Preparing for the NYC G&T Test Over the Holidays

The NYC G&T test is just around the corner – but so are the holidays. What do you do when the most wonderful time of the year threatens to interrupt all the progress you and your child have made?

Of course, the entire process of preparing for the test is stressful, especially if this is your first time going through it. (Just think, some parents in NYC have two or three kids – and have to repeat the process for each one!). But an added wrinkle is thrown into the process as the holidays approach and the usual schedule is thrown for a loop. School lets out, many families travel for the holidays, and spending time with family and enjoying the holidays leaves precious little time to prepare for the NYC G&T test. (Most of us don’t want our kids to sit under the Christmas tree with a test prep workbook – or even if we do want them to, we don’t force it!).

The good news is that just because the holidays are here, it doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare for the NYC G&T test. Indeed, taking even a week off from studying entirely can throw your child off their game and set their progress back significantly – decreasing the chances that they’ll obtain a good enough score to have a shot at getting a seat in the program.

The trick is to keep NYC G&T test practice light and fun, and do it on the go. Put together portable games and activities that will build the skills your child needs to do well on the test – and take them with you in the car, on the plane, and to grandma’s house. And don’t forget that’s new app Test Quest has practice questions for the NNAT ® test and OLSAT ® test, the two tests that make up the NYC G&T test.

So rest easy: you CAN enjoy the holidays and prep for the NYC G&T test at the same time, and enjoy every minute of it!

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