Practice for ITBS® Test for Levels 9 Through 14

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The ITBS® test, or Iowa Test of Basic Skills®, is a test given to children who are applying to advanced programs or schools, or who are being measured for some other academic purpose. Many parents don’t want to prepare their child for the ITBS test, either because they don’t believe in it or they don’t know where to find practice material. Many parents don’t know what’s on the ITBS test, which obviously makes preparing that much harder!

In this post we’ll talk about the ITBS test for children taking levels 9 through 14 of the ITBS test.

Once your child reaches the fourth grade, they will begin taking a much more comprehensive ITBS test than they’ve taken in previous grades. The tests are still carefully designed to be relevant to each grade and age group. They follow your child’s learning by incorporating new subjects and skills.

Subjects tested on the ITBS test for these grades include Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Language, Math, Social Studies, Science and Sources of Information. The Language section is made up of four sub-tests in Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization and Usage and Expression. The Math section is also divided, separately covering Concepts and Estimation, Problem Solving and Data Interpretation, and Computation. The Sources of Information section of the test is divided into two sections, Maps and Diagrams and Reference Materials. This portion of the test is designed to assess how well children understand and can make use of different, widely available sources of information. Detailed testing information is available at

At Level 9, or fourth grade, sections on Listening and Word Analysis are included. These sections are dropped for Levels 10 through 14. At these higher levels, students are timed for most sections of the test, with no section exceeding thirty minutes.

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