Preparing for the Virginia SOL Test

Parents across Virginia are familiar with the Virginia SOL test. This state standards test is given to kids in third through eighth grade and covers math, science, English, and social studies. Virginia has decided not to join any of the consortia associated with the Common Core State Standards, instead choosing to stick with the Virginia SOL test, which was developed after the passage of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

The English and math Virginia SOL is given at the end of every grade for third through eighth graders. The science and history sections are given less frequently; specifically, to kids in third, fifth, and eighth grade. This creates an interesting dynamic since these subjects are, of course, taught every year but only periodically tested statewide.

Because the Virginia SOL is a Virginia-centric test, parents moving into Virginia from other states must be sure that they familiarize themselves with the test given in their new state. This can be a challenge especially considering that these parents are typically competing with people who have lived in the state for a number of years. The good news is that Virginia teachers, like educators in most states, build their classroom curricula around the Virginia SOL test since the scores impact them as well as their students. For that reason, one of the best ways to prepare for the test is to go over your child’s homework with them every night and make sure they understand the concepts. This will go a long way toward making sure they get a good grade on the exam.

For parents who need additional help preparing for the Virginia SOL test, there are plenty of other resources out there. Specifically, there are workbooks tailored to the test and tutors who have worked with kids preparing for the exam for years. These are great resources for any child struggling with how to best prepare for the Virginia SOL.