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"Python using Pygame: Candy Catcher Game" (4th-10th Grade)


  • Testing Mom Members:
    ONLY $18.00 per class ($72.00 total for 4 classes)
  • Non-Members:
    ONLY $20.00 per class ($80.00 total for 4 classes)
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Class Details:

  • Ages: 9 - 16
  • 4th Grade - 10th Grade
  • -
  • -


Welcome to the exciting world of Python game development with Pygame! In this immersive class, you'll learn how to create your very own game called "Candy Catcher" using the power of code and graphics. "Python using Pygame - Candy Catcher" is a dynamic course designed to introduce you to the fascinating realm of game programming. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey where you'll learn to code, design graphics, and create a fun and interactive game from scratch.

By the end of this class, you'll not only have a completed "Candy Catcher" game to showcase but also a deeper understanding of programming logic, game design, and the potential of Python and Pygame. This class is a fantastic opportunity to merge creativity and technology, leaving you with a game you can proudly call your own. Join us in the "Python using Pygame - Candy Catcher" class and embark on a journey that combines coding skills, artistic design, and a whole lot of gaming fun!

Note: This is an Intermediate class, so students should be familiar with Python.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to Python and Pygame: Start by getting familiar with Python programming and the Pygame library, the magical toolkit that will bring your game to life.

  • Game Mechanics and Logic: Learn about the core mechanics of your game - how to control characters, handle collisions, and create game rules that make "Candy Catcher" exciting and challenging.

  • Graphics and Visuals: Dive into visual design as you learn to create graphics for your game using Pygame's built-in tools. Design your characters, candies, and backgrounds to make your game visually appealing.

  • User Interaction: Discover how to capture user input to control your game character. Design the game controls and implement interactivity that engages players and keeps them hooked.

  • Scoring and Challenges: Explore how to implement scoring systems and create challenges that increase in difficulty as the game progresses. Learn the secrets of game balance to keep players engaged and motivated.

  • Sound Effects and Music: Make your game come alive with sound effects and background music. Learn how to add audio elements that enhance the gaming experience.

  • Final Project: Candy Catcher Game: Bring everything together to create your own "Candy Catcher" game. From controlling the player's character to catching falling candies, you'll code each aspect and design a game that's both fun to play and satisfying to win.


*Before Class: Please make sure your child has Python installed on their computer (See instructions below). 

  1. Install Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Python from the official Python website (https://www.python.org/downloads/).

*The instructor will go over the instructions step by step to install "Pygame" onto each student's computer on the first day of class.



Important Note: Our system will send you the link to join the class 30 minutes before the start time of the class.

The "Python" Logo is owned by Python Software Foundation and is not affiliated with Testing Mom. 



See all of Robert 's upcoming classes.

Instructor Bio:

Hi, I'm Mr. Cardenas! I have 3 years of teaching experience with Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. I have over 6 years of experience tutoring Elementary to Freshman College Students. All kids have different learning styles and can not be taught the same way. Understanding how one student thinks, how one learns and processes information is key to a successful session. Not only that it will keep them engaged, and interested. 


Educational Background, Degrees, Licenses:

  • Game Designer and Programmer
  • Bachelor of Science


Favorite Quote:

  • “In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.” -Yoda

Fun Fact:

  • Video games will be the new normal in teaching, training, and work environment 


Frankie says:

The instructor is patient and friendly. My child finds it easy to follow along and said the knowledge helped him to find more tools to design his games.

Chris says:

Our daughter was new to Minecraft online and this was a great starter program for her. The instructor was patient and supportive. Highly recommended. Our daughter has done a lot of language learning but this allows her to expand into a variety of projects using what she has learned and learn new things.

Zane says:

My son had a lot of fun in this class.

Tiffany says:

My son loved it! An easy way for your student to learn new, fun skills

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