Parents Workshops in NYC – Discover What the Dept of Ed. Won’t Tell You!

Mark your calendars NYC Parents! Karen Quinn, the Testing Mom, is coming to New York City in a couple of weeks to meet you. We are hosting 2 workshops for NYC Parents to demystify the process for private schools and G&T admissions!  Discover what the NYC Dept. of Ed Won’t Tell You! Please register below.

Note: Approximately 30% of the same material will be covered at both workshops so you are invited to attend one or both sessions if you’d like.

Workshop #1
Tuesday – October 25
6:30pm to 8pm
P.A.L. Workshop Series in Tribeca
Downtown Community Center
120 Warren Street (by Westside Highway near Whole Foods in Tribeca)

Note: there is no cost to this workshop IF you are a TestingMom.com Top member. Become a Top member today. Otherwise, it’s ten dollars per person to attend.

  • WORKSHOP #1 – Register now
  • Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • NYC Gifted and Talented Process – Admission and Testing for Public and Private Schools
  • The 7 Abilities Your Child Needs to Know for Testing AND School Success!
  • Insider secrets to get your child into the school of your choice.
  • Test requirements, processes, timelines and more
  • Q&A from audience members

Panelists Include Testing Experts and TestingMom.com Co-founders:

Karen Quinn, The Testing Mom
Best-selling Author of The Ivy Chronicles and Testing for Kindergarten

Michael McCurdy
NYC Gifted and Talented Parent Expert

Note: there is no cost to this workshop IF you are a TestingMom.com Top member. Become a Top member today.



Workshop #2
Saturday, October 29
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Poet’s House in Battery Park City (near the new Shake Shack)
10 River Terrace
New York, NY 10282-1240

Note: there is no cost to this workshop IF you are a TestingMom.com Top member. Become a Top member today. Otherwise, it’s ten dollars to attend.

WORKSHOP #2 – NON Top members

  • Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • NYC Gifted and Talented Process – Admission and Testing for Public and Private Schools
  • To prepare or not to prepare for testing?
  • Preparing your child without panicking
  • Practicing tips to incorporate in your daily routine with your child
  • The testing administrating process
  • The concepts on the OLSAT, Bracken, Stanford-Binet and WPPSI tests
  • Test requirements, processes, timelines and more
  • Q&A from audience members

Panelists include the Following Testing Experts
Karen Quinn,
The Testing Mom
Best-selling Author of The Ivy Chronicles and Testing for Kindergarten

Michael McCurdy
NYC Gifted and Talented Parent Expert

Dr. Kim Har, PhD
Testing Authority from Aristotle Circle
Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a Minor in Psychology from MIT; a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education from NYU; a Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology from Columbia Teachers College; and a Ph.D.

WORKSHOP #2 – NON Top members

Note: there is no cost to this workshop IF you are a TestingMom.com Top member. Become a Top member today. Otherwise, it’s ten dollars to attend.

If you’re not in NYC, don’t worry we’ll be video taping both events for our Top members to view at a later date. Some of the information we present during these workshops will be specific to NYC but most of the content will be applicable to all parents going through the testing process, no matter where you live. We’ll let you know once the videos are posted on the web site for our Top members to view.


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