What Does the KBIT-2 Test Do?

The KBIT-2 Test, also know as the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2, is an intelligence test designed to quickly and simply determine an individual’s capacity. The Kaufman exam was designed to work effectively for all age groups, from pre-kindergarten through adulthood. In essence, the Kaufman test has three primary goals.

Gifted children need special classes (in some cases, special schools) in order to properly stimulate their advanced intelligence. The Kaufman exam can quickly identify gifted students, allowing them to receive the education they need to excel.

At-risk students can easily fall through the cracks if their needs are not identified early on, and the Kaufman test assists in this manner as well. An at-risk student can be identified, and his or her parents and teachers can work to determine a beneficial curriculum based on individual needs.

Adults in an institutional setting, such as a hospital, a group home or a prison, need intelligence testing as well. This testing allows caregivers to tailor certain programs to meet the needs of their charges, resulting in better program results. 

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