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Indian Prairie School District 204 Gifted Program

What is the Indian Prairie School District 204 Gifted Program?

Indian Prairie School District 204 offers gifted services beginning in 2nd grade and continuing through high school. The curriculum focuses on critical and divergent thinking skills and advanced oral and written skills. Information is presented at an increased pace and in more depth.

Project Arrow Gifted Eligibility Testing for Elementary

Testing for the Indian Prairie School District 204 gifted program, Project Arrow, is done in two parts. All students in 2nd-5th grades take the CogAT in the fall. (A select number of 1st-grade students take the test in January.) Based on the CogAT scores and the other indicators in a student’s profile, recommended students then take the Iowa Assessments in January. Students typically need to score above the 95th percentile on the CogAT and Iowa Assessments to be considered for gifted services.

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Indian Prairie School District 204 Project Arrow Gifted Eligibility Testing for Middle School

Assessments in grades 6th-8th are separated into two strands, reading and mathematics. Qualification is needed for each strand.

Qualification for the Reading Strand is based on information from teacher rating scales and a student’s most recent CogAT, Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, and the Iowa Assessments.

Qualification for the Math Strand for incoming 6th graders is based on teacher rating scales and the spring administration of the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test and the Differential Aptitude Test. Qualification for current 6th-7th graders is based on PSAT scores. Sixth graders who score 480 on the math section are eligible to take Algebra in 7th grade. Seventh-grade students who score 520 on the math section, and wish to be placed into Project Arrow Math as an 8th grader, must take a fast-paced Algebra class offered by the school district or local community college in the summer to be prepared to take Geometry in the fall.

The Project Arrow Program Gifted Enrichment

In the Indian Prairie School District 204 Project Arrow program, students are grouped in clusters of 4-7 students within 2nd-5th grade classrooms. They receive differentiated curriculum and instruction. There is also has a weekly pull-out program where students receive instruction directly from a Gifted Resource Teacher. Second graders receive a minimum of 150 minutes a week and 3rd-5th graders receive a minimum of 200 minutes per week. The students focus on higher-level thinking skills and vocabulary development.

Students in 6th-8th grade receive instruction using a modified curriculum. Students in the Reading Strand are taught at an accelerated pace and more in-depth material is taught. Students in the Math Strand are taught pre-algebra in 6th, algebra in 7th, and geometry in 8th grade.

High school students are encouraged to take honors, advance placement, and dual credit courses. Courses are currently being offered in conjunction with the University of Illinois, North Central College, and the College of DuPage.

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