Testing for Kindergarten by Best-selling Author Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom
More than two million children enter private kindergarten each year, and in some cities, getting into private school is as competitive as getting into Harvard. But testing isn’t just a private-school phenomenon: the almost eight million children who will enter public school each year will also be assessed when they arrive in the classroom and tracked according to those test results. In addition, millions of kids each year take tests to qualify for public school gifted programs. Since psychologists, educators, and school administrators won’t tell parents what skills will be assessed, parents are left in the dark, with little knowledge of the test and what they can do to prepare their children.
Karen Quinn, whose own son was headed for special education until she cracked the secrets of kindergarten tests and tutored him into a top private school, shares her hard-won wisdom with other parents to help them understand the test and what they can do to prepare their children for classroom success. This parent-friendly book reveals the secrets behind kindergarten testing, sharing how the tests work, what skills will be assessed, what abilities children should have before entering school, and – more importantly – what games and activities parents can do, naturally and easily, with their children to give them the best chance to succeed in school and beyond.
Here’s what the experts, teachers, moms, doctors and other people you should really listen to say:

“I used your book and test prep questions as a guide before my child took the ERB this spring. I would casually ask some of the questions as we walked down the street or sat eating ice cream and she seemed to think our “games” were really fun. Bottom line: … drum roll, please… she scored a 99. Please please please never repeat that to anyone — my husband and I certainly have not told anyone our kids’ scores on anything — but I wanted you to know. Thank you!”
– NYC Mom (who wished to remain anonymous)

“I purchased your book: Testing for Kindergarten about six months ago and read it. I started incorporating concepts in the book into discussions with my then three year old son. He will be going to public Kindergarten, however due to a September birthday he was required to test as gifted in order to enter the program as their cutoff date is August 1st. Anyway, I worked with him on the types of questions that he wasn’t already good at and we’ve been working with stuff for a little every day for the last 4-5 months getting ready for his kindergarten testing. Earlier this month, he went for his testing and I got a call last Friday stating that he qualified! I was so excited and just wanted to thank you for such a well written informative book – my son is bright as it is…but I’m not sure he would’ve tested so high without the practice that we had over the last few months – courtesty of your book! Thank you very much – best money I’ve spent in a very long time!”
– TR, Mom

“This is an extraordinary book, without question the best work for parents on the subject of getting a mind ready for schooling. This work needs to be read and applied by every parent of every preschool child. This is a brilliantly written and organized volume. The information is well grounded in science yet remarkably digestible and practical. Karen Quinn has made a terrific contribution, one that should enable countless minds to start school with the mental momentum they so need.”
– Dr. Mel Levine, pediatrician and author of All Kinds of Minds

“A child’s first school experience sets the stage for his or her relationship to learning from that point forward. The quality of this experience can imprint a child’s health and self-esteem for life. Testing For Kindergarten tells you everything you need to know to help your child succeed in school and become a life-long learner.”
– Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician and author of the New York Times bestsellers: Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom andThe Wisdom of Menopause (www.drnorthrup.com)

“Until now, this information was only available to wealthy parents who hired consultants and tutors. With this book, Karen Quinn has leveled the playing field, making it possible for any parent to give their child an equal chance to get into the best possible school and to perform at the highest level. Whether you’re thinking about public school, a gifted program, or private school, read this book!”
– Candice Carpenter Olson, co-founder of ivillage.com

Wow. This book tops my list of must read status for any mom of a preschooler. Regardless of if your child will someday attend public or private school, this book is for you as it will help you prep your kids for their academic future. Did you know that by the age of 5 most children in America will be given some kind of intelligence test? I didn’t and I never thought twice about it since I’m the mom of a 2-year-old and 4-year-old who with 100% certainty will attend ordinary public school. But this fact really does matter, far beyond just having a high IQ to gain kindergarten placement at prestigious private schools, as public school children will be also tested and then placed into gifted programs and ability tracks that will potentially impact their academic achievements and exposure for the next 12 years. Within hours of reading Testing for Kindergarten, I started incorporating Karen’s playful strategies and tips for increasing my children’s intelligence. Her book is a light easy read on a topic matter that one would expect to be boring. It’s organized in a way that you can pick it up and put it down as needed to find activities and games to incorporate into the time you already spend with your children that will enable you to improve skill sets – from rhyming to memory to spatial reasoning. And I when I mean she gives you ideas on how to incorporate it into play, we are talking lists and lists of questions to ask, games to play, and books to read that will literally change how you interact with your kiddos so they seamlessly learn more. Amazing! For a mere $15, this book brings to the masses, what in the past, only a very expensive consultant might be able to do, as it uncovers for us regular parents just what a hard core IQ test will cover so we can gauge the preparation level of our tykes. Don’t let the title fool you into assuming it’s a book geared only for the wealthy elite fighting to get their kids into private schools so their kids will someday get accepted into the Ivy League – really and truly, this is beyond a must read for every Mom of a preschool aged kids. Loved it!
– Colleen Padilla, Founder, Classy Mommy (www.Classymommy.com)

