Webinar: Bring out the Giftedness in Your Child
How to Bring out the Giftedness in Your Child! Sponsored by: NPN Parents Network (Register at bottom of the page!)
- Who should attend: If you are a parent of a newborn to 3rd grader you should attend!
- When: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 8pm CT (log-in from your computer for webinar or dial-in from phone for audio-only)
- Register for webinar at the bottom of the page!
What does it really mean for a child to be gifted? Can you measure it on an IQ test? Is giftedness defined by a group of qualities that parents can observe such an extensive vocabulary, strong curiosity, and great thinking skills? Does your child seem brilliant at times, but the teacher says he’s lazy at school? Could a child like that be gifted, but bored? If you’ve ever wondered if your child might be gifted, don’t miss this webinar on gifted children with Karen Quinn, the Testing Mom, founder of TestingMom.com and national best-selling author. In this FREE webinar for NPN members, you will discover:
- a time-tested giftedness checklist – if 17 out of 25 qualities are “true” for your child, there’s an 84% chance he or she will test as gifted,
- what to do if your child is gifted in one area, but struggling in another (“twice-exceptional” children),
- what type of “giftedness” matters for CPS gifted programs,
- what special issues intellectually gifted children face,
- what you as a parent can do to help your child discover his or her gifts and then nurture them for school and life success!
Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom, has been a featured expert on school admissions on ABC’s 20/20 and The View and in the New York Times, Forbes, Redbook, Woman’s Day, and more. She is the author of Testing For Kindergarten (along with four other novels, including the national best-seller The Ivy Chronicles), creator of IQ Fun Park, and co-founder of TestingMom.com.