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Toronto District School Board Gifted Program

What is the Toronto District School Board Gifted Program?

The Toronto District School Board offers Gifted programs for students in 4th-12th grade. Students in K-2nd are not assessed for gifted programs as the district guidelines indicate that students that age are still developing and it is difficult to get valid results from testing.

All third-grade students are tested for giftedness. The testing happens in several stages.

Eligibility for the Toronto District School Board Gifted Program

Third-graders being by taking the CCAT-7 test. The school board does not provide the exact numbers needed to qualify for additional testing, but a score in the 90th percentile or better will most likely be required.

The students who meet the CCAT-7 criteria are considered by the In-School Team (IST) for the next step, which involves the Gifted Rating Scale-School Age. The probability of continuing in the testing process depends on the GRS-S score. Probability of being identified as Gifted using the T score:

  • 98th+ percentile – very high probability
  • 97th-84th percentile – high probability
  • 83rd-69th percentile – moderate probability

Students who meet the criteria are then evaluated by the School Support Team (SST) for further testing using the WISC-V.

Testing Mom offers a comprehensive online program with practice test questions, one-on-one expert tutoring sessions, and group classes that cover all concepts on the CCAT-7 and WISC-V. Prepare your child today for the Toronto District School Board Gifted Program with our 100 free questions:

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In the WISC-V, the General Ability Index (GAI) is used. This is a composite score based on three verbal comprehension subtests (vocabulary, comprehension, and similarities) and three perceptual reasoning subtests (block design, matrix reasoning, and picture concepts). Students who score at or above the 98th percentile on the WISC-V are recommended by the SST to the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC).

The IPRC then considers all a student’s test scores, classroom work, and teacher assessments to decide if that student qualifies as gifted and where they will be placed – in a regular classroom with additional support or in a self-contained gifted classroom.

Teachers and parents can refer students in 4th grade and above for consideration of giftedness. Students will only be tested once after taking the 3rd-grade tests. The second test cannot be administered within 12 months of the first test.


The services offered in the Toronto District School Board Gifted Program depend on where the IPRC places a student. Most students can be supported in the regular classroom using an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and a Special Education Resource Teacher. However, some students are recommended to attend a Special Education Class for Giftedness.

A student who remains in a regular classroom can receive three types of support.

Withdrawal – The student receives instruction outside the classroom from a Special Education teacher for less than 50% of the day.

Resource – The student receives specialized instruction individually or with other classmates within the classroom from a Special Education teacher.

Indirect Support – The student receives instruction only from the classroom teacher. The teacher has access to the Special Education teacher for consultations.

Special Education Classes for Giftedness in the Toronto District School Board Gifted Program begin in 4th grade. The teacher uses each student’s IEP to created instruction targeted to their strengths and needs. A student’s placement eligibility is reviewed each year.

In secondary schools, students have an integrated schedule. Some classes are in Special Education classrooms and some are regular classes. Students in 9th and 10th grade are required to take four special education classes. The ones recommended are English, Math, Science, and Geography/History. Students in 11th and 12th grade are required to take two special education classes. The ones recommended are English and Math.

A Testing Mom membership offers hundreds of practice questions that will prepare your child for the Toronto District School Board Gifted Program. Start preparing today!

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13 Responses

We could not find WISC questions after we log in. Could you help?

Hi there!

If you’ll reach out to our Parent Success Team at 877-609-6203 or via email at, they’ll be more than happy to help you!

All the best,



Hi, My son did all the tests and is ready to take the giftedness test. Please help me register for the main test.


Please email us at We will help see what we can do to help you with the Toronto School District Gifted and Talented program.


Hi my son in grade 3 is invited for further testing, not too sure, what is involved in further testing. A friend’s kid is selected 2 years ago and said her son had an interview with a school psychologist for an hr. Is it still same or is there any other testing.
Thank you


Please reach out to our Parent Success Team at or by calling (877) 609-6203. They will be more than happy to assist you with this situation.


My son is currently in grade 4 and will be in grade 5 this sep 2023. He is going to a private school. Is he eligible to write the CCAT7 test. If yes, when should he enrol and give the test? We would like to move from private and get into the gifted program. What is the procedure, pls advice. Thanks

To determine your son’s eligibility for taking the CCAT test (Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test), you should contact his current private school or the school district where you plan to enroll him for grade 5.