“I wish this had been written before my older son started Kindergarten. It is the ‘must have’ book for every parent going through the kindergarten admissions process. Testing For Kindergarten is written with authority and experience from someone who knows what she is talking about. I will be recommending it to all parents of preschool children.”
– Lyss Stern, Founder Divalysscious Moms and Editor-In-Chief of Observer Playground (www.divalyssciousmoms.com)

“Thank you, Karen Quinn, for writing the only no-nonsense, beyond informative, useful, common-sense and often laugh-out-loud book whose approach to kindergarten testing (and learning, in general) will manage to assuage the fears of masses of well-intended parents. As a pediatrician, I will recommend this to all parents!”
– Dr. Jamie Wells, Pediatrician, New York City (www.bournepediatrics.com)

“This book is a goldmine of information–an invaluable resource for parents of young children who want to ignite their children’s learning. With a unique talent for combining the latest scientific knowledge with her own real-world experience, Karen Quinn pulls back the curtain, revealing what educators look for when making admissions and placement decisions. More importantly, she uses educational tests as blueprints for understanding the 7 key abilities every child needs to succeed in school and then teaches parents easy and fun ways to instill those abilities in their kids.”
– Dr. Marion Blank, Director of “A Light on Literacy Program” at Columbia University (www.doctorblank.com)

“Balmex, baby wipes and this tell-all book…three diaper bag essentials for every mom (and dad). Karen Quinn cracks the kindergarten testing code, and now you can too! Her smart strategies and practical know-how will help you put your child on the path to school and life success. Wise, witty, and well-researched, it’s like getting sage advice from a seasoned, savvy, sisterly mom friend who has done her homework. Love the suggested games, activities, recommended books and websites. You’ll want to refer to it over and over again. Even though my son is in first grade, I took away so much from the book that I had my husband read it. In a word….Testing for Kindergarten ROCKS!”
– Robin Gorman Newman, founder, Motherhood Later…Than Sooner (www.MotherhoodLater.com)
“Bravo to Karen Quinn for an amazingly straightforward read into an elusive topic. New parents not knowing about the world of private schools are often so riddled with anxiety when they come into my office. Now, it is as if Karen can counsel them directly with this amazing read — and it’s healthier than Xanax!”
– Jasmine Lake, Director of Admission, Miami Country Day School (www.miamicountryday.org)

“Testing for Kindergarten is a friendly, easy to read, helpful guide written for parents, by a parent. By using these strategies to develop the abilities of their children, parents can feel confident they are on the path toward success.”
– Norma Hafenstein, PhD Director, Ricks Center for Gifted Children Director, Institute for the Development of Gifted Education Morgridge College of Education University of Denver

“There are so many books on the market now on how to raise smarter kids – and we don’t need another one! But that is not what this book is about. It is about how to get your child ready for kindergarten and kindergarten testing…. a huge difference! It is filled with common sense advice, excellent ideas, and no cost activities. As teachers we are always happy when it is apparent that parents are doing the right thing…and following the suggestions in Karen Quinn’s book is the surefire way to get your little one on the path to school success! I highly recommend this book.”
– Judy Mumma, Kindergarten Teacher, Paulding Elementary School, Paulding, Ohio (www.pvhs.noacsc.org)
“Testing For Kindergarten made me want to get back into the classroom. As a 30-year public school teaching veteran, I was shaking my head on almost every page because Karen Quinn got it so right. Not only is this a wonderful guide for parents, but it should be on the reading list for all prospective student teachers going into early childhood education. Well thought out, well organized and well done.”
– Bonnie Edelman, Kindergarten Teacher, Aurora Public School District, Aurora, Colorado (www.aps.k12.co.us)
Here’s more about Testing For Kindergarten:
Testing For Kindergarten is the first and only guide for parents to help them prepare their child for kindergarten testing, from an expert who has successfully taught hundreds of parents how to work with their own children.
Learn exactly what is on the most common IQ tests as Karen Quinn breaks them down, section-by-section:
– The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales – 5th Edition
– The Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence III (WPPSI)
– The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT)
– The Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities
– The Bracken Basic Concept Scale (BBCS)
– The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children – 2nd Edition (KABC).
More than two million children enter private kindergarten each year, and in some cities, getting into private school is as competitive as getting into Harvard. But testing isn’t just a private-school phenomenon: the almost eight million children who will enter public school each year will also be assessed when they arrive in the classroom and tracked according to those test results. In addition, millions of kids each year take tests to qualify for public school gifted programs. Since psychologists, educators, and school administrators won’t tell parents what skills will be assessed, parents are left in the dark, with little knowledge of the test and what they can do to prepare their children.
Karen Quinn, whose own son was headed for special education until she cracked the secrets of kindergarten tests and tutored him into a top private school, shares her hard-won wisdom with other parents to help them understand the test and what they can do to prepare their children for classroom success. This parent-friendly book reveals the secrets behind kindergarten testing, sharing how the tests work, what skills will be assessed, what abilities children should have before entering school, and – more importantly – what games and activities parents can do, naturally and easily, with their children to give them the best chance to succeed in school and beyond.