you did for her!" Dia, Mom in NYC
- SCORED OFF THE CHARTS! I'd like to follow-up on our son's IQ testing using the DAS-II test. I'm happy to say that Alex got 134. Well above the 127 needed to enter the gifted program.Thanks for providing the activities below to prep for the test. Frankly it was quite a challenge navigating and hunting down the different activities across several tests. I hope you create a section for DAS-II for others. Alex spent lots of time on the spatial subtests including the online games and blocks. As a result, he scored off the chart in this area. Also, his exposure to the other subtests was good prep. He was not nervous and liked that he was doing "Brain games". So thank you. I feel it was time and money well spent. Eric, Happy Father
LOVE YOUR SKILL BUILDING PROGRAM. "You are doing great work and even if people only use the skill building parts of your site - it's fantastic stuff. I think you can literally be a homeschool...especially on winter and summer breaks." Beth, Chicago Mom
- Here are some of the many comments we have received from parents who purchased our original IQ Fun Park and updated IQ Fun Pack test prep system and played it with their kids (this is our board game that's really a test prep and kindergarten readiness program in disguise - to kids, it feels just like play - they have no idea they're learning)!
- Check out IQ Fun Pack™ in our store!
- "My 4-year-old absolutely loves IQ Fun Pack, especially the space babies in the game, and looks forward to play it with me every evening. Her brother (6 years) also enjoys playing it. I am trying to get both of them into a Citywide G&T program just like their big sister. It is a fantastic product. I wish I had purchased it last year. If I had, maybe my son would have been in a Citywide program this year!" Kyoko, Manhattan Mom
- "My daughter loves the IQ Fun Pack. It's easy to navigate. Sophia starts the game on her own, chooses the level she wants to play and just keeps going. I love this part best because Sophia gets to think on her own and feel independent when playing. She likes the fact that she controls the game and can pick her own level of difficulty, going back and forth from "Easy" to "Hard" questions without any fear of making mistakes, even though the questions do get harder. She really enjoys being challenged by those tough questions. She laughs at the characters, loves their silly names, faces and voices, and adores the fireworks that go off when she gets a question right. She can play this game for hours, no matter what mood she is in. Often she will pick the "Hard" questions just to show those silly characters that she is smart enough to get the tricky questions right! Two of my friends recently purchased the game as well and their kids are loving it, too." Nadia, Mom in Manhattan
- "IQ Fun pack has been a life saver for me! My son is 7-years-old, so he's a little old for some of the 25+ games in the pack. But when his friends come over for a playdate, they can't wait for me to pull out the game. They love to compete with each other on all of the games, even when the questions are a little "easy" for some of the boys. The hands-on games on Side 2 are challenging, even for 7-year-olds (the working memory and patterning games are challenging even for ME!). The boys love competing with each other playing these games. They become driven to out-do each other. It's impossible for me to get them to stop. Last week, they played for over 2 hours. It's best when there are 3 - 4 boys playing - they just go nuts! So thank you for this wonderful game that can entertain my son and his friends for hours!" Arnav, New Jersey Dad
- "I highly recommend IQ Fun Pack to any parent considering having their child tested for kindergarten placement. Our 4-year-old loved playing IQ Fun Pack! By playing IQ Fun Pack she got to practice the types of questions that were asked on her placement test. She got practice using her words to give descriptive answers. She loved using the pattern tiles and the blocks to build designs. During the test she was able to focus on the content of the questions rather than struggling to understand what the questioner meant. For instance, prior to using IQ Fun Pack she had never worked her way through an analogy; her test result showed that this is now one of her strongest skills! Based on her test result she is eligible for gifted classes. We are confident that she would not have been able to demonstrate her true IQ in the testing environment without the practice in IQ Fun Pack. Thank you Karen Quinn and thank you IQ Fun Pack!" Gong, Los Angeles Mom
- "I have to say, we LOVE playing "space babies." As someone with no early childhood education background, it is very useful to me because it helps bring to life some of the great aspects of your book (which I really think is wonderful and which a number of NYC moms and teachers have mentioned to me they are reading and love) and teaches me a bit about how to ask my child questions in a way to help them learn well and draw important connections between things." Janet, Atlanta, Georgia
- "I have found the game to be really great and my child loves it. Thank you for making it, and thank you for the book, which is really a very accessible and useful read for any parent." Kit W., NYC Mom
- "'A' loved playing it - asked to play it just about every day, and I do think it helped him, particularly in verbal areas. Our favorite part was the questions involving the blocks (tapping in the order I tap) and the pattern squares (replicating patterns on the cards). 'A' became very good at this, which is probably solely attributable to the game. It's nice that it's colorful - attractive to young children. The space babies theme was much loved by my little guy." Yael, Mom from Toronto
