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OLSAT Test Kindergarten – Level A

All about the OLSAT Test Level A

The OLSAT test level A is the lowest test level of the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test. This level is known to measure a child’s ability to follow directions as well as general knowledge not taught in school. It is generally used to determine the learning and school competencies of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. These questions can be difficult for adults, let alone four-year olds:

We offer sample questions below. For additional sample questions, sign up for our 100 free practice questions.

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Which of the pictures below is different from the rest?

Sample Olsat Level A Question

(Answer: 3rd from left)

A child’s arithmetic and aural reasoning skills are tested during this portion of the exam. It examines a child’s pictorial reasoning abilities which includes items on the level A exam on picture classification, analogy and series. Figural reasoning is also measured through the OLSAT level A. Question types include figural classification and analogy, pattern matrix as well as figural series.

The assessment is commonly used by schools and teachers for their pre-kindergarten students.

More information for the other levels for the OLSAT test by grade level:


The OLSAT has Verbal Reasoning questions and Verbal comprehension questions.

How long is the test and what is the format?

  • Expect your child to be in the testing room for 45 minutes up to an hour. This is not a timed test. The questions will be read aloud to the child and your child does not need to know how to read.  There are a total of 60 questions.
  • Children that fall into the age range of three and four years old are expected to answer only 40 questions out of the set of 60 questions given from the test. Five year olds are expected to answer all of the 60 questions from the test.
  • As a parent you should know that the this level of the test complies to a certain age range limitation for children. The results of the tests will be evaluated.and compared to children that fall into the same three month band as your child.

When should I begin preparing my child for the OLSAT test?

  • It is always best to begin to prepare your child for the OLSAT test level A as soon as possible. This way they can get as much exposure to the test format so that they will not become overwhelmed on their testing date. Many schools do not inform parents that their child will be tested until a couple of weeks before the exam will be administered to the child. But don’t worry – it’s never too late to begin practicing for the OLSAT level A test. Familiarize yourself and your child with the format of the test and the underlying skills they’ll need to succeed. They’ll be in a strong position on test day.

Watch Alyssa in the video below answer some tough questions for the New York City Gifted and Talented test:

Here are two more practice questions for the OLSAT Test Level A:

Point to the picture that shows this: David and Mark got very tired after they played ball.

olsat level a sample question

(Answer: 2nd from the left)

Which of these does not belong?

Sample question for OLSAT level A


(Answer: 2nd from the left)

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