December 12th, 2016
Perfect Breakfast Menu for Tests: Week Two As gifted and talented testing weeks roll around, I know it can bring with it added stress for your child and family. So we want to alleviate that stress a bit by providing a breakfast menu that you can trust to give your child energy and focus for his […]
December 12th, 2016
A Perfect Breakfast Menu for Tests – Week One When the test weeks roll around every year, we can make a couple of steps to make the process easier and lighter for our children: providing healthy breakfasts and planning the menu in advance to save time. You can get them out the door on time to school […]
December 5th, 2016
What are the Best Screen Time Guidelines for Kids? Digital media is everywhere these days from your phone to TV displays at the mall, and most adults have at least one computer, laptop or tablet for personal use at home. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new healthy screen-time guidelines published in the […]
December 1st, 2016
How Do We Keep Kids Active Indoors? The American Heart Association recommends that kids get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, and not just to wear them out before a nap or bedtime: regular exercise increases a child’s self-confidence, physical coordination, self-esteem and psychological well-being. However, busy parents with […]
November 16th, 2016
If you’ve got a 4-year-old who’ll be testing for the first time this school year, you may have no idea what to expect. Luckily, we’ve got expert insights on how testing works for Pre-K students from co-founder/NYC gifted testing expert, Michael McCurdy, and Dr. Kim Har, psychologist and former director of childhood education at […]
November 14th, 2016
That Crazy and Annoying Parent The year Schuyler was born, a woman in my apartment building had a son named Aaron. This woman was crazy, in my opinion. We’ll call her Sandy because that was her name and I don’t live in the building anymore anyway. Sandy used to have a loud, one-sided running dialog with […]
November 10th, 2016
The Marshmallow Test In the 1960’s, Stanford Professor Walter Mischel offered 4-year-olds a choice. They could have a marshmallow right away or if they waited while he stepped out for a few minutes, they could have two marshmallows when he returned. High delayers resisted the treat for fifteen minutes, while low delayers waited only an […]
November 8th, 2016
Boost Your Child’s IQ By age 5, most children in America will have been given some kind of intelligence test, whether it is for private school admissions, gifted and talented qualification, or public school placement in slow, average or accelerated learning groups. IQ tests cover the 7-abilities children need to thrive in the classroom: language, […]
November 2nd, 2016
Best Foods for Thinking Earlier this week, I talked about all the candy and sugar that this holiday (and many others) bring to the forefront for your child. It’s definitely not the best input in large quantities for your child’s thinking brain. We don’t recommend that you eliminate it, but give sugary treats a right place […]
October 31st, 2016
Sugar Effects It’s Halloween, which means today our children are going to be overloaded with enough candy to feed 100 of their closest friends. And it’s all in fun, I know. But it got me to thinking today about how sugar affects a child’s brain. So I’ve been doing a little research. If your child […]