If your son is eligible to take the CCAT test, the school or school district will provide information on the enrollment process and the testing schedule. Typically, the CCAT is administered during specific testing windows throughout the school year. Make sure to inquire about the registration deadlines and testing dates for the upcoming academic year.

Once you find out this information, your son can practice for the CCAT test on the Testing Mom web site where we have thousands of practice questions specifically designed for the CCAT! Keep us posted on how he does on the CCAT. 🙂



My son will be going to grade 7 in Sep 2023 and would like to enroll him for gifted program in Markham. Please let us know the options and if my son can join gifted program in grade 7 ?

The Gifted Program typically starts from Grade 4 following an identification process, but admission at a later grade is not uncommon. However, students are required to go through an assessment process to be identified as “Gifted” and eligible for this program.

To apply to the Gifted Program, your son would first need to be recommended for a Gifted Screening by either a current teacher or parent. This recommendation would then lead to an individual or group assessment by a psychologist, often through the school board. This process helps us determine the student’s unique educational needs and whether they would benefit from enriched programming.

Should your son be identified as Gifted, he would be eligible to transfer into the Gifted Program in a TDSB school that offers it. Please note that transportation services may vary depending on the student’s home school and the Gifted Program school.

While they do offer gifted programs at multiple locations across the district, please be aware that TDSB does not currently have a Gifted Program in Markham, as it is a part of the York Region District School Board, not the TDSB. If you are interested in Gifted Programs within the York Region District School Board, we would recommend reaching out to them directly.


Hi there,

My daughter, Darcey is 10 years old. We moved to Toronto temporarily a year ago, but we may stay here a bit longer than anticipated.

Darcey entered the second half of Grade 3, and in no time at all was coping, and even ahead of some of her peers.

Darcey came from a private school and has spent the last year and a half in the public school system here in Toronto. I imagine that you hear all the time that every mom thinks their child is just the most intelligent little person ever (which she obviously is)… but all jokes aside, my husband and I are concerned that she finds the work boring and unchallenging, therefore her cognitive abilities are not being stimulated enough and it’s making her lazy and complacent. We believe that either the level of work is too easy for her, or she has ADD.

I would love to find out your suggestions and recommendations on what we could do to assess her in a targeted and direct way so that we can address this in the most budget friendly manner.

Look forward to hearing from you,


Hi Dominique, It’s wonderful to see parents like you so invested in ensuring their child’s educational success!

Firstly, it’s important to differentiate between boredom due to an unchallenging curriculum and attention-deficit disorders. They can sometimes manifest similarly in children, but their causes can be very different.

Gifted Program: Toronto District School Board (TDSB) offers a Gifted Program for students who have advanced cognitive abilities. The program’s aim is to cater to the unique learning needs of gifted students and ensure they’re continually challenged. Darcey would need to undergo an assessment to determine her eligibility. Typically, these assessments are initiated by a teacher recommendation. We would suggest setting up a meeting with her teacher or the school’s guidance counselor to discuss your observations and inquire about the assessment process.

ADD Assessment: If you are concerned about the possibility of ADD, it would be crucial to consult with a pediatrician or child psychologist for a comprehensive assessment. They can provide targeted recommendations and interventions if needed.

Enrichment Activities: While you’re exploring the above options, consider engaging Darcey in enrichment activities outside of school. This can include advanced reading programs, math clubs, science kits, art workshops, or even music lessons. Such activities can cater to her interests and strengths, ensuring she remains stimulated and engaged.

Private Tutoring: We’d also recommend utilizing private one-to-one tutoring to really challenge Darcey and allow her to go at a fast pace when it comes to academics. We do offer one-to-one tutoring here at Testing Mom and you can sign-up for a grade level assessment to determine her strengths and weaknesses. Go here:

Grade level Math/ELA Mini-Assessment (K to 8th Grade)


Came here to try and remember and it definitely brought back memories! I remember in grade 3 they pulled me out of class a few times and I did some puzzles/tests and talked to a couple teachers. Come parent-teacher night, my mom and I are just as shocked to see a letter recommending placement in the program! turns out my teacher did it for me and they sent me to a different school the next year…

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