- "The game was fun for my child and that it gave me an idea what kinds of questions to expect on the various testing instruments - prior to that, I was entirely clueless." Bekah, New Jersey
- "'J' really enjoyed the game and did not see it as prep. Most times, she asked to play the game and it wasn't me pushing it on her. I liked that the game covered all four tests and the cards were clearly labeled by test and skill. 'J' loved earning the stickers and we even reordered stickers from Oriental Trading because we ran out. I liked the two different types of dice included and definitely liked the space babies. We played so often that I supplemented some of your harder email questions for the cards. Not that we even approached going through all the greens and reds you included. Because I had limited time on the weekends, I also did the home assessment questions from TestingMom.com in the context of the game. Those questions might already be in the cards but I thought the assessments were very helpful." Radu, Houston Dad
- "My daughter likes to start her day with IQ Fun Pack and then comes to it many times a day. We are also done with half of the green cards. I felt the pattern tiles and the block patterns were particularly good. The sequencing cards are fun to do as well. With the pictorial board, you have conveyed a lot of information to the child and this is also a learning place because she gets to practice what animals or things she can find at the farm, zoo, beach, circus, etc. The cards which ask for a story from the child are exciting. My daughter likes to take those aside, draws a story herself and then she talks about it then. I think you have done a great job of making this a delightful adventure!" Martyna, San Antonio Mother
- "The game got me engaging in more enlightening conversations with my kids. I noticed their strengths and weaknesses with comfort level with certain questions." Zhang, San Francisco, CA
- "I had bought the IQ Fun Park with my son (3yr old) in mind and wanted to use it to prepare him for the 2012 testing. When we started playing the game my daughter (5yrs old) did extremly well with all cards, to my surprise even the RED colored cards. My kids wanted to play the game every day. Seeing her do so well at the game, prompted us to get her tested and apply for a Charter school for highly gifted kids (Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy, Charlotte, NC) at the very last minute. We all played for may be 3-4 weeks and she took the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale for Intelligence, 3rd edition (WPPSI-III). She got a composite score of 135 which qualifies her for admissions to the school. Can't thank you enough for helping me identify me daughters talent." Grace, Charlotte, NC
- "We almost did not purchase IQ Fun Park due to the price. We were shopping for IQ games at Barnes & Noble (around $30 for a 3-D building game and for logic games) and then started to look online and found your site. I was quite taken aback by the price. My husband convinced me to buy it. He said, 'Just think of what we pay a month for preschool.' Based on Tati's results, and the things I overheard at the test site, we knew that she had not been exposed to all the things she needed to know for the test. My husband said that the game paid for itself when our younger daughter, Sasha, took the test and passed well above the gifted threshold. I was embarrassed to admit the amount of money we spent on the game until one friend pointed out that they were in the process of moving to a new house in a better school district to enable their daughter to attend the gifted program which they think is the best in the area. He said, "We are spending $300,000 to make sure our daughter gets a better education! Why would we think poorly of you for spending $300 for the same reason?" Kristen, Florida Mom
- "The game is fun! I include game play as part of homework time, my daughters look forward to the one-on-one attention and the game itself. The game has helped my daughters practice using their words and vocabulary. They are much better story tellers now! They tell me several sentences to describe the answer instead of the one word answers I would get prior to playing the game." Daniella, Miami Mother
- "The game is very versatile. I sometimes pick a couple of cards to discuss during breakfast or dinner. The conversation that it sparks is always good. We love the space baby figurines (although I know my girls would love a pink or purple one!), they are very cute. The pattern tiles are excellent (a few more questions that include them would be great; my girls love the pattern tiles!). The game board itself is beautiful and very well made. My girls love the stickers; they keep them in a special place. No other stickers have this honor." Nancy, Mom in Boston
- "Exposure to the types of questions asked is key. If the child does not understand what is being asked, how can they score well? The game gives us something constructive and fun to do to prepare for the test." Jonathan, Manhattan Dad
- "This product was much more useful to us than any other books or "manuals" that we had access to. Our child actually wanted to play and use it." Raphy, NYC Mom
- "Question cards are well designed. The fact it was a game worked really well. The alternative is workbooks and who wants to put a child through pages and pages of workbooks on their holiday. The game board is very creative and of good design. I liked the "quality" of all the components. Well done!" Sheila, Philadelphia Mother
- "Our son giggled and had fun with secret passwords. It was a great experience to watch him process those comments. The experience with the questions resulted in reaching for other resources. E.g., we got out the Mother Goose rhymes and the Dr. Seuss at night." Mark, L.A. Dad
