OLSAT® Test Results for NYC Gifted and Talented Acceptance Letters Distributed

First the OLSAT® test results in April and now the official acceptance notices were sent out on May 25th to the parents of thousands of qualifying students who will enter New York City’s Gifted and Talented program next year. While about 5,500 students have been accepted, well over 39,000 sat down for the admissions test that determines a student’s placement in the G&T program. Offers were made either through local district programs, or at one of five competitive citywide programs at NEST, Anderson, TAG, Brooklyn School of Inquiry.

Although many parents of accepted children are thrilled, for some the victory is described as “bittersweet.” One parent had placed a $7,000 deposit at the private Village Community School, but must now withdraw her deposit after finding out her daughter had been accepted to P.S. 11’s gifted program. She claimed that she wasn’t upset about the money, but about having to switch schools after thinking for months her daughter would begin at Village Community School.

 While private schools are considered worth the thousands parents spend on education, public school gifted programs offer the same (if not more) enriching programs, such as the gardening, music, dance, and creative writing classes offered at P.S. 11.

Tons of TestingMom.com members got their first or second choice of schools this year! Congrats to all the future G&T parents for next school year.

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