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"C++ Mini Projects: Building Foundations in Coding" (4th-10th Grade)


  • Testing Mom Members:
    ONLY $18.00 per class ($72.00 total for 4 classes)
  • Non-Members:
    ONLY $20.00 per class ($80.00 total for 4 classes)
  • Coding Academy Members:
    ONLY $99.00 for UNLIMITED classes Learn More

Class Details:

  • Ages: 9 - 16
  • 4th Grade - 10th Grade

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Unlock the power of C++ programming in our 4-day online coding class, designed as an introductory journey into the world of software development. This course is structured to provide students with hands-on experience, enabling them to create practical applications while mastering the fundamentals of C++.

Over the span of four engaging sessions, students will embark on four distinct mini-projects. These projects encompass mini-games, counting systems, management systems, clock randomizers, and more. By working on diverse projects, you'll develop a well-rounded understanding of C++ application development. By the end of "C++ Mini Projects: Building Foundations in Coding," you will have gained the skills to create small yet functional C++ applications. These skills serve as the foundation for your future endeavors in software development, preparing you for more advanced programming challenges.

This course is perfect for beginners with little to no prior coding experience. If you aspire to become a programmer, develop problem-solving skills, or gain a foundational understanding of C++, this class is an ideal starting point. Join us on this exciting coding journey and set your C++ programming potential in motion!


In this class, students will learn:

  • Variables: Learn how to store and manipulate data efficiently.
  • Loops: Master the art of repetitive tasks and decision-making in your code.
  • Arrays: Understand data structures for organizing and processing information.
  • Functions: Explore the power of modular and reusable code.
  • Classes: Dive into object-oriented programming, creating organized and reusable code structures.
  • Logic: Hone your logical thinking and problem-solving skills through coding.
  • Debugging: Discover effective methods for identifying and fixing errors in your programs.
  • File Management: Learn to read from and write to files, essential for data storage and retrieval in applications.


Download Instructions:

Step 1: Visit the Visual Studio website and download the installer at 


You'll click the dropdown that says "Download Visual Studio" and then the "Community 2022"

Step 2: Launch the installer, you'll be given many options for programming languages. Select "Desktop Development with C++" and install.

Step 3: In order to test to see if everything is in order, select Create a new project. If a "Console App" for C++ is available, congratulations!



*Class Enrollment Disclaimer*

At Testing Mom, we strive to provide all our students with the highest quality educational experience. If a class does not meet the required minimum number of enrolled students, rather than canceling the class entirely, we reserve the right to modify the structure of the sessions. The affected class may be transitioned into an accelerated format in such cases. This modification aims to maintain the integrity of the curriculum while providing a more personalized and intensive learning experience for enrolled students. Rest assured, the class content and instruction quality will remain consistent, and any adjustments made will be in the best interest of enhancing their learning journey.


Important Note: Our system will send you the link to join the class 30 minutes before the start time.




See all of Robert 's upcoming classes.

Instructor Bio:

Hi, I'm Mr. Cardenas! I have 3 years of teaching experience with Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. I have over 6 years of experience tutoring Elementary to Freshman College Students. All kids have different learning styles and can not be taught the same way. Understanding how one student thinks, how one learns and processes information is key to a successful session. Not only that it will keep them engaged, and interested. 


Educational Background, Degrees, Licenses:

  • Game Designer and Programmer
  • Bachelor of Science


Favorite Quote:

  • “In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.” -Yoda

Fun Fact:

  • Video games will be the new normal in teaching, training, and work environment 


Frankie says:

The instructor is patient and friendly. My child finds it easy to follow along and said the knowledge helped him to find more tools to design his games.

Chris says:

Our daughter was new to Minecraft online and this was a great starter program for her. The instructor was patient and supportive. Highly recommended. Our daughter has done a lot of language learning but this allows her to expand into a variety of projects using what she has learned and learn new things.

Zane says:

My son had a lot of fun in this class.

Tiffany says:

My son loved it! An easy way for your student to learn new, fun skills

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