- "This was a fun tool that we could work on education together. The game was one among a few things attempted based on your emails and recommendations. I know this game, book, emails (whole process) was all a part of that and father and son are closer now because of the preparation time and effort." Jeremy, NYC Dad
- "As a result of the playing the game, I feel that my child has started to think analytically. It is making her brain think critically. I like the concept of space babies and the board itself gives a lot of helpful info. The tiles are well made and very good. The cards are easy to read , colorful and engrossing. The game helps parents and children to THINK, gives us an idea on what the exam will be like, all in play. I have already recommended the game to my relatives in India, who do not have the exam in India at all, who will be buying this to sharpen their child's mind. I love the fact that Karen is so approachable , she is friendly and helpful. I am impressed that she is firmly standing behind her product and this gives me lot of confidence. She has been curious to know how it worked out for my child, giving me suggestions unique for my child and this is very comforting." Charul, Chicago Mom
- "We got the game on Friday and my kids loved it. We spent the good part of Saturday and Sunday morning enjoying the game. I have a 1st grader and a 4 year old that will miss the cut off by 3 weeks. Both of them playing has worked really well. My oldest does a really good job of elaborating with her answers and setting a good example for my youngest. They love the space babies. Thanks for putting together such a great learning tool." Maria, Atlanta, GA
- "I found the game to be a great asset to my tutoring practice. It has giving my practice more growth and flexibility. I can now take on more clients. Instead of one-on-one or two-on-one, I can tutor up to four children at a time. It's wonderful because we are having fun while learning. I have found that children get bored with workbooks and from experience I have found that workbooks are not always the most effective method for every child. You have to switch it up and find the tools that spark the young brain cells. The IQ Fun Park is a game that does this. The children get so excited just looking at the box and many proactively ask to play during a tutoring session. Now if I want to use a workbook or another tool, I use the game as an incentive. It was worth the investment and it was great to have a special tool that most tutors didn't have. The parents are amazed." Jeri, L.A. Mother and Teacher
- "The game helped me to identify strengths and weaknesses of the child's mind and build those skills quickly by pulling the appropriate cards from the deck. I love that it came with manipulatives like blocks and card shapes." Chaita, Cleveland Mom
- "I loved that this was a game. I was able to get through way more questions as a game than as a test or workbook. It was painless!" Anne, Manhattan Mom
- "Loved being able to sort out the Olsat and Bracken questions for our testing purposes (though my son loves doing the puzzle pictures and playing with the cubes). The best part is that it is a game and that it is not so dreary to get through questions with him playing (rather than doing questions from a book). My son loved the stickers at the end and blasting off and the silly passwords for the bridge. I really liked that there were different levels of questions so that you could work up to the harder ones." April, Mom from NYC
- "We purchased IQ Fun Park in September. I received my daughter's results from her test. She scored over 99% on the Classical Testing. Also she was only a couple of points away from being placed under the Gifted listing. She is admitted to a school ranked in the top 10 in Chicago. Thanks for sharing your knowledge in your book and Fun Kit. Victoria, Chicago Mom
- "I just want to say thanks for everything. My son did GREAT! His Full Scale score was 99.7! He got in to St. John's School, one of only two nationally ranked schools in Texas and the only one in Houston! They had over 900 applicants, for 42 spots, and we are not legacy or alumni so this was pretty incredible! I am so proud of him." Larry, Texas Dad
- "Thanks for your game - it was really helpful for our family." Taylor, Connecticut Mom
- "Karen, we just got done meeting with the comprehensive evaluation team at our son's school which consisted of his teachers, principal, school psychologist, social worker, nurse and gifted teacher. They went over our son's scores on the IQ test. They used the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition. I am so excited to report that he scored a 143 which they stated placed him in the 99.8 percentile! Needless to say...he qualified for gifted! He is now eligible to transfer to a special gifted school in the district or we can have him pulled out for gifted in the school he currently attends. Now that he has been placed into the gifted program...they stated he will never again be re-tested and he will receive theses services until 12th grade! The possibilities for him are endless! Thank you for for your game. It helped to prepare our son for one of the most important tests of his life!" Florintina, Manhattan Mom
- "Karen, There's no doubt your game helped my daughters score well. They both scored in the 99th percentile. Thank you!" Jane, LA Mom
- "Thank you for the amazing game and daily test prep questions. Each of my twins scored over 99%. I am spreading the word about IQ Fun Pack and TestingMom.com." Yvonne, San Francisco
- "I am a nanny, and I have been playing with my employer's children this IQ for fun game. As the kids and I play this everyday for at least half an hour, there's no doubt that they are ahead intellectually for their age (the kids are 35 months old and 20 months old). They love it without knowing that it is preparing them to become smart kids!" Ruby, Manhattan Nanny
