Why is KBIT-2 Given to My Child in Special Education?

The KBIT-2 in Special Education Classes.

While it may seem like just another test, the KBIT-2 is actually of particular use for children in special education classes. If your child is enrolled in special education classes at school, they have been identified or diagnosed as having needs which can’t be met by traditional classes. You’ve surely been through an emotional wringer, wondering what was best for your child. Now that they’re receiving the proper education, it may come as a surprise that their school or teacher wants to administer yet another test, the KBIT-2 or the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2.

Just like any other student, your child is learning every day. That learning needs to be tested periodically, to see whether adjustments need to be made in their education. With special needs children, it can be difficult to discern the right time for advancement. The KBIT-2, designed to be visually appealing and quick to administer, can provide an excellent snapshot of your child’s fluid and crystallized intelligence, allowing you and their teachers to make an informed decision.

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