Where Can I Find Free CogAT Sample Tests?
If your child is facing an upcoming CogAT test and you want to help them prepare, you’ve probably already thought of having them take a practice test. These can be found in many places throughout the internet, and in some cases they can be obtained from your child’s school. If free CogAT sample tests are not offered prior to the test, go ahead and ask your child’s teacher. If there are no samples provided at school, you can find them on your own. Try to stick with reputable websites, to avoid giving your child and outdated sample which won’t prepare them properly.
When using sample tests, always remember to keep the pressure off. Children know that the CogAT is a big test, and this brings anxiety all on its own. Anxiety can lead to poor performance, so be sure that you don’t add to this anxiety and address any worries they already have.