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Montgomery County Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program

What is the Montgomery County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Program?

Montgomery County Public School’s Gifted and Talented program is under the Division of Accelerated and Enriched Instruction (AEI). Gifted and Talented programs are available to identified children in 4th through 12th grade.

All students in Kindergarten through 12th grade who show potential to succeed in an advanced curriculum are offered differentiated instruction within the classroom. This includes accelerated instruction and opportunities for enrichment activities.

Specialty schools for Gifted and Talented Learners are available beginning in 4th grade. The admission requirements for admission are quite competitive.

MCPS Gifted Program Admissions Testing

Three groups of students are screened every year for the Gifted and Talented program. These include all 2nd graders, all 3rd and 5th grade students who are new to MCPS, and any students referred for testing by their parents or teachers.

This chart shows the tests used and the scoring requirements for each group of students. The screener test listed for 2nd and 3rd grade CogAT® includes one subtest in verbal reasoning, one in quantitative reasoning, and one in nonverbal reasoning. The full battery listed for 5th grade CogAT includes three subtests in each of the above areas. The school or a student’s parents may request a student be rescreened if they meet some of the required criteria or are close to meeting several of the criteria.

Montgomery County Public Schools Gifted & Talented Testing Requirements

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More details on the Montgomery County Public Schools’ Gifted Program

Students who qualify for the Gifted and Talented program begin receiving specialized services in 4th grade. At their local school, students in 4th and 5th grade can enroll in the Enriched Literacy Curriculum. This is an advanced and rigorous course. It uses complex texts, focuses on the development of the student as a writer, and cultivates a critical and creative thinking atmosphere within the classroom.

There are also gifted and talented schools 4th and 5th graders can apply to attend. These schools are known as Centers for Enriched Studies. Here learning is offered at a faster and more in-depth pace. The centers focus on enrichment and acceleration in the areas of reading, language arts, science, and social studies, utilizing above-grade-level materials.

Students in 6th-8th grade who are identified as Gifted and Talented learners may apply for admission to two specialized schools, Humanities and Communication Program and Upcounty Center Program for the Highly Gifted. Both schools begin their admission process testing in November.

All High School students are encouraged to take advanced classes at their local schools. There are also several Magnet programs offered at various schools. (Note: Admittance to these is based on a lottery system and not academic testing.) AP and International Baccalaureate programs are also offered.

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Learn more about the Montgomery County Public School’s Gifted Program at their website here.

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