The Advantages of the Texas STAAR Test

Many raised their eyebrows when the STAAR test replaced the famous Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills or TAKS test. The Texas STAAR test is similar to the TAKS in many ways such as the fact that it is conducted only to public school students throughout Texas. It also aims to assess the performance of students in key subject areas like English, Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies.

The Texas STAAR test may be relatively new and students and teachers had to make adjustments after using the TAKS for years. However, many believe it is far more effective and easier than its previous counterparts. To begin with, the test is more organized. Students have to answer items under a specific subject area for instance, Algebra falls under Mathematics; World History is under Social Studies and the like.

Students who don’t perform well in class but get a high score in their Texas STAAR exam have a better chance of getting a high final grade. It’s because their score contributes 15% of their grade in each subject area. It provides students the opportunity to increase their grades or pass their subjects.

With so many online resources available related to the exam, it won’t be too hard for students to pass the test with flying colors. You can find sample test questions, compositions or essays in the internet which can serve as your guide when you review for the Texas STAAR exam. Further, there are also sites that offer parallel tests which are patterned after the actual assessment tool.

Just like with others tests, passing the exam requires students’ dedication, commitment, and hard work. No matter how easy or difficult a test is, once you’ve studied and prepared for it, there’s no doubt you’ll get a good score.


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