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York Region District School Board Gifted & Talented Program (prIDE)

What is the York Region District School Board Gifted & Talented Program (prIDE)?

The York Region District School Board Gifted & Talented program offers three options for students. One program has students remain in their current classroom and receive support there, the second program has students attend a school that has a part-time one-day-a-week prIDE program, and the third program is for students to be in a full-time gifted classroom.

Testing for the gifted program happens in two stages. In stage one, all 3rd-grade students are screened using the CCAT (Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test). Students who meet the gifted criteria move on to stage two. (The district does not list the criteria needed to move on to stage two, however, typically students who are in the 96th percentile or higher in other districts receive additional testing.) 

During stage two, students meet one-on-one with a member of the YRDSB Psychological Services department. At this time, they take the intelligence test WISC V. Students who score in the 98th percentile or above are recommended for placement in the York Region Gifted & Talented program.

Students new to the district, referred by teachers, or whose parents have them privately tested can also be screened for the York Region Gifted & Talented program.

Testing Mom offers a comprehensive online program with practice test questions, one-on-one expert tutoring sessions, and group classes that cover all the concepts on the CCAT and WISC V.

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Students placed in the gifted program have three options. In the primary grades, students remain in their regular classroom and receive differentiated instruction and support from a gifted resource teacher.

Students in 4th-8th have three options. They may remain in their regular classroom and receive differentiated instruction, they may remain in their classroom and attend prIDE (program for individual development and enrichment) one day a week, or they may attend a full-time gifted program at a designated school.

Students in 9th-12th may remain in regular classes and receive differentiated instruction or attend partially integrated community classes at a designated school. Students in 9th and 10th grade can take gifted courses. Students in 11th-12th are encouraged to take Advanced Placement level classes.

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