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Beaverton School District Gifted and Talented Testing

Beaverton School District in Beaverton, Oregon offers a gifted and testing program that gives students opportunities to engage in critical and creative thinking, in-depth study of various topics, and an advanced and/or accelerated pace of learning.

All students in 3rd and 5th grades are screened in October for the gifted and talented program using the CogAT screener. Kindergarteners are screened in November. All students can be retested for TAG every two years by referral of a parent or staff member.

Students who score in the 97th percentile or above on the CogAT screener will take the full CogAT and ITBS. To be considered for TAG a student must score in the 97th percentile or above on a test of total reading or a test of total mathematics. A committee reviews each student’s complete profile, including test scores, teacher observations, and classroom work. The committee then places qualified students in the TAG program.

Middle school students who are in the talented and gifted program are also tested for Summa. Summa is a specialized program that provides a differentiated and challenging curriculum. The ITBS and CogAT scores in 4th and 5th grade are used to determine eligibility for Summa.

Students qualify for Summa by testing in the 99th percentile in cognitive ability/intellect OR 99th percentile in reading or math AND testing in the 97th percentile in reading, math, or intellect.

Testing Mom offers a comprehensive online program with practice test questions, one-on-one expert tutoring sessions, and group classes that cover all the concepts on the CogAT and ITBS.

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Once a student is identified for the talented and gifted program, the classroom teacher develops a plan that meets the individual needs of the student. Classroom teachers provide the major portion of instruction for TAG students.

The middle school Summa program is a self-contained classroom. Highly gifted students are surrounded by their peers and work together to challenge and support each other. The curriculum is designed to increase higher-order thinking, allow for creative and open-ended assignments to enhance intellectual stimulation, and provide curriculum compacting.

High School programs include advanced placement courses, the International Baccalaureate program, and enrollment in schools that specialize in a variety of studies including the arts, science, and engineering.

A Testing Mom membership offers hundreds of practice questions that will prepare your child for Beaverton’s Gifted and Talented program testing. Start preparing today!

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2 Responses

Anantha Alaghari

Looking for sample for 7/8th grade


Thаnkѕ for finally talking about > Beaverton School Distriсt Giftеd and Talented Testing – Testing Mom gables

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