Stanford-Binet Test Continues to Evolve

The Stanford-Binet 5 is the latest version of an IQ assessment test that has been used for decades to determine the intelligence level or young children and adults. The original Stanford-Binet was developed in France in the early 1900s and was then used to determine which students might have difficulty in school. While the test was originally designed to catch children with learning deficiencies, the newer versions of the Stanford-Binet 4 and Stanford-Binet 5 are common tools now used in gifted and talented program admittance testing.

The SB-4 test and SB-5 test are often used to identify children with great learning potential at a very young age. The Stanford-Binet practice test is commonly used by parents who wish to see their children gain admittance to an elementary school gifted and talented program in the public school system as well. Online Stanford-Binet practice test and sample test questions can give a child an advantage when it comes time for formal testing at their elementary school.

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