- "We spoke last year when I was so stressed and worried about my daughter, M's, kindergarten. I wanted to tell you that she was in the 99th percentile in both G&T testing and the ERB. You should know that we relied almost exclusively on IQ Fun Pack to prepare. The only other thing we did aside from using your game was to work with a 12 page workbook with sequential questions. That's it. Nice game you invented!" Haley, NYC Mom
- "My friend, E, ADORES YOU! Her son scored in the 99%!" Smita, New Jersey Mom
- "I wanted to thank you very much for creating this game. I played it with my daughter over the past 12 months (and she loves it) and we managed to get her test scores increased by 9 points -- which qualified her for our first choice school! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Ramji, Florida Mom
- "I love your book. It is excellent and has changed my life or really, my daughter's life, in terms of how I'll be educating her going forward." Consuelo, Australia Mom
- "I just wanted to tell you that both my 5 year old and my 3 year old beg to play the IQ Fun Pack game. I'm so happy we went ahead and got it. What a fun way for them to prepare without really feeling pressured. Now that I know so much more about the testing process, I feel much more comfortable gearing up for the next kids." Jin, Manhattan Mom
- "I am so impressed with my children's stamina in playing the game. I think it's great. They sat for an hour today with it. I don't ask them to play. They ask me. The box is actually torn from how many times it has been opened and closed." Amy, Florida Mom
- "My son loves playing IQ Fun Pack. He especially loves the Space Babies and he likes it when I ask the questions in correct Space Baby voices! By playing the game with him, we realized actually he knows more than we thought when we ask him to explain concepts (i.e. why do we wear hats?). We take the principles of the game and play them in the car. We name a bunch of related items and ask him, how are all these similar? The game really makes learning fun. It's a great way to spend time with your child." Frank, Manhattan Dad
- "We love the flexibility of the game to adapt to each child's abilities and interested. This includes having your encouragement in the game's directions to keep it fun and make whatever changes seem right in the moment. Though my kids actually enjoy doing workbooks, this game offers the same type of learning with the option to get really creative. My kids make up their own rules, which makes them love the game even more. (Ex: after each roll, the player must imitate the sound of whichever animal (pictured on the board) is closest to their Space Baby." Brenda, Seattle Mom
- "We absolutely LOVE your game (and I'll explain why below) but I first want to say that your book has been transformative for my entire family. It has permanently changed the way I interact with both of my children (not just the "test prep" kid), in such a positive way. While it's true that, prior to reading your book, I was already the type of mom who communicated frequently with her kids, looked for a variety of educational opportunities in day-to-day life, etc. I now feel like I have a new tool set to draw on to keep the conversation interesting. And by that I mean interesting for me, because there are only so many ways you can quiz a four-year-old about his environment. Your games and activities are awesome and some of your specific suggestions (like the dialogic reading concept) are fantastic. My husband and I felt strongly that - even though our son *is* taking the ERB - we didn't want to obsessively prep him for the test, which is such a short term goal. We wanted a way to engage him (and his younger brother) in deeper, more meaningful ways - to truly prepare him for school and life, not just for one test." Robin, Manhattan Mom
- "My son had turned 3 in May and I bought the IQ FUN PACK for him as a special present. He immediately wanted to play with it and was very curious. I do not think he is ready for the questions but we still look at them. We place the space babies on our fingers and we roll the dice and I ask him questions. When I read the questions I have the babies do the talking. He really is not ready, but I want him to get familiar with everything. We count the dice and move the number of spaces and he is able to recognize the shapes and colors. I like that there are so many colors and things for him to touch and understand...it really holds his attention. This game has helped my son focus and to sit still for a longer period of time then I thought he would. This game has brought father and son closer because he will only play with me, at least for now. When I come home from work he wants me to play the game as he says, "Come on Daddy, let's go play at the park." Parents should get the game because it is secret learning in a fun way." Michael, NYC Dad
- "We loved that this game has all the pieces you need in one place presented in a way that is fun for the child and for the adult." Kelly, Phoenix Mom
- "The game is so innovative that we all enjoy it together. My son has no clue that he is doing test prep. Honestly, test prep is one thing, but beyond that there is so much value in just playing the game and answering the questions. Many times we think that the children of his age would really know some xyz thing it turns out they know a lot more than that. It makes us feel happy to see him grow cognitively by playing the game :)" Prachi, Seattle Mom
- "She scored in the 99% percentile on the OLSAT, and her grade score was 136! It was awesome to have the testing mom resources to help us prepare. It was a positive impact on my child's testing at school. it familiarized him with type of questions but more importantly gave him confidence to tackle the test." Rickie, Houston Mom
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